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Determinant of a 4 x 4 matrix
Using Pivotal Element Method – In getting the determinant of a matrix of order n, the pivotal element method
centers its solution on finding a pivot element, which is 1, and creating an (n-1) determinant from here.

Steps in finding the determinant using PEM:

1. If the given determinant has order n has an element unity, 1, use this as pivotal element. If no unity is present,
use some convenient element, say aij. Reduce this to unity by dividing either ith row or jth column by aij and
then balancing the determinant by multiplying it also by aij.

2. Cross out the row and column through pivotal element.

3. The resulting determinant of the remaining (n-1) determinant where i and j correspond to the pivotal element.

4. To create the (n-1) determinant, subtract from each remaining entry the product of elements in pivotal row
and column that intersects with the remaining entry.
Determinant of a 4 x 4 matrix: Using Pivotal Element Method
Determinant of a 4 x 4 matrix: Using Pivotal Element Method
Determinant of a 4 x 4 matrix: Using Pivotal Element Method
Determinant of a 4 x 4 matrix: Using Modification Method
Determinant of a 4 x 4 matrix: Using Modification Method
Determinant of a 4 x 4 matrix: Using Modification Method
Determinant of a 4 x 4 matrix: Using Modification Method
Inverse Matrix
• The following are the steps required to find for the Inverse Matrix.

a) Form the cofactor matrix of matrix A

b) Form the transpose matrix of the cofactor matrix A
c) Evaluate the determinant of matrix A
d) Divide each element in the (matrix cofactor)T

Example: Find the inverse of matrix A

1 2 0
𝐴= 2 1 4
4 2 6
Inverse Matrix
Find the cofactor of matrix A
Inverse Matrix
Get the transpose of the cofactor matrix A
Inverse Matrix
Get the determinant of matrix A
Inverse Matrix
So, the inverse of matrix A

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