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Assignment title/Number:
1A - WR-Gr, 1B - PR-Oral

Module Name & Code:

Mobile Application Development,

Student/s MUC ID:


Student Name/s:
Ahmad Siddiqui
Wail Al Naabi

Academic year:

Word count:

List the generative AI tools

used (if any):

!" I/We have read the guidelines related to the use of Generative Artificial
Intelligence tools such as ChatGPT/Bard provided in the instruction section of
the assignment brief.
Diet Pal


Nowadays, more people are showing an increased awareness of the importance of maintaining a
balanced diet. That's why it's very important to have a diet app on your mobile device. Diet Pal
is the best solution for everyone interested in health, wellness, gaining/losing weight, and
dieting. This app will be designed to empower users in managing their diet and nutrition easily
on their mobile devices.

Current diet apps often have limitations, such as manual tracking of diet, limited features,
generic advice, and scattered information that is outdated. These apps lack efficiency and fail to
provide personalized solutions, thereby not offering accurate information. These apps have many
errors and do not suit every body shape.
Also, the current diet apps are outdated design and boring, difficult to use, and lacking the
excitement needed to keep users using the app every day.

Our Mobile Diet App seeks to address these limitations by taking advantage of newer
technology, including data analytics, and offering a seamless user experience. By doing so, the
application aims to improve the effectiveness of diet management and help users make better
choices about their nutrition.

Why do we need Diet Applications?

The need for the Mobile Diet App has arisen from the increasing health issues associated with
bad diet and eating habits. With many people having inactive lifestyles and relying on processed
foods, individuals face challenges in maintaining optimal nutrition.

The Modern lifestyle is characterized by Inactive habits, unhealthy eating habits, and easy access
to processed foods. These factors contribute to a surge in health issues such as obesity, diabetes,
and cardiac diseases. Individuals often struggle to maintain a balanced diet due to busy
schedules, lack of nutritional knowledge, the large selection of foods, and the difficulty in
tracking their diets and nutrition intake.
Even if you have the knowledge, it's not easy to keep track of your diet every day. This
highlights the necessity for a complete mobile diet application that addresses these challenges.
With smartphones becoming an essential part of daily life, a mobile diet application ensures that
users have access to the app quickly and easily wherever they go.
This app aims to address the nutritional needs of individuals in an easy and personalized way.
This app aims to transform the way people manage their eating habits by providing a user-
friendly interface with many features.

The proposed mobile app addresses this need by:

Personalization: Everyone has a unique body; therefore, they will have different calorie
consumption and unique nutrition needs. This app will be offering solutions based on individual
preferences, health goals, dietary restrictions, and their lifestyle. Also deepest of their body
shape, age, and sex.

Accessibility: In a busy daily routine, individuals often find it challenging to plan and prepare a
well-balanced healthy diet. This app will provide an easy platform for users to track their daily
nutritional intake, and track their daily calorie consumption, to receive real-time feedback,
leading to a healthier lifestyle.

Motivation: Maintaining a healthy diet often requires motivation and accountability. This app
will include features such as progress tracking, goal setting, and reminders to encourage users to
stay committed to their nutritional goals.

Figure 1 shows the welcome page that pops up

when the user opens the application. The page
displays the name of the application ‘DIET PAL’
and a button at the bottom that states “Get Started.”
Clicking on this button with take the user to the
registration page. There is also a small Log In
button for Existing users if they want to directly
Log in.

Figure 1. The Welcome Page

Figure 2. The Registration Page Figure 3. Log In Page

Figure 2 shows the registration page of the Figure 3 represents the login page of the ‘Diet
application ‘DIET PAL’. The new users can not Pal’ app. This page’s function is to enable the
access the application’s services without having existing users to Log in to their accounts using
an account, The Register page allows for the their Username and Password.
new user to set up their account. This includes The Username and Password is checked from
them filling out the necessary fields which in the from the existing records from the database
this case are username, email, password, and if the data matches, then the user will be
confirm password and they can click at logged in.
‘Register now’ after agreeing to the terms and There is also another button at the bottom which
conditions. Also, there is another button at the will redirect the user to the Registration page
bottom which redirects you to the login page upon click. So that if a new user wants to
in case you’re an existing user. register, they can easily go back to the
Registration page.
Figure 4. The Home Page Figure 5. Navigation Bar/Menu

Figure 4 represents Home Page of the ‘Diet Pal’ Figure 5 shows the Navigation Bar/Menu of the
app. The Home page is the page that will show ‘Diet Pal’ application. When the navigation
up after the user has logged in. Here they will button is clicked on the top left side, It opens
see their progress for the day, their calorie this dropdown list which assists the user in
progress and the goals set for them for that
navigation from one screen to another. On the
specific day, along with that they will be able to
top, the user’s information is displayed along
see a navigation Tab below which they can use
to easily redirect themselves to different with the bunch of screens that they can redirect
screens. themselves to. This prevents the user from
getting stranded on one screen and saves time
by making it easier for the user to switch
screens only in one tap. Also, the log out option
is provided at the bottom incase the user may
need to log out.
Figure 6. The Calorie Tracker Figure 7. Recipes/Meal Tracker

Figure 6 represents Calorie Tracker Page of Figure 7 shows the Recipes/Meal Tracker of
the ‘Diet Pal’ application. the ‘Diet Pal’ application. This page enables the
This Calorie Tracker Page as the name user to select their meals and know the number
indicated helps the users track their everyday of calories it contains. Making it easier for the
calories. The calories are tracked against the
user to track each meal. It gives the user options
daily goal set for the user according to their
to choose from depending upon the which meal
body. Through Visual representation the
progress is showed in the circular graph as they are having during the day. It also allows
shown in the figure. This makes it even easier the user to create their own meal.
for the user to track their progress. Also, the On top of that an infographic box is displayed at
calories burnt by user in their workout are also
the bottom of the page which shows the current
displayed so that, they can keep track of how
calorie and water intake progress. So that the
much is being consumed and how much is
being burnt. user can have their next meal keeping their
progress in mind.
Figure 8. Workouts Page Figure 9. BMI Calculator

