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mitra Professional Series . ‘LECTRICAL ENGINEERING BJECTIVE TYPE (ORE THAN 10000 OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS ieeThids Reprint Reprint Reprint Reprint : Sixth Edition 1997 (Twice) Reprint Edition: 1998 (Thrice) Reprint Edition 1999" (Twice) Seventh Edition > 2000 {Thrice) Reprint Edition; 2001 (Thrice) Eighth Edition = 2002 (Thrice) Reprint Edition; 2003 (Thrice) 2004.05 © Publisher Al rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or disitibuted in any form or by any means, or stored in a data base or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the Publisher ; ISBN No. ; 81-7684-043-2 Edition WO oe to the readers who gave us encouragement to bring the enlarged Eighth Edition of the book. The present edition is a result of thorough revision of the Seventh Edition with some additional features like inclusion of Model Test Paper - II] which includes Questions from various competitive Exams. and Multi- National Companies like HFCL, NTPC, SCL etc. and Blank Answer sheet for the practise of Test papers at the back side of the Model Test Papers. We have provided here only one answersheet, but it can be photocopied by the readers as per their requirements. Printing and other Answers and figures mistakes pointed out by the readers and teacher have been corrected. We hope that the revised edition of the book will come upto the expectations and need of ovr readers. Those readers who pointed out mistakes (printing and otherwise) has been rewarded as per our promise in our last seventh edition. Suggestions for further improvements in the book are welcome and those readers who will point out mistakes or send us the questions from various competitive exams. will be again suitably rewarded. Reward amount ranging from Rs. 200 to Rs. 500/- will be sent to those readers who will send us their responses. Incentives will be sent to the readers in cash or they can procure the books for the same amount from the list of publication of our publishers. While sending questions from competitive examinations please do not forget to write the name of examinations and date on Which it was held. We have tried our best to cope with the need of students, but still lot is to be done which is only possible with the help of students who take care for the improvements of the book for the next generations. Suggestions for further improvements in the book will be acknowledged with thanks, Authors Encouraged by the response trom our Teaders, we have now introd new scheme. Those readers ‘who point out mistakes (printingor 0 or send us the questions from various competitive examinations, Suitably rewarded. Reward amount ranging from Rs. 200/- will be sent to those readers who send us their responses. to Rs. Incentives will sent to readers in cash or they can procure the books for the same amount from list of publication of our publishers. While sending questions from compe examinations please do not forget to write the name of the examination and date on which it was held. Be We have taken full care to cope with the need of students, but still lot is tobe done which is only possible with the help of students who take care for improvement of the book for the next generation, Suggestions for furthe improvements in the book-are welcome. eed é ve type tests are finding, favour with various examining generally contain multiple choice questions in which four « d and the job of examinee is to select only the best answer. Sometime ‘ers provided are partly correct, These partly true choices are inserted to force > think anid establish that he knows the correct answer. _ HINTS FOR IDENTIFYING THE CORRECT ANSWER. Read the item closely to see what the examiner is after. a Re-tead if necessary. ‘ Mentally reject answers that are clearly wrong. Suspect as being wrong any one of the choices which contains board statements hinging on ‘clue’ words like absolute absolutely all always categorial completely doubtless entirely’ forever immeasurably inalienable indefinitely indisputable infinite 5 inflexible inordiantely never only peculiarly positive quite Self-evident sole totally unchallanged unchangeable undeniable undoubtedly unqualified wholly’ without exception. Use the clue word to identify the most correct answer. In the case of items where you doubtful of the answer, you sri be able to bring to bear the information you have gained from previous study. This knowledge might be sufficient to indicate that some of the suggested answers are not so plausible. Eliminate such answers from further consideration. Then concentrate on the remaining suggested answers, The more you eliminate i in this oe the better your chances of sare the item right, SUGGESTIONS FOR su ‘Your attitude will matter alot for your success in Various Ci iti patterns of positive thinking which wri be very helpful in derclopiat s LIE ee Positive attitude memorize the following sentences and bring them to mind after studying each or Bring them to mind when you begin to have negative thoughts or you are getting frustrated, 1, [know more today than I did yesterday 2. 1am Preparing : © 3.1 will Succeed Remember, some tension is normal and good. Accept it. Use it constructively. It will motivate j to study. But don’t panic or worry. Panic and worry will cause loss of concentration and performance. A void People who panic and worry. Don’t listen to them, they will encourage neg: thoughts. : How you should guess in the exams where there is no negative marking 1 It is important to make guess of some questions about which you are not sure in the mull choice Exams. But Remember that guess should be in Exams where there is no negative marking, otherwise you will loose the marks because of negative marking. a How to make guess. First, climinate all of the possiblities one by one which you know are not” correct. Then if you are almost sure of an answer, guess thal one. If you have no idea of conteet answer” for a question, choose one letter and use it for your guess answer thronghout the entire Examination. By using the same letter each time in exam, that you gauss, you will probably answer correct 30 percent of the time. : < How you should prepare the night Before are night Before any important Exams a) Don’t go to a party the night before you take your any inaportant Competitive Exams. Because rest is best and before the test. Also don’t try to review everything's in that night oe probably get confused. Select a limited amount of material to review the night before ae exams. The above suggestions and your hard work will help you alot in getting maximum: . competitive Exams. 4 Electric Current and Ohm's Law .. 2 Sources of EMF AC. Fundamentals. ae RLC Circus YA. Network Theory 6. Control Systems. 7. Engineering Materials. 8 Electrostatics 9. Magnetostatics. 10 Electromagnetics... 11. Vaccum Tubes. 12. Semiconductors. ~ 13. Transistors 14. Amplifiers 18, Oscillators 16, Digital Electronics 17... DC Generators. 18 D.C. Motors 19. Transformers. 20. Synchronous Generators 21. Synchronous Motors. 22. Induction Motors....... 23, Single Phase Motors 24. Generation of Electric Power 25. Economics of Power Generation 26. Transmission and Distribution 27. Circuit Breakers. 28. Transmission Lines and Cables 29, High Voltage Engincering 30, Rectifiers @ Converters 31. Illumination 32, Electric Traction... 35. Heating and Welding. 34, Electrical Machines Design « 35. Industrial Drives 36. Instruments and Measurements 37. Power Electronics 38, Computation «0. 2x Test Paper (With Analysis) Paper | ....... Paper... Paper Ill PaperIV PaperV 2 Model Paper 1. 2% Model Paper li Model Papert... Self Evaluation Sheet " os 1 Electric Current and Ohm ce ae Pe 11. BASIC DATA ABOUT ATOM Wh ute BP Mass of electron = 9.11 x 10°" kg ahs ie Sones Mass of proton = 1.67 x 10-”” kg oO pe pe mn ‘Mass of neutron = mass of proton aye: 1 : D Mass of electron = +575 mass of proton a tueca ee Diameter of nucleus is of the order of 10"'* m 1 ee me | Age Diameter of electron = 107 m me, Pode pam ype ted ‘Charge on electron = - 1.602 x 10°’? coulomb Raise Aid Charge on proton= + 1.602 x 10°"? coulomb. ao 4.2. UNIT OF CURRENT é The charge on an electron is measured in terms of coulomb. The unit of current is coulomb per second and is called ampere. Thus : _ coulomb _ Ag. EE) Tso Ar One coulomb is equivalent to the charge of 6.28 x 10'° electrons, 1 emu of current= 3 x 10'° esu of, current. 1.3, ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE Electromotive force or potential of a body is the work done in joules to bring a unit electric charge from infiaity to the body. It is expressed in terms of volts. The potential difference is defined as that which causes current to flow in the closed circuit, 14, RESISTANCE Resistance is the property of a substance due to which it opposes the flow of electrons (i, electric current) through it. The unit of resistance is ohm (Q ). __,_ Metals, acids and salt solutions are good conductors of electricity. Silver, copper and alurninium Offer least resistance to, flow of current and are called Very good, conductor of electricity. The electrons while flowing through the molecules or the atoms of the conductor, collide with other Const " atoms and electrons, thereby producing heat, Some substances offer telatively greater difficulty or hindrance to the passage of these electrons, Such substances are called poor conductors or insulators of electricity. Some of the insulators are 8, bakelite, mica, tuber, polyvinyl chloride (P.V.C.), dry wood, etc. _ The resistance of a conductor ‘depends on : 2 @ Length Of conductor — it varies directly with the length ; (i) Cross-sectionat area of the conductor — it varies inversely with the cross-sectional area;’ (i) Its resistivity ie. the nature of Composition, etc., of the material of which the conductor ‘made up ; and (iv) Temperature of the conductor ~ it almost varies directly with the temperature. Thus R,: resistance of a conductor is given by i Reps “here (= specilic resistance of resistivity of the ‘material, {'= length of the conductors, A = crost-sectional area of conductor. 