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Chapter wise Test- 2021

Sub: Mathematics (Ex- 2.1 & 2.2)

Class: VIII

Time: 1hr 30min Full marks: 50

1. A principal, after 6 years, becomes Tk.16280 as profit- principal and after 8 years it
becomes Tk.18080 as Profit- principal.
a) What is the profit of 5 years?
b) Determine the Principal and rate of profit.
c) At the same rate of profit, determine the difference of simple profit and compound
profit of Tk.9000 for 3 years.
2. A person bought 500 litchis at the rate of Tk.250 per hundred. He sold half of it at Tk.
280 per hundred. He sold one- fifth of remaining litchis at Tk.200 per hundred. He sold
remaining litchis at Tk. 200.
a. Determine the cost price of all litchis.
b. Determine the total selling price.
c. What is the percentage of profit or loss of all litchis?
3. An object was sold at 9% loss. If the selling price of that object was Tk. 900 more, the
profit would be 9%.
a. Determine the profit of Tk.900 for 3 years at the rate of 9% simple profit.
b. What was the cost price of the object?
c. An amount of money equal to the cost price of the object is deposited in a Bank at
10.50% profit for 2 years. Determine the Compound Principal.
4. At the same rate of profit, if the Compound Principal of some Principal at the end of one
year is Tk. 650 and the end of two years is Tk. 676.
a) Write down the formulae of Simple Profit and Compound Principal.
b) Determine the Principal.
c) If the cost price and selling price of a watch are Tk.650 and Tk.676 respectively, what
will be the loss or profit percentage?
5. Mr. Jamil deposited Tk.8000 in a Bank at 12.50% profit per annum.
a) How much simple profit will Mr. Jamil receive from the Bank after 2 years?
b) Determine the Compound Principal of Tk.8000 for3 years at 12.50 % profit?
c) If he withdraws Tk. 2000 at the end of each year, how much money will be left in the
Bank as deposit after 2 years?

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