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I. Read and understand each statements/questions carefully.

Select the best answer and write your

answers on the space provided.

1. He/She defines “communication as a dynamic process which includes the sending and receiving of messages at a
conscious or unconscious level.

a. Keyton b. Johnston c. Abulencia d. Wood

2. He/She defines communication as the process of transmitting information and common understanding from; one
person to another.

a. Keyton b. Johnston c. Abulencia d. Wood

3. The _________ is the stimulus or meaning produced by the source for the receiver or audience.” (McLean, 2005)

a. Context b. Feedback c. Channel d. Message

4. ____________ is composed of messages the receiver sends back to the source.

a. Context b. Feedback c. Channel d. Message

5. The source imagines, creates, and sends the message. In a public speaking situation, the source is the person
giving the speech.

a. Channel b. Source c. Receiver d. Interference

6. “The ________ is the way in which a message or messages travel between source and receiver.”

a. Channel b. Source c. Receiver d. Interference

7. The _______ receives the message from the source, analyzing and interpreting the message in ways both
intended and unintended by the source.” (McLean, 2005)

a. Channel b. Source c. Receiver d. Interference

8. “__________ is anything that blocks or changes the source’s intended meaning of the message (McLean, 2005)”.

a. Channel b. Source c. Receiver d. Interference

9. The process of communication was then perceived to be sequential and one – way in nature,

a. Transactional Model b. Linear c. Interactive Model

10. Of all the kinds of models, the _____________ of communication is considered the most accurate representation
of the communication process.

a. Transactional Model b. Linear c. Interactive Model

11. In this model, receivers of the message may also convey information by responding or giving feedback either
through oral language, or through actions, gestures, and facial expressions.

a. Transactional Model b. Linear c. Interactive Model

12. Edgar asked to Nelson if he wants to eat lunch outside. Nelson did not respond because he was busy
doing his work. What type of noise occurred in the situation?

a. Physical Noise b. Physiological Noise c. Semantic noise d. Psychological noise

13. Edgar was talking to his friend Nelson about a very important matter. Suddenly, Gina interrupted in their
conversation and Nelson did not catch some of the words that Edgar said. He asked Edgar to say it again.
What type of noise occurred in the situation?
a. Physical Noise b. Physiological Noise c. Semantic noise d. Psychological noise
14. “Kim, the doctor needs a sample of your urine. They are going to test it”. Kim replied, “Eww, why are
they going taste it?” Her mom laughed really hard. What type of noise occurred in the situation?
a. Physical Noise b. Physiological Noise c. Semantic noise d. Psychological noise
15. Jack stammers a lot when nervous. His teacher told him to calm down and try to say it slowly so he can
say it clearly. What type of noise occurred in the situation?
a. Physical Noise b. Physiological Noise c. Semantic noise d. Psychological noise
II. Identify the function of communication in each of the following situations. Write your answers on the space provided.
Write RC (regulation/control), M (motivation), E (Emotional Expression), and I (information). Erasure means wrong.

RC 1. Don’t go anywhere with strangers.

M 2. I know you can go far. Keep pursuing your dreams.

I 3. Jellyfish can survive 650 Million years without brain.

M 4. Just because you think that life’s not fair, it doesn’t mean that you just have
to grin and bear it, if you always take it on the chin and wear it, nothing will

I 5. Did you know that an earthworm has five hearts, whereas an octopus has
two hearts? Then, if you know someone who loves more than one, ask them
what kind of animal he/she is. – MDS

E 6. I knew I love you before I met you.

RC 7. “Just do it. Then you’ll see what will happen” The mother warns her child.

RC 8. Don’t fall in love with a dreamer.

RC 9. Don’t do unto others what you don’t want others do unto you - Confucius

M/E 10. I shall return!

III. Read each statement. If it displays bias or insensitivity, write the group/element being misrepresented (gender, social
status, age, religion, culture). If not, write “OK.” No erasures.

1. “You always go to church but you are drunk last night, is that what your church
teaching you?”

2. Boys are smarter than girls when it comes to problem solving skills.

3. All employers with the age 50 and above are given other jobs because they don’t
know how to use computer.

4. The five star hotel offers yaya meals which provide affordable meals for

5. The school observes student-friendly environment.

6. The company do not accept employees that do not belong to their religious belief.

7. You must always follow the errands from employees who has more experience than

8. All residents of barangay receive the same benefits from the local government.

9. Everyon

“You students, there is no substitute to hard work. Kaya huwag kayong mangongopya, and if
you copy, you will never succeed. Tingnan mo ang nangyari sa kanila noong college sila,
nangopya. Ngayon, nangongopya pa rin."

– Said Senator Miriam in a college forum in July 2013.

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