Figure 8 represents Workouts Page of the Figure 9 shows the BMI Calculator Page of
‘Diet Pal’ application. the ‘Diet Pal’ application. This allows the user
Here the user can record the kind of workouts to calculate their Body Mass Index to know
they are performing throughout the day. Also, themselves better. Also, to recognize where in
some goals are set for them according to their
the weight classes they belong. In order to do
body type and physique targets. It helps in
so, the user must enter their weight in
tracking your workouts.
The top has 3 boxes that display information Kilograms and height in Centimeters. The BMI
regarding the completed workouts and how calculator will execute upon clicking of the
many are in progress along with the time spent submit button and return the value back
on workouts in total. At the bottom are options according to the inputs given. Also, it will give
to choose from depending upon the workouts some remarks such as, “Little overweight”. This
being performed so that it may be easy for the will further help the user to know their body
user to track their workout sessions better.
Database Schema:

A database schema is a blueprint that represents the architecture of the relational database. It
shows how the data will be organized, and what will be the relationship between the tables
existing in that database. Database schemas are the visual representation of the database by using
entity-relationship diagram which reflects how the values will be stored in relation to one another
and the rules that govern them.

The process that takes place in designing database schemas is called data modeling and is usually
performed by data professionals which may be data scientists, data analysts and data architects.

In short database schema is the blueprint and it is designed by data professionals so that the
database can be referenced by administrators, programmers, and users such that its integrity
increases. (Coursera, 2023)

Figure 10. Database Schema for Diet Pal

Database Entities:

• User Profile Table: The User Profile Table stores the information of the user. “User_id”
is the Primary Key or PK and it serves as a unique identifier for each user. This table
stores the user_id, their username, email on which their account is registered, along with
the password and personal information which may include some user preferences along
with additional information that may be related to their health and fitness.

• Daily Progress Table: The daily progress table is unique for each user and stores the data
that is needed to track the daily progress. It has several attributes explained below:

Progress_id: Primary Key.

User_id: Foreign Key which links it to the users table so that each day’s progress can be tracked
for a particular user.
Date: records the date for which the progress is being tracked.
Calorie Intake: The number of calories consumed by the user on that day.
Calorie Burnt: The number of calories burnt by the user on that day.
Water Intake: Stores the value for water drank by the user on that day.

• Meal Log Table: The meal log table keeps tracks of the user’s meals throughout the day.

Meal_id: Primary Key.

User_id: Foreign Key.
Date: records the date for which the meal is being logged.
Meal_type: Stores the name of the type of meal you’re having such as breakfast, lunch, dinner,
snacks, etc.
Meal_name: stores the name and description of each meal.
Calories: Stores the calorie content of each meal.

• Exercise Log Table: Keeps track of the exercises done by the user on a particular day.

Workout_id: Primary Key.

User_id: Foreign Key.
Date: records the date for which the meal is being logged.
Exercise_type: specifies the type of exercise the user is performing.
Duration: Amount of time spent on the exercise/workout.
Calories_burnt: Number of calories burnt by doing this exercise.
Status: Indicates if the workout/exercise has been completed or in progress.

• BMI Table: stores the data needed to calculate the user’s Body Mass Index.

Bmi_id: Primary Key.

User_id: Foreign Key.
Date: records the date for which the BMI is being logged.
Weight: Stores the weight of the user in Kilograms
Height: Stores the height of the user in Centimeters.
BMI_value: Represents the calculated BMI according to the values taken from the user.
Remarks: Stores additional remarks based on the BMI Value.

• Privacy Policy Table: Stores the data that represents the privacy and policy statements of
the application.
Policy_id: Primary key for the Privacy Policy table.
Content: Stores the text content of the privacy policy table.

• About Us Table: Stores information regarding the Diet Pal application and the mission
About_id: Primary key for the About Us table.
User_id (Optional Foreign Key): Optional link to the Users table if specific information is to
be associated with individual users.
Content: Stores the content of About Us Table.

• Contact Us Table: Stores the contact information for Diet Pal Application Incase

Contact_id: Primary key for the Contact Us table.

User_id (Optional Foreign Key): Optional link to the Users table if you want to associate
contact information with individual users.
Contact_name: Stores the name associated with the contact information.
Contact_email: Stores the email associated with the contact information.
Website: Stores the website associated with the contact information.

As a conclusion we can say that diet and fitness apps are only going to grow in the future
because people are becoming more self-aware, and fitness is becoming more of a trend than
before and isn’t it wonderful to have your cookbook diet plan and workout exercises accessible
to you everywhere. Diet Pal has the potential to grow because it provides all the diet and workout
information at the tip of the user's fingertips. Makes it easier for users to manage their diet and
workout anytime anywhere.
Also, it provides goals specific to each user according to their needs, which ensures a better and
healthier lifestyle guaranteed for all its regular users.


• Baer, N.-R., Vietzke, J., & Schenk, L. (2022). Middle-aged and older adults' acceptance
of mobile nutrition and fitness apps: A systematic mixed studies review. PLOS
ONE, 17(12), e0278879.
• Scarry, A., Rice, J., O'Connor, E., & Tierney, A. (2022). Usage of mobile applications or
mobile health technology to improve diet quality in adults. Nutrients, 14(10), 2173.
• Coursera. (2023). Database Schema: Definition, Types, and Benefits. [online] Available

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