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1. In your country, are there any topics people should avoid during small talk? If yes,
what are they?
2. How do people often greet each other?
3. Make a plan for a foreign friend who visits Vietnam for the first time. Suggestions:
what should he/she do? Where should he/she go? What should he/she eat? What
should he/she wear?
4. What is non-verbal communication? Do you think gestures are important in
communication? Why?
5. Describe an interesting experience you have ever had. Suggestions: some place that
was really fascinating; or something disgusting or strange that you have eaten; or
something thrilling or frightening that you have done.
6. Introduce some of your country’s customs. Are these rules the same for both men
and women? How about for young people or older people? Explain.
(Useful Language:
- I think ______________ in Vietnam is customary/ not customary.
- As far as I know, it’s appropriate/ inappropriate to ______________ in Vietnam.
- In my opinion, we should/ shouldn’t ____________ in Vietnam.
- I quite disagree with you, maybe we can _______ in Hanoi but in Hue we can’t _____.)

1. Is there a movie you’ve always wanted to see?
2. Have you seen any good movies recently?
3. What’s the best movie you’ve ever seen?
4. What’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen?
5. How many movies have you seen so far this month?
6. Is there a classic movie that you still haven’t seen?
7. Where do you like to watch a movie: at home or in a cinema?
8. What genre of movie do you like? What genre of movie do you hate?
9. What are some bad influences/effects of violent movies or TV shows on children?
10. Is the effect of viewing violence the same in children and adults?
11. What should we do to protect children from the bad effects of violent movies?

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