14.1, Ohm’s Law. If the temperature @Condiictor is proportional to the applied 3d ober conditions remain constant, the cuenta Potential difference and it remains constant. Thus @ q Applied voltay é EB eal sence tie aE —- 3 Applied volta; 3 Rene cmrene ore Potential across resistance = Curren x Resistance. 1.4.2, Conditions for Ohm’s Law: 1. - Ohm's law can be applied either to the entire circuit or a pat ofa circuit, af sera,’ law is applied to a pat circuit, part resistance andthe potential across the pan, Fesistance should be used, 3.” The Ohm's law can be applied to de as well as impedance Z, is used in place of resistance. Thus E ___Applied voltage Z ~ Impedance in the circuit z= ac circuits. However, in case of ac circuits. which the current will flow through a substance, Thus G = 3 4 The unit of conductance is mho( 3)... a 4 1.5. ELECTRICAL POWER ; : é Ss Flectrical power is expressed in terms of watts (W) and is given by WaExinPRa = Power is also expressed in terms of kW (kilowatt) (=1000 W) or Mw (megawatt) which is 1000 kW or 1000,000 w. 15.1. Electrical Energy is expressed in terms of kilowatt hours («Wh). Thus 1kWh =/1 kW x 1 hour = 1000 watt-hours = 1000 x 60 x 60 watt—sec. 1.6. RESISTANCE COMBINATIONS 16.1. Resistances in series, When resistances are Connected in series, same current flows through all the resistances, and overall resistance R, is gi iven by R=R ++ Rs, Also, V= Vi + Va + Vs = IR, + IRe + IRs, { { fish va af vga 5 Fig. 2. : 1.62 Resistaices in Parallel. When conductors ar pine in parallel, following relations bold ‘pood T=h+h+h & Ae G1 901 eye RRR ~ ! Be Rik Be eRe Re ea G=G+atrG GOLDS % - SILVER 10% ¥ BAND C DECIMAL MULTIPLIER. ‘ } i! ' BAND SECONo O1ciT BANOAFIRSTOIGIT. . {9 [— BAND TOLERANCE . Fig. 3. Sit 163. Effect of Temperature on Resistance. Resistance of all materials is affected by the Variations in temperature, The effect of temperature in general is as follows : (i) Resistance of most of the metallic conductors increases with rising temperature, (ii) Resistance of non-conductors or insulators usually decreases with rising temperature, 1.64. Temperature coefficient of resistance is defined as the increase in resistance per ohm original resistance per ‘Crise in temperature, Thus a = Ante where Ro is resistance at 0°C, R, is resistance at 1°C, is temperature rise in °C. Usually a is of the order of 10 2/0°C for most of | the metals, _ Incase of insulators and electrolytes, a is usually negative, ‘Temperature coefficient of carbon is negative: 1.6.5. Resistor colour coding. Carbon resistors are i in si i : z Physically small in size and colour code is ‘used {0 represent their value in ohms. The scheme is shonw in Fig. 3. Various codes for colours are 'ven in the table below : [Black Brown Red Orange ‘Yellow Green Blue Violet Grey White 1.7. DRIFT VELOCITY The drift velocity vz of charge carriers is related to current / by the equation = qf (TE neers nAey where density of charge carriers in conductor, rea of cross-section of conductor, € = charge on each carrier, A large amount of energy has to be supplied to pull an electron from inside to outside of the metal surface. This energy is called work function. This energy is the characteristic of the metal. 1.8. SUPER-CONDUCTIVITY ae As temperature of metallic conductor decreases, their resistivity decreases. In certain metallic 7 Conductors as temperature decreases, the resistivity falls to zero at a certain temperature called Super-conducting temperature. It nappens for mercury at 4 K and for tin at 3.72 K, This phenomenon is called super-conductivity. , JOmMIDKHALHHO Resistivity of semiconductors decreases with increase in temperature 4 Pr = po Fv, KS where E, is band gap energy, Pr = resistivity at TK, 4 & is Boltzman constant. 1.9. NON LINEAR DEVICES. The devices for which potential difference V Vs current! curve is n non-linear devices. They don not obey. Ohm's law and resistance of the: V or J e.g. vacuum tubes, junction diodes, thermistors etc. The dynamic resistance of such devices is given as ot a straight line are called se devices is a function of — where A V is the change in p.d. ae 1. Resistivity of a wire depends on (A) length (B) material (C) cross section area (D) none of the above. 2. When n- resistances each of value r are connected in parallel, then resultant resistance is.x, When these n resistances are connected in series, total resistance is (A) nx (B) mx 2 BQ? >< (D) rx, 4 3. Resistance of a wire is r ohms. The wire is streched to double its length, then its pe in ohms is (B)4r ox be (Dy 174, 4, Kirchhoff's second law is based on law of conservation of (A) charge , B) energy z (C)momentum —_(D) mass. 5. The diameter of the micleus of an atom is of the order of (A) 107! m (B) 10-5 m (€)107' m (D) 10°'*m. : 6. The mass of proton is roughly how many times the mass of an électron ? (A) 184, 000 (B) 184, 00 4C) 1840 (D) 184, | 7. The charge on an electron is known to be 1.6 x 10°? coulomb. In a circuit the current flowing is 1 A. How many electrons will be flowing through the circuit in a second? (A) 1.6 x 10° (B) 1.6 x 10°? * (©) 0.625.x 10" — (D) 0.625 x 10", Two, bulbs marked 200 watt-250 volts and 100, watt-250 volts are joined in series to 250 Volts supply. Power consumed in circuit is (A) 33 watt (B) 67 watt (C) 100 watt (D) 300 watt. Ampere second could be the unit of OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS 10. Le (A) power (B) conductance (Chenergy 2 (D) charge ‘Whictr of thé following is not the same as watt? (A) joule/sec (©) apperes x volts (D) (amperes > x ohm. * ‘ ‘One kilowatt hour of electrical energy is the same as (A) 36 x 10° watts (B) 36 x 10° ergs (C)36 x 10° joules (D) 36 x 10° B.T.U. ‘Anelectric current of 5 A is same as (A) Suc (B) SVC (©) 5 Clsee (C) 5 wise. (B) amperes/volt .. An electron of mass m kg and having a charge of € coulombs travels from rest through a potential difference of V volts. Its kinetic energy will be (A) eV Joules (B) meV Joules me v Or, Joules (D) ae Joules. i. The value of the following is given by 100 (kilo ampere ) x (micro ampere ) 100 milli ampere x 10 ampere (A) 0.001 A (B)O1A 1A (D)10A. . A circuit contains two un-equal resistances in parallel (A) current is same in both (B) large current flows in larger resistor (C) potential difference across each is same (D) smaller resistance has smaller. conductance. Conductance is expressed in terms of (A) ohnvm (B) m/ohm (C)mho/m (D) mho, Which of the following could be the value of Tesistivity of copper ? (A) 1.7 x 10°* ohm=cm 6 / (8) 1.7 x 10-6 ohm-cm (©)1.6 x 10-5 ohm-cm A )17 x 10-* obm-em, 18. A. copper wire of length 1 and diameter d has potential difference V applied at its.two ends. The drift velocity is ve. If the diameter of wire is made d/3, then drift || velocity becomes NX Va @ay Pi © . (D) ve. % 19. Two resistances Ry and Ry give combined resistance of 4.5 ohms when in series and 1 ohm when in parallel. The resistances are (A)3 ohms and 6 ohms 7 (B)3 ohms and 9 ohms \e Y \b (C) 1.5 ohms and 3 ohms «\ © (D)1.5 ohms and 0.5 ohms. “)\, 20. We have three resistances of values 20, 3Q and 6Q. Which of the’ following combination will give an effective resistance of 4ohms ? (A) All the three resistances in parallel (B) 2Q resistance in series with parallel combination of 3 ohm and 6 ohm resistance (C) 3 ohm resistance in series with parallel combination of 2 ohm and 6 ohm resistance z (D) 6 ohm resistance in series with parallel ; combination of 2 ohm and 3 ohm | ye resistance, 21, Three equal resistors connected in series acTOss a source of emf together dissipate 10 watts of power. What would be the power ‘dissipated in the same resistors when they are connected in parallel across the same source of emf? OC A) 10 watts (B) 30 watts i (€)90 watts (D)270 watts, 22. Cuirrent /in the figure is 2. Fig. 4. Four identical resistors are first connected ih parallel and then in series. The resultant resistance of the first combination to the second will be 4 ti (A) & times (B) > times (C)4 times (D) 16 times. Twelve wires of same length and same cross-section are connected in the form of a cube as shown in Fig. 5. If the resistance of each wire is R, then the effective resistance between P and Q will be 8 Fig. 5, AR ye 3 (ORR MR. When P= Power, y — = : » V = Voltage, 1 = at, R = Resistance and G = Conductence, wii is 1 is A ich of the following YS NPR (B)P = YG ELECTRIC CURRENT AND OHM'S LAW. out : vo (C) 15 ohms (D) 5 ohms. ()G = Pz (Dl = R BS 26. The unit of electrical conductivity is (A) mho/metre (B) mho/sq.m i &. 2 (©)ohmmetre ——_(D) ohm/sq. m. 3 27. Which of the following bulbs will have the least resistance ? : Ao Mas ae. (A) 220 V,60W — (B)220V, 100 W 5st Pee 2) OMSVGOW —(D)1ISY.100W. 54 How many different combinations may be 28. The ratio of the resistance of a 100 W, 220 V obtained with three resistors, each having the = _~ lamp to that of 2 100 W, 110 V lamp will be resistance R? igh NO nearly : PKs ; — (A)3 (B)4 ee x yw oe me 7 Os Be eee or! mt ws ‘A wire of 0.14 mm diameter and specific 29. The resistance of 100 W, 200 V lamp is resistance 9.6 micro ohm-cm is 440 ¢m long. * The resistance of the wire will be f pe. 8 (A)9.6Q (B) 113.2 400.2 (D) 1600.2. ‘ . go : . (13.72 (D) 27.49. 30. Two 1 kilo’ ohm, 7 W fesistors af 36 Ohm's law is not applicable to Connected in" series. Their combined (A) de circuits (B) high currents eee valve ana watlane Ml De: (C) small resistors (1D) semi-conductors, (A)2KO, W (B)2kO,.1.W 37. A metal resistor has resistance of 100 at °C and 11 ohms at 160°C, the temperature (C242, 2W (D)1ko, tw. cocthigientis 31. Which method can be used for absolute (Ay0.00625/'C___(B) 0,0625/°C measurement of resistances ? (€) 0.000625" (D) 0.625/°C. (A) Ohm's law method Questions 38 to 40 refer to Fig. 7. r () whedtstone bridge method Five resistances are connected as shown and Ae the combinatioh is connected to a 40 V (©) Releigh method supply. (D) Lortentz, method. 