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Yousif Almazroa Page (1)

Name: Yousif Almazroa ID:202002329

Assignment number (2)

Fall semester 2021
Section 105
Course title: Leadership and Teamwork
Yousif Almazroa Page (2)

Leadership Skills in an Online Environment

I picked to reflect on the importance of the nine leadership skills in an online

environment, because I want to explain how important it is to have these skills. Every

leader needs to have at least four leadership skills to succeed in his future as a leader. In

this essay I am going to talk about three skill sets that become more important in an online

environment, three reasons why these three skills sets become more important in an online

environment, three new skills that are needed for online student project teams at PMU and

finally, three reasons why these three new skills are needed for online student project

teams at PMU.

There are some certain skills that had been more important than other skills in an online

environment. Firstly, being able to communicate with your workers. Communication is

basically transferring information from one person to another. Communication is an

important skill because with the location range between you and them, they will need clear

instructions. Employees need specific tasks and goals that you will provide them with to

do great works in their jobs. Active listening, explaining and clarity are all important skills

if you want to be a good communicator. Secondly, Trusting your employees. Trust is

having the confidence in another person to do the job. trust between you and your

employees is important because they need to be able to be comfortable in their work zones,

and they need to feel it’s not a problem if they have a question or a concern.
Yousif Almazroa Page (3)

Lastly, to be able to be creative. Creativity is all about having new ideas to inspire your

employees with. It can be an important factor in inspiring your staff. For them you’re there

role model, so creativity can be your way to making them work harder. These are the most

important skills and why they’re important in an online environment.

For me I think that there are several new skills that are important to learn to make it

more easier to work in an online environment. Firstly, improving your emotional

judgment. Being a leader it’s important to be able to control your emotions, it will make

you able to make stronger relationships with your workers. Stronger links will increase

culture, collaboration, and engagement levels in your business. Secondly, take the lead

with empathy. take the time to hear and heed how you can help an employee If he is

having a difficult time adjusting to a remote setting, or has disputes with time

management. Empathy can help establish a relationship between you and the worker too.

Lastly, Improving company with virtual tools. Prioritizing your organization can be

effective if you want to be a virtual leader, because you will now know what’s important

and what is not. You need to set realistic expectations for yourself and your group. By

creating a schedule to track progress, you will provide a sense of transparency among team

members. But make sure everyone knows where to find the schedule. These are new skills

that are important to learn in an online environment and why they are important.

In conclusion, it’s important for any leader to have these skills to be a successful one.

Learning new skills can be an important factor to be a great leader. I think that with these

skills you will be a nice leader in an online environment.

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