32. Three 3 ohm resistors are connected to form oy a triangle, What is the resistance between P rp R any two of the corners ? io We (A) 3 ohms: (B) 3 obms My = aww— (C)2 ohms (D)$ ohm. rer 33. Five resistances are connected as shown in ee Fig. 6. The equivalent resistance between the c Fig. 7. Points A and B will be 38. Voltage between point P.and Q will be (A) 35 ohms (B) 25 ohins (A) 40V. (B)22.5V (C120, (D)I75V. 39. The current in 4 ohm resistor will be (AIA (B)27A (304 (D)3.5A. 40. Least current will flow through (A) 25 obi resistor (B) 18 ohm resistor (C) 10 ohm resistor (D) 5 ohm resistor. 41, Total power loss in the circuit is (A) 10W (B) 50.2 W (C) 205 Ww (D) 410 Ww. 42. A resistance of 5 ohms is further drawn so that its length becomes double. Its resistance will now be (A) 5 ohms (B)7.5 ohms (©) 10 ohms (D) 20 ohms. 43. Specific resistance of a substance is measured in (A) ohms (B) mhos (©) ohm-em (D) cavohm. 44, A wire of resistance R has it length and cross-section both doubled, Its resistance will become (A)4R (B)2R R (OR OF 45. Ohm's law is not applicable in all the following cases Except | (A) Electrolytes (B) Arc lamps ~ (C) Insulators (D) Vacuum ratio values. 46, The clement of electric beater is made of (A) copper (B) steel ' (C) carbon (D) nichrome. / 47. 5x10'* electrons pass across the section of a conductor in 1 minute 20 sec. The current flowing is (A) LmA (B)0.1mA (C) 0.01 mA (D) 10 mA. 48. Which of the following figures represents the effect of temperature on resistance for ‘copper ? i 49. S. a Oa @ e ine: © ee ro t= f i Ss ec Fig. 8. (A) figure A (B) figure B (C) figure C (D) figure D. ‘Three elements having conductance G, , G, and Gs are connected in parallel. ‘Their combined conductance will be GiGi + GG; + GG mre Gas Gr 1 Cre Gs Gs (D) Gi + Gr + Gs. Questions 50 to 53 refer to Fig. 9. alloys with temperature is shown in figure, ‘The variation of carbon will be represented by (A) curve A (B) curvé B (©) curve C (D) curve D, materials which have (A) low resistance Curves A and B represent the Properties for (B) low conductance (C) negative resistance . The variation of resistance of iron and some _ ELECTRIC CURRENT AND OHM'S LAW. Tq) negative temperature coefficient, 180. RESISTANCE % 3 ‘TEMPERATURE Fig. 8. 52. Which of the following has negative temperature coefficient ? (A) Brass (B) Mercury (©) Electrolytes —_(D) Silver. 53. All of the following have negative temperature coefficient EXCEPT (A) Paper (B) Gold @ — (C)Rubber (D) Gutta percha. 54, For the circuit shown below the current J flowing through the circuit will be Uli we 5/6. allah rgto WU Ar” (ayia @ia ww fF (2A (D)4A: 55. A cube of material of side 1 cm has a resistance of 0,002 ohm between its opposite faces. If the same volume of the material has @ length of 8 cm and a uniform cross-section, the resistance of this length will be (A) 0.032 ohm (B) 0.064 ohm: __ (©)0.096 ohm (D) 0.128 ohm, » %6. A standard 60 W bulb is in series with a oom heater and connected across the mains, 57. 58. 59. 60. 62, 9 _s- If the 60 W bulb is replaced by 100 W bulb (A) the Heater output will ee (B) the heater output will reduce (©) the heater output will remains unaltered. Two aluminium conductors have equal length. The cross-sectional area of one conductor is four times that of the other. If the conductor having smaller cross-sectional area has a resistance of 100 obms the resistance of other conductor will be (A) 400 ohms (B) 100 ohms (©) 50 ohms (D) 25 ohms. ‘A nichrome wire used as heater coil has the resistance of 1 Q/m. For a heater of 1000 W at 200 V, the length of wire required will be es (A)10m (B)20m ©40m (D) 80m. The hot resistance’ of a tungsten lamp ‘is about 10 times the cold resistance. Accordingly, cold resistance of a 100 W, 200 V lamp will be (A) 4000. (B) 400. 2. (C)40Q (D) 4Q. Variable resistors are (A) Wire wound resistors (B) Thin film resistors (C) Thick film resistors (D) Alllof the above, Low resistance can be accurately measured by (A) Kelvin bridge (B) Wheat stone bridge (©) Wein’s bridge (D) None of the above. A beating clement of a hot plate on an lectric cooking range draws 12, amperes from 240 V mains. How many kWh of energy will be consumed in one hour and 15 minutes a (A) 1.2 (C)6.0 foie 10 es. 63, Temperature. Coefficient of Rie is xpressed in terms of (A) ohmyohms'¢ (B) mhosohm*C (C) mhoy’c (D) ohms,» TER, is the resista C and Rr is the the “opper per degree centrigrade at 0'C is oe nce of a coil of copper at resistance at TC and also 1 Retires Bas’ then BE is given by +a + 234.4: Onur ar ae » 234.45 +1 (Oa 37 Go reat = é : 65. Resistivity is usually expressed in terms of (A) mho, (B) ohm °C (€)ohms/em-square (D) ohms/cm-cube, 66. Which maierial is expected to have least resistivity ? (A) Copper (B) Lead (C) Mercury (D) Zine, 67. The shunt winding of a motor has a fesistance of 852 at 22°C. When the motor ‘Tuns at full load, its resistance increases to 100 ohms. The resistance temperature Coefficient of winding per 0°C is 0.004. The rise in temperature of the winding will be nearly (A) 20°C , (B) 50°C (©) 70°C (D) 100°C, 68. The resistance temperature coefficient is defined as (A) increase in resistance per degree centigrade (B) decrease in resistance per degree centigrade (C) the ratio of increase in resistance Per degree centigrade to the resistance at orc Tessie : 70. A 100 W, 200 V filament lamp has 0 iemperature coefficient of SLenpectte of 2000°C. The 1. nN. i. 74. * be M (D): the ratio of increases in resistance per 75. degree centigrade to the rate resistance at 0°C. 69. Two coils connected Of rise of Series have istances of 600 ohms and 300. tegen cocticions of 0.1% respectively. The _ resistance- combination at 50°C will be _ : (A) 1050 ohms (B) 1001 ohms (C) 1600 ohms (D) 999 ohms. ‘material has _—_resistance coefficient of 0,005 at 0°C per “Cj current taken by the lamp at the instan switching with 200 V supply with filame temperature of 20°C will be a ATA (B)3A (5A (D)10A. 3 A fuse is always installed in a cireumtis (A) Series (B) Parallel, ‘The rating of fuse wire is expressed i of (A) Ohms (B) Mhos (C) Amperes (D) Watts, Which of the following material is not as fuse material ? (A) Silver (B) Copper 1) Aluminium (D) Carbon, Questions 74 to 78 refer to Fig. 11, The voltage drop across the resistor 9 § 20 4 80 ——w— ns 0 awh Nine satae Fig. 11. TRY Mes v KO ON. (Dy6v, The voltage dro iit bi Reaiare P will be least in wi (A) 2.9 (B) 39 (©6v (D)3.Q and 76. The Current through 6 ohm resistor will be fee ALA (B)2A ec (3A (D) 4A. 71. The ratio of power dissipated in circuit ADB j to that in circuit ABC will be (Al (B15 (©)0.67 (D)2. 78. Total power dissipated in the circuit is (A) 80 W (B) 100 W (©) 120w (D) 150 Ww. 79. The current carrying capacity of the fuse ‘material depends on (A) erdss-sectional area ~ (B) length ue (C) material a (D) all of the above. 86. 80. According to the fuse law, the current carrying capacity varies as (A) diameter (B) (diameter ** raph: 1 Oo. ppt | diameter (diameter Questions 81 to 83 refer to Fig, 12, 81, For the circuit shown in Fig. 12. the value of current] will be sa 20 20 1 20, 100V oa * Fig. 12. (A) 104 (B)ISA ()20A (D) 25 A. 82. The combined resistance of the circuit is (A) 10 ohms (B) 5 ohms (C) 4 ohms (D) 2 ohms, 83. Total power dissipated in the circuit is (A) 2.5 kw (B) S.Okw ' (O75kw (D) 10kw, ech 100 W bulb is connected in series with a ‘ » Tom heater of 750 W. What will happen if . Two electric bulbs of 100 W, 200 V are put the bulb is replaced by a 60 W bulb ? (A) Heater output will increase (B) Heater output will decrease (C) Heater output will remain unchanged (D) Bulb will not glow. . An immersion rod heats a bucket of water in 15 minutes, In order that the water ‘should boil in 10 minutes (A) length of heating element of the rod should be increased (B) length of heating element of the rod should be reduced (C) supply voltage should be reduced (D) heating clement of larger diameter should be used. A lamp of 100 W. at 200 V is supplied current at 100 volts. It will be equivalemt-to5~ the lamp of 2 (A) S0W (C)25W in series and the combination is supplied 100 V. The power consumption of each bulb will pe aba (A) 1002. W (B) 1004 Ww (©) 1008 W (D) 106 w. VP Questions 88 to 91 refer to Fig. 13. Cay . Three lamps are in circuit as shown in Fig. 13. The lamp. of 100 W will have maximum brightness when (A). key ki is closed, kis open and ky is closed 1 89. 91. 92, 93. 2 (B) ki is open, (©) ki is open, Closed a is closed and ks is open + 2 is closed and ky is also (D) ky is closed, ka ig ‘Open and 3 is also open, closed When switches k, and ky sare open and ks is (A) 100 W lamp will plow brighter than 40 W lamp (B) 40 W_ lamp will glow brighter than 100 W lamp (©) Both will glow at their full brightness (D) Both will glow at less than their full brightness... hecessarily correct ? (A) 40 W bulbs will always glow at full brightness Which of the following statements is {By 100 W bulb will always glows at full brightness (C) Whatever be the position of keys, east one 40 W bulb will always glow at (D) Whenever current flows through the circuit, 100 W bulb will always glow. 40 W bulb A will be least bright when (A) only keys ki and ke are open (B) only keys ka is open (C) only keys ks is open (D) all keys are closed. The power consumption of the circuit will be maximum when (A) key ky and ks are closed and ko is ‘open (B)__key ky is closed, k2 and ks are open (©) key k and ky are closed and ky is open (D) all the keys are closed. Which of the following lamps will have least resistance at room temperature ? (A) 200 w, 220 V (C) 60 W, 220 V (B) 100 W, 220 V (D) 25 W, 220 Vv.” S Nichrome (B) Tungsten (©) Copper (D) Carbon, . 95, The value of supply Voltage for 500 5 olim load is (A) 500 V (B) 100 V (€)50V (D)10V. 96. Which resistor will be physically larger size? (A) 102, 50 W (B) 100.2, 10 W (C)1kQ, 1 W (D) 10MQ, 3 W. 97. Four resistances Ri ,R2.Raand Ry | are connected in series against 220 V supply, The resistances are such that Ri > Ry > Ry > Rs. The least power consumption will be in (A) resistor Rt (B) resistor Ry (C) resistor Rs (D) resistor Rs. 98. 100 iesistors’ of +100 ohms each are connected in parallel. Their equivalent resistances will be (A) 10,000 ohms —_(B) 100 ohms 1 10,000 4 99. For a fixed supply: voltage the current | flowing through a conductor will decrease when (C)1 ohm (D) ohm, (A) cross-sectional area of the conductor is increased (B) length of the conductor is increased (C) length of the conductor is reduced (D) cross-sectional area ig increased and length is decreased, : a 100. When current flows through heater coil it glows but supply Wiring di slow Recs ig does not gl (A) supply wiring insulation layer (B) current through: supply line flows Slower specd, {C) supply wires are made of su is covered with ELECTRIC CURRENT AND OHM'S LAW ‘Material (D) resistance of heater coil is more. than / that supply wires, — 101, The resistance of 1 ‘meter length of 18 gauge ‘copper wire is k ohm. The resistance of one metre lengih of 24 gauge copper wire will be k ? 18 A> ohm (B) 24 ‘k ohm: (C)k ohm (D) more than k ohm, } 102. In the circuit shown, the resistance R has a value that depends on the current. Specially, R is 20 ohms when the current / is zero, and the amount of increase in resistance is Dumerically equal to one-half the current. What is the value of the current in nthe circuit ? 14, (B)10.0A (D) S0A. 103. If the length and diameter of a conductor is (A) 8.33 A (125A tripped, the resistance will increase approximatley by (A) 662% (B) 333% (©- 62% (D)- 333%, 104. If the resistance of an incandescent light bulb changes as the voltage across the bulb is changed, which of the following is true ? (A) The internal inductance of the bulb |. causes this change (B) The bulb is said to have a iow ionization potential (C) The bulb has constant resistance of the’ Current through the bulb is changed (D) The bulb is a type of non-linear resistance, rn ms : 13 nite se ‘measurement of resistance ? (A) Ohm's law method (B) Wheatstone bridge method 5 C (©) Raleigh method (D) Lortentz method. 106. Two 1 kilo ohm,1 W resistors are cbnnected in series. Their combined resistance value and wattage will be (A)2 kQ, 1 W 212,10 (C)2kQ,2W —(D) 1 kQ,-} W. 107. The resistance of 100 W, 200 V lamp is (Ay 1002 (®)) 2002 (©) 4002 (D) 1600. 108. A cylindrical wire is compressed in length by 10%, The percentage decrease in the resistance will be (A) 16% (B) 19% (C) 20% (D) 25%, 109. Three resistance of 6Q each are connected as shown in Fig. 15, Tbe equivalent resistance between X; and X2 is oI * Fig. 15, (2a (B)4Q alt Soe 8a (D) 129. pork 110. The unit of conductance is (A) per ohm. (B) ohmy/m: (C)mhom (D) mho. 111, Ohm's law is not applicable in all: the following cases except (A) Electrolysis (B) Arc lamps (C) Insulators ~ x (D) Vacuum radio valves, 112, In which of the following circuits will the ‘Voltage source produce the most current ? (A) 10 V across a 10 resistance 1a ee (B) 10. V across, 2 5 2 two 10, hee resistance in (©) 10 V across two 10 @ resistances in Parallel . (D) 1000 V across MQ resistance, A piece of sliver wire has a resistance of 19. A manganin wire has specific resistance 30 times ‘that of silver. The resistance of a manganin wire of one fourth length and one third diameter willbe (A)$ ohm (B) 1 ohm (©) 67.5 ohms (D) 86,75 ohm. “114. cube of material of side 1 om has a resistance of 0,002 ohm between its opposite faces. If the same volume of the material has a length of 8 cm and a uniform cross-section, “ the resistance of this length will be (A) 0.032 ohm (B) 0.064 ohm (C) 0.096 ohm (D) 0.128 ohm. 115. The unit of conductivity is (A) mho/metre (B) mho/sq.m (C) ohmvmetre (D) obmv/sq. m. 116. For the circuit shown in Fig. 16, the meter will read 113, 60 10a 100¥ Fig. 16. (B)SA (D) 25 A. (A)1A (C)10A 117. For the circuit shown in Fig. 17. the reading in the ammeter A will be ta e.@ ELECTRICAL ENGG. (ZA (B) 0.5.4 / ©)04A @)02A. : 118. According to Joule law heat produced by current 7 while in flowing through material of resistance R fora length of tim T, is proportional io. (A) T only (B) (RT). (©) CURT) (D) (PRT). 119. In the” colour code for resistances black” colour represents the number i “(ayo BL (C2 (D)3. 120, In the colour code while colour represents — the number (A9 (BB (C6 (DS. § 121, In the’colour code number 3 is represented by (A) blue {B) orange (Carey (D) violet. 122, The condition for the validity under Ohm's law is 4 (A) Temperature at positive end should be more than the temperature at negative — end Current should be proportional t0 the size of resistance (©) Resistance must be wire-wound type (D) Resistance must be uniform. 123, In which figure the’ relationship between (B) 4 1 “(Ohm aw. (B) Joute's Jaw Kelvin’s law (D) Maxwell's law. fixed resistante R is connected actoss a voltage source. If the voltage is gradually and uniformly increased, the the relationship between voltage and resistance is corey represented in which group ? neck: ‘Re © © Fig. 21. (A) Figure A (B) Figure B (C) Figure C. (D) Figure D. yi a 128. A 1k, 1 W resistor can safely pass a current of. i (A)30mA (B)100mA iy (C) 150 mA. (D) 500 mA. te 129. The resistance to the flow of current through 5 i rae a copper wire (A) Group 4: 2 (B) Group B (A) increases as the length of wire decrease (© Group C (D) Group D. (B) decreases as the diameter of wire 126, The maximum power that can be distributed pecs oe i “ithe oad ine cit shown in (©) increases as the length of wire increases (D) decreases as thie length of wire increases. 130. For the same voltage, the ratio Resistance of 100 W lamp . Resistance of 25W lamp ‘= 16 ELECTRICAL ENGG. (OBJECTIVE ductor of identical cross- ©2w Maw. rer 132. A 100 Volt bulb has a resistance of 500 8 B) 50% ohms. The number of hours it can work for (A) oe oi 120%. every kWh of energy consumed will be (C) 20! E is Turther (a)20 6) 40 138, anna we of resistance 2 a an © 50 (0) 60, gig Oo oe be 3 133. A semi-conductor is” asa Q ce 8) 1252 (A) one which conducts only half of applied A) 625 19. voltage Ore i 4159. Which of the following has negative (B) a material whose conductivity is same wrarmeient of resistance ? as between that of a conductor and an insulator (A) Wire wound resistor (C) a material made of alternate layers of (B) Metals. conducting material and insulator (©) Non-metals (D) a material which has conductivity a (D) Thermistor. having average value of conductivity of ‘metal and insulator. : 134. Two resistors Ri = 47kQ, 1 Wand Rz = 0Q, 1.W are connected in parallel. ieee The combined value will be Pa ceca af poiat ea 4 ie total charge pas int between (A)47kQ,1W —(B) 47k, 2W Ds a ee a 140, The current at a given point in a certain circuit may be written as a function of time f, as 1 CEG We) 0k. Ww. (A)112coulombs (B) 242.5 coulombs 4 135. A rheostat differs from potentiometer in the (©)292.5 coulombs (D) 345.6 coulombs. respect that e uestic 141 and 14; (A) rheostat has large number of turns a ieee eee (B) rbeostat offers larger number of A certain passive circuit element has the of tappings characteristic that the instantaneous voll (©) rbeostat has lower wattage rating across it is always exactly three int (D) rheostat has higher wattage ratings. cube of the instantaneous current through it. 136. The equivalent resistance at the points X,_ 141. The power being dissipated when i = 0.1 A and X2 in the circuit shown below of will be Ky (ay3w @®03w ©3x1IM Ww 3x 10-4 w. 142, ing dissi i =) me Power being dissipated when i = 10A iy ow ()30w (OS EW. (©) 30kw, 143. A resistor has the v: salu ‘ current in itis magi ite Of 30 KO. and the Fig. 22, (A) 602 (B) 402 sured to be ©%2 — wo Conductance is ee 137. For the same electrical Fesistance, the wei, t (A) 15 of aluminium conductor as compared (B) 30000 © to (C)3.33 x 19-5 (D) 3.33 x 1077. ee LECTRIC CURRENT AND OHM'S LAW 144. In the above problem, the terminal voltage must be (A) 15 mv @)1S5V @©1sv @)150V. | © 145, The charge of an electron is known to be a 1.6 x 10°C. How many electron does not 1 make it C of charge ? (A) one (B) one million (©) 6.2 x 10" (D) 1.6 x 10°". 146. The current entering the terminal of an . element is given by the equation (1) = 10°F — 1071 A. The total charge flowing into the clement / between / = 1s and/ = 2 will be nearly (A)2.2x 10°C (B)1.6 x 10°C (06x 10°C (D)06 x 10°C. 147. An electron in a vacuum tube is observed to oy lase 1.6 x 10°? J of energy in moving 3 from point A to point B. The voltage of Se point B with respect of point A is BY (A)-1V @)+1V @ (©-01V @)+0.1V. 148. In electronic micro-circuits, a resistor may be fabricated from a constant-thickness layer of semi-conductor material with conductor connections at the edges as shown in Fig. 23. If the resistor shown has resistance R, then a similar. resistor 0.2 millimeter by 0.2 millimeter has a resistance of = ot mm q dann Fig. 23, (A) 4R (B)2R R (QR () 2° 149. Certain Substances lose their electrical __fesistance. . completely at finite low -femperatures. Such substances are called - 17 (A) dielectrics (B) super-conductors (C) semi conductors (D) perfect conductors. aw ie three resistances each of 1 ohm. How many different values of resistance can be obtained by different series-parallel combinations if all the three resistances are to remain in the circuit 7 (A) Three (B) Four (© Five (D) Six. 151. A resistor bas the value of 3kQ and the current through it is measured to be 0.3 mA. The conductance is (A) 30000mho (B) 30 mho (©) 0.33 milli mbo (D) 30 micro mho. 152, Resistance between X, and X2 is Fig.24, (A) 10, (B) greater than 100 (jo (D) less than 10 Q. 153, When checked with an ohm meter an open resistor reads (A) zero (B) high but within tolerance (C) low but not zero (D) infinite. 154. A current of 1 mA flows through a1 MQ, 2 W carbon resistor. The power dissipated as heat in the resistor will be “(A)2W (B)1W ys (© 05w (@)0.1 Ww. 155. Which of the following carbon coded Tesistor bas value of 10 kQ with 20% tolerance ? (A) Red, red, green and silver stripes (B) Yellow, violet, yellow and silver stripes (C) Orange, orange, black and gold stripes TYPE) — ELECTRICAL ENGG. (OBJECTIVE orange oe 10 ace ae (B) 1000,000 a = w band. é Sy 156. A carbon resistor has to meet the following ‘a EW. as requirements 163. A resistor is to be cares ee oy ae mtr 9 sale wae Current: ‘ ie See factor for power dissipation * ae of the following resistors will be le? o ee tow . (B)0.52, 100W (252,10 (D)50Q,1W. 157, 10 obm resistor with a 10 W power rating ‘isexpected to bea é (A) carbon resistor ~— @) wire wound resistor “= © either carbon or wire wound resistor (D) neither carbon nor wire wound resistor. ~ 158. Two 10 k@2, 5 W resistors in parallel bave equivalent resistances of $ kQ and power rating of (A)25W (B)5W (C10 W (D) 25. 159. Which of the following is typical resistance and power dissipation value for a wire wound resistor ? (A) 1 MQ, Ww (B) 50k2, 1 W (C)5002,1 W (D) 102,50 W. 160. A 100k Q resistor with a 1 W power rating is likely to bea {A) carbon resistor (B) wire wound resistor (©) either carbon or wire wound resistor (D) neither carbon nor wire wound resistor. 161. Two 5 kQ, 5 W_ resistors in series have equivalent resistance of 10 kQ. with power Fating of (A)2.5 W @)5w (10w ©)25w. 162. Which of the following are typical resistance and Power-dissipation values for a carbon- composition resistor ? 165. 166. | In the circuit shown bel rating is (A) 45.2, 10W (©) 450 k2, 2 W (B)452,2W (D) 45 kQ, 1 W. ow, heat produced in 5 @ resistance is 10 cal/sec. Heat developed in4Q is (A) I cal/sec (B) 2 cal/sec (©) 3 cal/see (D) 4 cal/sec. ww ys 6a —“ -—o 5a WW Fig. 25. For a cabon-compositicn resistor colour- coded with yellow, violet, orange and silver stripes from left to right, the value of Tesistance and tolerance are (A) 4702 + 10% (B) 47Q + 10% (C)740Q + 50% (D)74Q + 5%. For a carbon-composition resistor colour coded with green, black, gold and silver Stripes from left to right, the resistance and tolerance are (A) 50Q + 10% (C)5Q + 10% ee By (B)S5Q + 5% (D)05Q + 5%. A resistor with the-colour coded value of 1000 ohms and + 10% tolerance can have an actual resistance between (A) 990.Q and 1010 Q (B) 900.9 and 1100 @ * ©) 10002 end 1100 Q 168, ©) 9002 and 1000 9, i Carbon resistors what is the colour for 19 ELECTRIC CURRENT AND OHM'S LAW 12000 ohms. The power consumed by the ee iS Gaal voltmeter when it is connected across a 135, i carbor ‘ volt circuit, will be nearly , darker colour generall cum ¥ (ay0.0013 W (B) 0.013 W (ay (B)S (013 W (D) 1.3 W. a (C) 8 (D)9. 177. Materials having electrical conductivity a ‘much less than most of the metals but much 170. In a carbon resistor in case fourth stripe is ‘not present, itcan be concluded that (A) the resistor is highly accurate (B) the resistor is defective (C) the resistor does not contain carbon (D) the tolerance limit is + 20 %. 171. The four stripes of a resistor are yellow- violet-orange-gold. The value of resistor should be (A) 470 ohms + 5% 4 (B)47 kilo ohm 5% (C) 47 mega ohms + 5% (D) 4700 ohms # 10-%. 172 The tolerance for silver stripe is (A) + 5% (B) + 10% ©+ 5% (D) + 10%. 173. Which of the rollowing can have positive or negative charge ? (A) Electron (B) Iron (©) Hole © (D) Neutron. 174, Which of the following parallel resistances will haye the highest vali of equivalent resistance ? (A)10kQ"and 25 kQ (B)1kQ, 2kQ and 3kQ * (C) Two 500KQ resistors (D) Four 40kQ and two 10 kQ resistors. 175. In series” as well as parallel circuits the equivalent (total) value of certain parameter is given by XaX tht Ky 4Xye The parameter X could be (A) resistance (B) current (C) voltage (D) power, M76. he resistance of .150-scale voltmeter is greater than that of typical insulators, are known as (A) thermistors (B) varistors (© semi-conductors (D) variable resistors. 178, Match the following : Column I Column II (a) Copper () Resistors (b)Salt solution _(ii) Electrolytic conductor (©)Germanium —_(iii)Good conductor (d) Ferronickel alloys|(iv) Semi-conductor (A) ati), bil), eHiii), div) (B) a~{ii), b+{iii), e-{iv), d-(i) (©) a{iii), b+), cif), di) (D) ati), b+{ii), civ), di). 179. In the circuit shown below, the current/ is ~ (AEA (B) SA (D) tA. 4A Fig. 26. 180.In a nickel-cadmium-alkali electrolyte is (A) sulphur acid (B) potassium hydroxide (©) zine chloride f (D) ammonium chloride. cell the 20 ELECTRICAL ENGG. (OBJECTIVE TYPE) i i P. shown in the (A) 379 ohms (B) 291 ohms 18 tie va eso wane ode daxpeed — (cy2330hme (0) 1900S. 187. The resistance of Y is $ (A) 200 ohms. (B) 100 ohms (©) 50 ohms (D) 20 ohms. 188, The power absorbed by Y is (A) 528 W (B) 264 W i (O132W 5D) 66 W. ~ Fig. 27. (A) 19,5 obms (B) 145 ohms (©)9.75 ohms (D) 5.55 ohms. 182. There are 8.5 x 10° free electrons in one eubic metre of copper. When the copper conductor is worked at 155 A/cm? the velocity of the axial drift will be (A) 1.14 x 10° m/s (B) 1.14 x 10°* m/s (©) 1.14 x 10* m/s () 1.14 x 10° m/s. 183. Two batteries have an open-circuit voltage of 128 volts each and an intemal resistance of 0.08 ohms. The short circuit current of two batteries connected in parallel will be (A) 80A (B) 120A (©) 160A (D) 320A. Questions 184 and 185 refer to data given below: A radiator element supplied at 240 V dissipates 2.4 MJ in 20 minutes. 184, The power dissipated in the elements is (A) 2000 Ww (B) 1000 W (C) 500 W (D) 200 w. 185, The resistance of the element is (A) 68 ohms (B) 28.8 ohms © 14.4 ohms (D) 7.2 ohms. - Questions 186 to 188 refer cere to data given Two loads’ X and ¥, are connected in Parallel to 4 115 V supply. Load X takes 35 Watts and the total current is 2.6 A, 186. The resistance of X is Questions 189 and 190 refer to data given below : ‘A source whose no-load voltage is 220 V delivers 20 watts to a load when the current is0.4A. 189. The internal resistance of the source is (A) 10 ohms (B) 20 ohms (©) 50 ohms (D) 100 ohms. 190, The maximum power that can be delivered by the source is (A) S1W (B) 102 W (©)152W (D) 242 W. 191, All good conductors have high (A)resistance (B) electrical conductivity (C) electrical and thermal conductivity (D) conductance, 192. A light dependent resistor is basically a (A) power resistor (B) non-metallic resistor (C) carbon resistor (D) variable resistor. 193. Voltage dependent resistors are ‘usually made from (A) graphite (B) charcoal (€) silicon carbide (D) nichrome. 194. The Power rating of a 470 ohm resistor carrying a current of 40 mA should be (Ai Ww (B)iw (iw (D) 2 Ww. Resistance across A and B in the circuit shown below is (AVR (B)3R (C)4R (SR. 195. Fig. 28. 196. Voltage dependent resistors are used (A) as current stabilizers (B) as beating elements (C) for inductive circuits (D) to suppress surges. 197. Metals conditions (A) near absolute zero temperature (B) near critical temperature (C) at tiple point (D) under the approach _super-conductivity conditions of high 21 temperature and pressure. 198. In which of the following the resistance decreases with rise in temperature ? (A)LDR ; (B) NTC thermistors (© Nichrome conductors (D) ACSR conductors. 199, The equivalent resistance of 2 branches in parallel, each having resistance of ‘ohms will be (A) 4 ohms (B) 2 ohms (©) 1ohm (D) ohm, 200. Equivalent Resistance between X and ¥ is (A) 502 B)75Q (02750 (D) none of the above. owe x 90 70S 750 y 2a Fig. 29. ” STATE WHETHER THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS ARE TRUE (T) OR FALSE ®): 201. Kirchoff’s first law is based on the principle of law of conservation of charge. 202. Ohm's law is applicable to all conductors of 203. Electrons in a conductor have no motion in the absence of a potential difference across it ; 204, A steady current passes through a cylindrical Conductor. Then the electric field inside the Conductor is zero, 5.2 volt x 1 watt= 1 HP, 206.1 volt x 1 Amp = 1 Joule-sec”!. 207. 50 electric bulbs are connected across supply of. 220 volts. After one bulb is fused Temaining 49 bulbs are again connected to Same supply, The illumination will be more with 50 bulbs than with 49 bulbs. 208. In two heating coils one is thinner and the other is thicker. Both coils are of same material and length. These are connected in Parallel and then in series. In parallel combination thicker wire liberates more ‘energy and in series combination thin wire a. snuiected in series, then current FILL INTHE BLANK WITH APPROPRI ATE WORD: 21 fuse wire should be of material that has sie resistivity and melting points. ; fiuminating power decreases _ by "__ when current drops of 20%. 213.A pot. difference of V is applied across a resistor of Iength L and diameter D. If diameter D is halved, vq ... ses 214. A wire having resistance of 1 ohm is bent through 180° and twisted, the resistance is Ohms, 215. 100 watt lamp has ... than a 40 watt lamp. . resistance 216. Resistivity of mercury at 4 K is... ‘of 50 watt and the other is of 210. EMF of a cell is a function of its resistance, in each is same. 217. A wire of length 10 mand radits 1 mm fas a resistance ‘of 2 ohms. Length of wire of same material having radius 2 mm has resistance of 2.Q is... 3 218, If two bulbs of different powers are joined in series, then bulb of .... +. wattages | glows brighter. 219, If two bulbs of different powers are joined in parallel, then bulb of ..... os Watlages glows brighter. ] 220. An electric bulb rated as 500 watt-100 volts’ is to be lighted on a 200 volt supply. Series resistance needed to deliver 500. watt is ANSWERS 1, (B) 2. (D) 3. (B) 4. (B) 5. (D) 6. (C) TC) 8. (B) © 9. (D) 10. (B) 1, (C) 12. (C). 13, (A) 14, (B) 18. (C) 16, (D) 17. (B) 18. (D) 19. (C) 20. (B) 21. (C) 22. (A) 23. (A) 24. (B) @ 25.(C) 6.1) 27. (D) 28. (A) —-29. (C) 30.(B) 31.) 32© | 33. (D) 34. (B) 35, (D) 36. (D) 37. (C) 38. (B) 39. (D) 40. (A) 41. (C) 42. (D) 43, (C) 44. (C) 45. (C) 46, (D) 47. (B) 48. (A) 49, (D) 50, (B) 51, (D) 52,(C), 53. (B) 54. (C) 55.(D) 56. (A) 57. (D) 58..«C) 59. (C) 60. (A) 61. (A) 62. (B) 63. (A) 64, (C) _ 65, (D) 66. (A) 67. (C) 68. (C) 69. (D) 70, (C) ‘Tl. (A). 72 (Gy 73.(D) 74.(A) 75. (D)— 76. (C) 7. (BY) —78.(C) 79. (D) 80. (B) 81. (D) 82. (C) 83, (A) 84. (B) 85. (B) 86.(C) 87. (D) 88. (BY 89. (B) 90.(D) . 91.(A) 92.(A) 93. (A) 94. (BY) 95. (C)__ 96. (A) 97. (D) 98. (C) 99.(B) 100.(D) 101. (D) 102. (B) 103. (C)_ 104. (D) 105. (D) 106. (B) 107. (C) 108. (B) ,. 109. (A) 110. (D) 11. (O) 112, ) 113.) 114, (D) SA). 6. (©). (©)_—18. D119. (A) 120. (A) 121, (B) 122, (D) 123. (BY). 124, (B)_— 125. (A) 126. (C)_—_ 127, (B)_128. (A) 129. (C) 130. (D) ‘131. (B) 132, (C) 133. (B) «134, (D) 135. (D)_ 136. (B) 137, (B) 138. (A) 139, (D) 140. (©) 141. (D) 142, D) 143, (C) 144. ©) 145, (C) 146. (A), 147. (C) 148. (C)_ 149. (B) 150, (B) 151. (C) 152. (C) "ELECTRIC CURRENT AND OHM'S LAW 23 153. (D) 154. (B) 155. (D)_ 156, (D) 157. (B). 158: (©), 159. (D)_ 160. (A) 161. (C) 162, (B) ‘163. (D)_ 164. (B) 165. (B) 166. (C)_ 167. (B) 168. (A) 169, (A) 170. (D) 171. (B), 172. (D) 173. (B) 174. (C)—‘175. (D)_-176. (D) 177. (©) 178. (D) 179. (C)_180, (B) 181. (C) 182. (C) 183. (D) 184. (A) 185. (B) 186. (A) 187. (C)_ 188. (B) 189. (C) 190. (D) 191. (D) 192. (D) 193.(C) 194. (C) 195. (A) . 196. (D) 197. (A) 198. (B) 199. (D) 200. (D) 201. (7) 202. (F) 203. (F) 204. (F) 205. (F) 206. (T) 207. (F) 208. (1) 209. (T) 210. (F) 211. High/low 212. 36% 213. No change 214, 0.25 215. lesser 216. zero 217. 40m 218. lower 219. higher 220. 202. o> > F7IR ge) R ee wie wile oe ? poh be ees = 5 ie ghretcled oe i Rot oe 92 SV si KS ie ES ype aT ‘ Go walls ; Sources of E.M.F. 21. SOURCE OF EMF. * source of eam.f, isan arrangement which supplies energy in some form so as to bring about the movement ofthe free electrons in a conductor a particular direction. x (a) Primary cell. An electrochemical cell which cannot be recharged but the chemicals have to bereplaced is called a primary cell. ; “The first electrochemical cell was invented by Luigi Galvani in 1791. It was greatly improved by “ Alessandro Volta in 1800 and is called simple Voltale cell. A few other primary cells are Daniel cell, Leclanche cell, Bunsen cell, Fuel cell etc. (b) Secondary cells. A secondary cell is one in which chemical energy is converted into electrical energy but they do so only when they are charged by passing current through them by some source. 2 ‘These are also called accumulators or storage cells. Lead acid cell and Edison alkali (Ni-Fe cell) are commonly used secondary cells. NEGATIVE POST e ‘STRAP. urea CN POSITIVE eae TERMINAL CON NEGATIVE SEALING TERMINAL ‘COMPOUND SEPARATORS POSITIVE PLATE SEDIMENT \\ space Fig. 1. Battery (Group of Cells) EM. (Electromotive Force) of a.cell is defined as the potential-difference between the _ two electrodes of the cell when it is in open‘circuit (i.e. giving no current). J Internal resistance of a cell-is defined as the resistance offered by the electrolyte and electrode of the cell when current flows through the cell. j i ‘SOURCES OF E.M.F. . 25 Internal resistance ‘b’ of a cell : (j) Increase’ with increase in distance between two electrodes, (ii) Decreases with concentration of electrolyte, (iii). Decreases with increase in area of the plates inside electrolyte, (iv) Decreases by increasing the size of electrodes, (¥) Increases with age of cell. : Terminal- voltage (Available p.d.) is defined as the potential difference between two electrodes of the cell when it is in closed circuit (i.e. current passes through it). If (a) Current | is drawn from it then terminal-voltage V is less than e.m.f. E by an amount equal to potential drop (/») across the internal resistance of cell Sroalave| Ga V= IR) V=E- e orb = v where R is extemal resistance. (b) Current / is passed through cell from external source from + ve electrode to -ve electrode of cell, then V=E+1b In this case V > E (This happens when a cell is charged). 2.1.2, Faraday’s Laws of Electrolysis First Law. “The mass (Am ) of ions liberated at an electrode is directly proportional to the quantity of charge ( Aq ) passing through the electrolyte’ : Am = ZAq = ZIAI. Zis called E.C.E. (Electro-chemical equivalent) of the substance of the electrolyte. Electro-chemical-equivalent (E.C.E.) of a substance is defined as the mass of its ions liberated at * the electrode in one second when a constant-current of one ampere passes through the electrolyte having that substance as one of the ions. ECE. ofsilver= Zag = 1.118 x 10%kgC". 1 Ampere of current is.defined as that'constant current which will deposit 1.118 x 10kg of silver at the cathode of Ag-voltameter in one second. Second law. “If same charge is passed through different electrolytes then the masses of the substances liberated at different electrodes are proportional to the chemical equivalent of the where m;, mb ...... are masses of the substances liberated and E), F, ..... are their Tespective chemical equivalents, | Faraday's second law also states “E.C.E, of a substance is directly proportional to its chemical equivalents” . ZaeE E and z7 constant called Faraday’s constant (F) = 96500 coulomb = 6. sf a, m/qsm 26 : ELECTRICAL ENGG (OBJECTIVE TYPE) F=qifm=E. : n . Faraday’sconstant is equal to the charge’ required to liberate the mass’ of substance at an electrode Equal to its chemical equivalent during clectrclysis. 22. PRIMARY CELLS \ 22.1. Simple voltaic cell. It consists of a glass vessel containing dilute sulphuric acid as electrolyte. ‘Two rods one of copper and the other made of zinc are copren—4 placed in dilute sulphuric acid, ‘ROD Action. Zine atoms in contact with dilute sulphuric acid give up electrons as below : Zn —> Zn" + 26° The Zn”* ions pass into the electrolyte and their concentration is very high near the zinc electrode. As a result of the above oxidation reaction, zinc electrode is left negatively charged and hence it acts as cathode. Fig.2. , The dilute sulphuric acid and water dissociate into hydronium ions (represented as H* . HO oF more commonly as H30*) as given below : H:SOs + 2:0 — > 2H30*.+ SOz~ Due to high concentration of Zn“* ions near the cathode, the H3O* ions are repelled towards the | wapper clectrode and get discharged by removing electrons from the copper atoms. The following Teaction takes place at the anode : 2H30* + 2e° ——4 2H,0 + Hh. AS a result of the reduction reaction taking ‘place at copper electrode, copper is left positively charged and hence it acts as anode. Voltaic cell suffers from the following two defects : Local action. The zine rod contains impurities like iron, carbon etc. These impurities lying on the Surface of zinc, come in contact with the acid and form minute cells. Due to this, local currents are produced in zinc rod which result in the wastage of zinc. This defect is called local action. This defect can be removed by amalgamating the zinc rod with mercury. Polarisation, The positive hydrogen ions travel towards copper rod and transfer their positive charge to copper. The hydrogen gas, then, escapes through the Solution in the form of bubbles. In doing so, a part of the }—zINc ROD DiL Ha SO, hydrogen gas gets deposited on the copper rod in the form of 4. ff cusoy @ neutral layer. It, then, stops the inflow of charge and the 1— CRYSTALS emf of the cell falls, POROUS. This defect can be removed by brushing off the hydrogen i for from time to time or by using a depolariser, which will (oe ‘convert hydrogen gas into water. [raxa ve 2.2.2. Denial cell. Denial cell consists of a copper T— DIL He $04 Vessel containing copper ‘sulphate solution. The copper vessel cus itself acts as the Positive electrode. A porus pot containing SOLUTION dilute sulphuric acid is placed in the copper vessel (Fig. 3). An amalgamated zinc rod dipping inside the sulphuric acid Fig. 3. : 27 SOURCES OF EMF. > ee we the circuit is completed, dilute sulphuric acid in porous pot reacts with zinc so as to liberate hydrogen gas. The reaction takes place as below : = ‘ Za + HzSO, ——> ZnSOx + Hh. : : The formation of ZnSO, in porous pot does nto affect the working of the cell, until crystals of ZaSO, are deposited. j ‘ ‘The hydrogen gas passes through the porous pot and reacts with CuSO. solution as below : Hp + CuSO, ——> HeSO, + Cu Copper so formed gets deposited on the copper vessel. : The use of amalgamated zinc rod avoids the local action, while copper sulphate solution acts as depolariser. As the concentration of copper sulphate solution remains constant, its e.m.f, also remains constant. Denial cell possesses e.m.f. equal to 1.12 volt. 2.2.3, Leclanche cell. Leclanche cell consists of glass vessel containing a strong solution of ammonium chloride. The amalgamated zinc “rod dipping in the — zncroo—t ammonium chloride solution acts as the negative electrode. The positive electrode is rune of -| a carbon rod placed inside a porous pot and poweneo the empty space in the porous pot is filled MANGANESE with manganese dioxide and charcoal DIOXIDE AND omen (Pigi4). CHARCOAL, Action. When the circuit is completed, Za rod and NHACI solution react as below : Zn + 2NHC] ——> ZoCh + 2NH3 + Hz ‘Ammonia gas is set free, while the hydrogen gas passes into MnO> contained in the porous pot and the following reaction takes place : 2Mn02 + Hh ——> MmO3 + 1,0. Ma,0s gets oxidised to MnO- by acquiring oxygen from the air according to followings scheme : Mm0; + O—> 2Mn0>. The emf, of a Leclanche cell is 1.45 volt. Sess i SHELLAG 2.24, Dry cell. A dry cell is a portable form of a SEAL Leclanche cell (Fig. 5). It consists of a zinc container CARBON AOD Which acts as the negative electrode. It contains a paste of oe saw dust saturated with a solution of ammonium [—conTaINeR chloride and zinc chloride. A carbon the centre acts as the positive electrode and is covered with a brass cap. This surrounded by a closely packed mixture of charcoal [7 MUSLIN BAG and manganese dioxide in a muslin bag. _|_NHciAND Action, When the circuit is completed, zinc atoms eres 8 oxidised by giving up electrons as below I~ Manganese Zo —~ Zn” + 26° CHARCOAL Fig. & _ Thus, Za'rod becomes negatively charged. yey 4 28 ELECTRICAL ENGG. (OBJECTIVE TYPE). -NHACI dissociates into NHi and CI’ ions as given below : " NH,Cl —> NH@ + Cr y ‘The NH? ions remove electrons from the carbon rod leaving it positively charged. As MnOn is present around the carbou rod, the following reaction takes place : : 2MnO2 + 2NHi 2e° ——> MmOs + 2NH3 + 120. ‘Since carbon rod is positively charged and zinc container is negatively charged, an e.m.f. of 1.5 V ig setup in a dry cell. The dry cells are manufactured in different sizes and shapes to suit particular needs. 23, SECONDARY CELLS ‘A secondary cell is one in which chemical energy is converted into electrical energy but they do soonly when they are charged by passing current through them by some source. Secondary cells are also called accumulators or storage cells, These are of two types : 1. Lead acid cell. 2. Edison alkali cell. 2.3.1. Lead acid cell. It consists of a hard rubber, glass, or celluloid container which "accommodates plates, separators, electrolyte etc. The positive plate s of a thin rectangular grid, The paste of lead peroxide is filled in the grids. The negative plate consists of similar grid frame work " and a paste of spongy lead is filled in the grids. Plate connectors are made of pure lead. The electrolyte ‘isdilute sulphuric acid. Tis capacity is measured in ampere-hour, which is its ability to discharge of a current of one “mpere continuously for one hour, Thus, an 80 ampere hour cell can give a continuous supply Of a “current of 8 ampere for 10 hours or 4 ampere supply for 20 hours. , (a) Discharging. When it is fully charged, its e.m.f, is 2.2 volt, which falls to 2.0 volt, when used. The sulphuric acid dissociates into hydrogen and sulphate ions. At the anode, hydrogen’ combines with the oxygen of the PbO, and sulphuric acid attacks lead to form PbSOs i.e. PbO2 + H+ HpSO, —~) PbSO, + 2H:0. At the cathode, SO. ions combine with lead to form PbSOg . i.c Pb + SO, —~ PbSOs. ‘Thus, both anode and cathode become PbSO.. Due to formation of water, specific gravity and also the e.m.f. of the cell falls. (b) Recharging. When the cell is connected to a battery charger, the hydrogen ions move 10 Cathode, sulphate ions go to anode and the following reactions take place : At cathode: PbSO. +H2—> Pb + H2SO.. At anode : PbSO, + SO, + 2H20 —— PbO2 + 2H2SOs. w a fo consumption of water, specific gravity of H2SOs increases and the voltage goes up again to volt. “Since this cell needs a lot of care, when it is to be used in laboratory, it is being replaced by _ alkaline cells. Also, it is heavy as compared to alkali cell. 2.3.2. Edison alkali cell (Ni—Fe cell). Its positive plate consists of a number of tubes of 3 Petoriel Steel ribbon, wound spirally and held together by steel rings. The tubes are nickel plated. Ye active material con: of Ni (OH), and flakes of metallic nickel are packed into the nickel Plated steel tubes in alternate layers. The negative plate is made from finely perforated nickeled steel strip, stamped into pockets: The “souncesoF EME. ee pockets are filled with powdered iron oxide. : © the plates are separated from one another by hard rubber strips, ‘Te chemical changes during charging and discharging can be represented by the following reversible equation : Ni (OH), + KOH + Fe = Ni(OH) + KOH + Fe (OH). she eam, ofthe fuly charged cells 1.75 volt and it falls to 1.2 volt after it gets discharged. ‘This cell is light portable and does not need special care. Tt is more durable and robust. However, its internal resistance is greater than that ‘of the lead accumulator and its efficiency is low. Charging rate. With the normal rate of charging the charging current should be 1/10 of the capacity. It has to be controlled through appropriate resistors. Charging should be continued till the cell voltage measures approximately 2.7 V and the specific gravity of ‘electrolyte is 1.258 gm/cu cm. With high rate of charging the current is approximately 10 times higher. But in doing this the battery should be charged only to about 80% of its capacity, namely upto a cell voltage of 2.4 V. Subsequently, the charging rate should be reduced to the normal charging cUFTen. Capacity ata 20-hour | Charging current at | Charging current at Charging current discharge (Ah) [primary charge (amps)| recharging (amps) high-rate charging (amps) 50 3 45 45 56 35 5 50 66/70 4 6 60. Tr 45 7 70, 34 5 75 15 98 6 9 90 105 ! 6.5 95 95 State of charge Specific gravity (gm/cu. cm) Freezing point Fully charged 1.285 65°C Half way charged 1.20 40°C Discharged 1.12 “Be 24. GROUPING OF CELLS AA single cell can give only a limited current. To get large current in a circuit i il, grouping of cells is used. The combination of cells is called battery. Cells can be grouped i i) seri - sped in three modes : + parallel, and (iii) mixed grouping. i sees Nee a) 24.1. Series grouping. n-identical-cells each of e.m4. E, internal resistance *b° are connected in ‘series (+ve pole of connected to — : aot pole of one is connected to -Ve pole of next) to an extemal resistance R through key K. Fig. 6. tent, = Ey x fillies uence -R, then J, ~ Gla ats @ useful combination, _ Po eh ccTies when the extemal resistance R is very large in of each cell. : SE lel grouping. m identical cells cach of eam. +E" and internal e n parallel with +ve poles of each cell at Point A and -ve poles of each cell at the point. nd B we connect an external Tesistance R. 2 = A. It is not d useful combination. Em as R< Fig. 10. Total number of cells = n x m @ EMF. of each row = nE EMF. of combination = nE Internal resistance of each row = nb ‘Internal resistance of combination = 2 Resistance ofciruit= R + : nE- Current through resistance R, J = nb Re i m 2 nb For maximum value of current 1, R = => (ie. external resistance = total internal resistance) Gi) ‘Since ‘R’ and *b” and total number of cells (n x m) is known so by using Eqs. (i) and (ii) we can @no. of cells n in each row, no. of rows 7. rated at an clectrode of proportional to the quantity ‘which passes through is directly The above statement is associated with (a) Webers and Ewings theory - (B) Laplace law . (© Faraday’s laws of Electrolysis, (D) Gauss’s theorem. 2. Forall substances Chemical equivalent Electrochemical equivalent (A) 96500 coulombs (B) 9650 coulombs (©) 965 coulombs (D)96.5 coulombs. The plates of a lead acid battery are made of (A) rolled zine-copper alloy (B) cast animonial lead alloy (©) perforated nickel cadmium alloy (D) pressed antimony bismuth alloy. In a lead acid battery, separators’ are provided (A) to reduce tendency for polarisation (B) 0 facilitate flow of current (C) to reduce internal resistance (D) to avoid internal short circuits, Container of a lead acid battery is made of (A) moulded hard rubber (B) ceramics (C) celluloid (D) any of the above. Fillers in a lead acid battery are provided (A) to prevent flow of gases (B) to facilitate flow of gases (C) to recover acid loss through vapours (D) all of the above, In case of a lead acid battery, during discharging OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS ELECTRICAL ENGG. (OBJECTIVE TYPE) (A) both anode and cathode become PbSOs (B) specific gravity of acid increases (C) voltage of the cells increases (D) none of the above takes place. 8. Ina lead acid battery, during charging (A) anode becomes whitish in colour (B) voltage drops (C) specific gravity of acid increases (D) the cell gives ont energy. 9. ' The condition of a fully charged lead acid battery can be ascertained by (A) voltage (B) specific gravity of electrolyte (©) gassing (D) any of the above. 10. The value of specific gravity of acid when a lead acid battery is fully charged is (A) 1.285 (B) 2.185 (C) 2.585 (D) 2.9585. 11. The active materials on the positive and negative plates of a fully charged lead acid battery are (A) pure lead and lead oxide (B) lead peroxide and lead sulphated (©) lead peroxide and pure lead (D) lead sulphate and lead oxide. 12. A floating battery is one (A) in which battery voltage is equal to charger voltage (B) in which the current in the circuit is fully supplied by the battery (C) which gets charged and discharged simultanéously (D) which supplies current intermittently” and also during off cycle gets charged. 13. Which cell has the reversible ‘chemical reaction ? x (A) Lead acid (B) Mercury oxide (C) Carbon zine (D) Silver oxide. 33 ‘SOURCES OF E.MF. 14, Which of the following. statements is 20. Ampere-hour efficiency of the hattery is correct ? (A) 60% (B) 70% (A) Ina Voltaic cell, the anode and cathode (C) 80% (D) 90%. are carbon and zinc rod respectively 91. watt hourefficiency of the battery is -(B) Leclanche cell suffers from local action (Ay 85% (B) 75% r and polarisation : (10% (D) 66%. = (© Drycell is basically aLeclanche cell 55 which of the following statements is not (D) Edison alkali cell is a primary cell. conea 3 15. During charging, the elecuolyte of a lead (A) A primary cell is an electro-chemical acid battery becomes call anaes coe (B) After charging, a primary cell can be \ (C) diluted with water again put to use (D) there is no change in electrolyte. (©) Drycell isa primary cell 16. Two cells are series to form a (D) Leclariche cell is used in experiments, battery. Their internal resistance is 0.1.2. where constant supply of current is not The internal resistance of the battery will be ieee (A) 0.05 2 (B) 0.1 Q 2B. The indication of the state of charge of a (202 Q (D)0.4 2. battery is best given by 17. On ampere hour basis the efficiency of a (A) specific gravity of electrolyte lead acid battery is in the range (B) temperature of electrolyte (A) 90 to 95 percent (C) colour of electrolyte (B) 80 to 85 percent (D) level of electrolyte. (C) 70 to 75 percent 24, Common impurity in battery electrolyte is (D) 60 to 65 percent. (A) sodium chloride 18. In an Edison cell, the electrolyte used is (B) iron (A) Sodium chloride” (C) lead sulphate (B) Ammonium sulphate (D) dust, (C) Potassium hydroxide 25. Open circuit voltage of a fully charged (D) Hydrochloric acid. lead-acid cell is 19. The life of a lead acid battery is expected to (A19V (B)2.0V be (2.7 (D) 2.5 V. (A) six month 26. The capacity of storage baltery is expressed (B) one year as ¥ (C) two to five years (A) the number of recharges it can take (D) ten to fifteen years. (B) time for which it canbe used Questions 20 and 21 refer to the following {C) the number of cells it contains data: (D) ampere hour it can deliver. ~ A secondary battery having a 20 hour charge 27, Qn watt hour basis the efficiency of a lead rate of 10 amperes delivers 5A for 36 hours ‘on discharge with a mean terminal voltage of 1.96 V. The terminal voltage charging is 2.35 V. acid battery is in the range (A) 90 to 95 percent (B) 80 to 85 percent (C) 70 to 85 percent (D) 60 to 70 percent, parallel “Trickle charge is required for (A) lead acid batteries (B) nickel iron cells (C) primary cells (D)all of the above. : A wet battery cover in case of lead acid battery indicates (A) excessive gassing during charging B) leaky seals at covers » (©) overfilling of the battery “ (D) any of the above. 31. Infernal resistance of a battery is due to * (A) resistance of electrolyte (B) resistance of electrodes (©) surface contact resistance (D) allof the above. 32. of a Storage battery depends upon (A) Size of the electrodes (B) shape of the cell (©) nature of electrodes (D) all of the aboye. 33. The internal resistance of a dry cell is of the order of. 4A) 0.2t00.40hm — (B) 1 t01.5 oul (C) 210 5 ohms (D) 1 to 15 ohms. 34. When i cells, each of emf E volts and _ intemal resistance r ohms are connected in Series, the current - 7 through an. external _ sistance R ohms s given by | (D) 4 cells in series with six rows in ~ paraltel. 35. When n cells cach of emf E intemal resistance r ohms are conn " parallel, the strength of the current by _ nE Wren Oh © Dre Ree 36. Proper aie rate for lead acid battery (A); of rated ampere hour capacity (B) 5 of rated ampere hour capacity (C) Z of rated ampere hour capacity (D) 3 of rated ampere hour capacity. 37. For a group of cells when internal resista of the group is equal to the exten resistance due to load, the battery will give (A) maximum voltage (B) maximum current (C) maximum energy (D) maximum ampere-hours, 38. One ampere hour charge is equivalent to (A) 36 coulombs (B) 360 coulombs (C) 3600 coulombs (1D) 36000 coulombs. 39. When water is added to sulphuric acid (A) colour of acid changes (B) lovof heat is generated (C) water starts boiling (D) acid particles get separated. 40. The clectro-chemical reactions are 1 reversible in case of (A) primary cells only SOURCES OF EMF. 41._ The energy in a Jead acid battery is stored in 48, 42. 43, 45. 47. s the form of (A) electrostatic charge (B) non-flowing current (C) chemical energy (D) nuclear energy. The electrolyte ina Leclanche cell is _ (A) dilute hydrochloric acid (B) aqueous solution of chloride (C) pyrogallic acid (D) lead stearate, The electrode for a battery must be (A) a good conductor of electricity {B) a bad conductor of electricity (©) a semi-conductor (D) an insulator. For a discharged lead-acid battery, the specific gravity of the acid is (A) 0.9 (B) 1.0 (1.12 13. In a lead accumulator, the plates are’ placed close to each other, as : (A) it makes the lead accumulator sturdy (B) it increases the emf. of the accumulator (C) it decreases the internal resistance of the accumulator (D) it increases the life span accumulator. ammonium of the Even when not in use, the self-discharge of a battery occurs at the rate of (A) 0.5 to 1% of rated capacity per hour (B) 0.5 to 1% of rated capacity per day (C) 0.5 to 1% of rated capacity per week (D) 0.5 to 1% of rated capacity per month, The specific gravity of acid is checked with the help of a (A) hygrometer _. (B) lectometer (C) hydrometer (D) cell tester. 49. 50. Sl. 52. oa aoe oO 12 cells each having the same emf are -connected in series and are kept in a closed box., Some of the cells are wrongly connected. This battery is connected in series with an ammeter and two cells identical with the others. The current is 2 amperes when the cells and battery aid each other and is 2 amperes when tlie cells and battery oppose each other. How many cells in battery are wrongly connected ? (A) One (B) Two (©) Three (D) Four. A set of batteries have terminal voltage of 1, 3, 5 and 7 volts, How many integer values of terminal voltages can be obtained by appropriate connections ? (A) 4 (B)8 (©) 16 (D) 64. An energy source has A terminal marked + and the B terminal marked —. The voltage at the terminal is Vi) = 10¢0s( 3 + 2 } (aie The voltage at A with respect to B when f= § will be (A) +8.66.V (B)~8.66V (C)+10V (D)-10V. In the above case the voltage at A with respect to B whens = 2 witl be 3 (A) + 8.66 V (B) ~ 8.66 V. (C)+10V (D)-10 V. Which of the following statements is not correct ? A lead accumulator of 20 ampere hour can supply (A) 20A of current for 20 hours (B) 1A Of current for 20 hours (C) 20A of current for 1 hour (D) 0.1 A of current for 200 hours. ‘The term trickle charge is associated with _ (A) dt cells (B) silver zinc batteries cing charged , the seswith _ (AYinereasing charging rate ee ee A 6 V lead acid battery has. i ‘Ancreasing temperature : Tesistance of 0.01 Q, How much cur © (D)all of the above. flow when the battery is short-cire 95. When the battery is being discharged, the (ALLA (B) 6A i terminal voltage decreases with (100A (D) 600.4. (A) decreasing discharge rate |. A lead-acid battery discharges at the r “(B) decreasing state of charge 8 A for 10 hours. How many couto EGGS ial ecmpattic charge must be pot back into the bat Poca in ahes Texors the orginal charge assiming ean . efficiency ? . The ampere hour capacity of a battery used 5 . Onearsis (A) 1.44 x 10°C (A) 5-10 Ah (B) 30-60 Ah (B) 2.38 x 10°C (C)100-150Ah, (D) 200-250 Ah. * (©) 5.76 x 10° C |. The ampere hour capacity of a battery used (D) 8.88 x 10° C. on trucks is 65. Fora voltage source when intemal res (A) 5-10 Ab (B) 30-60 Ah S-load resistance, Ri, — which of (©) 100-150Ab_ (D) 200-250 Ah. following is maximum ? (A) Powenin Ry, (B) Current 58. Which battery is used in aeroplanes ? (A) Dry cell battery (B) Lead acid battery (C) Voltage across Ry, (©) Edison cell (D) Efficiency of the circuit, (D) None of the above. 66. A constant voltage source has 59. Which test is used to ascertain whether the (A) low internal resistance battery plates are defective or not ? (B) high intemal resistance (A) Cadmium test (C) minimum efficiency (B) High discharge test (D) minimum current capacity, (©) Open voit test . Which of the following is false ? (D) Specific gravity test. (A) A carbon-zine cell has unlimited she life (B) A lead-acid cell can be recharged (C).A storage cell has an_ irreversible chemical reaction (D) A primary cell d ‘SOURCES OF EMF, (A) positive hole charges (B) positive ions only (©) negative ions only (D) positive and negative ions. 69. Cells are connected in series to (A) increase the voltage output (B) decrease the voltage output (C) decreae the internal resistance (D) increase the current capacity. 70. Which of the following is a dry storage cell ? (A) Mercury cell (B) Nickel-cadmium cell (©) Carbon-zine cell (D) Edison cell. A graph of terminal voltage of battery as a function of the current drawn from it’ for various external resistances in the circuit is plotted. Which of the following statements about this graph is valid ? (A) The graph will have parabolic shape (B) The graph will be straight line parallel to current axis, (C) The graph will pass through the origin (D) The slope of the graph will be equal to the internal resistance of the battery. * number of cells are connected in series, number of such series combinations are connected in parallel. The entire set is connected through \an external resistance R. The internal resistance of individual cell is i: 2. The assembly will yield maximum current when (A)R=4 (B)R = pr Or=-# (pyr = 2% P q 73, Two bayleries having unequal emf (A) cannot be connected “in parallel (B) cannot be connected in series - (©). can be connected in’ series only (D) may be connected in parallel or series, 74, Two batteries, each having emf E, aw 15: 16. TEs 2B. 80. 81. 2 37 in series. The combination is } variable resistor R. of the batteries is connect connectéd to an external If the internal resistance s ry and rz respectively, then the terminal voltage across the first cell (internal resistance r; ) will be zero when (A R=0 (B)R = (n+ 2) n+n (D)R=(n-n) ()R=-y In the above case the terminal voltage across the second cell will be (AVE (mn - 72) (B)E (n + m2) wove zi 7 welt -5 Which of the following material is used in solar cells 2 (A) Silicon (B) Barium (© Selenium (D) Silver. The efficiency of a solar cell can be expected in the range (A) 100 15 percent (B) 25 to 35 percent (C) 45 to 60 percent (D) 70 to 85 percent. ‘The output voltage of a silver oxide cell is (A) 1.1 volt (B) 1.2 volt (C) 1.5 volt (D) 1.71 volt. . In a lithium cell the positive electrode is made of (A) zine dust (B) stainless steel (C)spongy iron. (D) carbon. Which efficiency of a battery is more than the remaining ? (A) Watt hour efficiency (B) Ampere hour efficiency (C) Overall efficiency (D) (A), (B) and (C) above have the same value. While comparing alkaline batteries, with lead acid batteries, which one of the following can be cited as the advantage of the former over the latter ? (A) Low initial cost (B) Electrical robustness ¥

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