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◎Ten points each. Total 100 points.

每題 10 分,共 100 分。
1) A positive integer n is a perfect square as well as a multiple of 2023. Find the smallest possible value
of n.

正整數 n 既是完全平方數,也是 2023 的倍數,則 n 的最小可能值是多少?


2) A bag contains balls of three colors: red, yellow, and blue. If the number of blue balls is 2 of the
number of yellow balls at most, the number of blue balls is 3 of the number of red balls at least, and
the number of yellow balls and blue balls is not exceeding 100, how many red balls are there in the
bag at most?

一個袋子中裝有紅、黃、藍三種顏色的球,若藍球數量最多是黃球數量的 2 ,且數量最少是紅
球數量的 3 ,黃球與藍球數量合起來不超過 100 顆,則袋中最多有多少顆紅球?


3) Given a 3-digit number ABC. Add a 6 to its left, and 6ABC is a multiple of 6. Add a 7 to its right,
and ABC7 is a multiple of 7. Add an 8 to its left, and 8ABC is a multiple of 8. Add a 9 to its right,
and ABC9 is a multiple of 9. Find the value of ABC.

有一個三位數 ABC,在它的左邊加上 6,則 6ABC 會是 6 的倍數;在它的右邊加上 7,則 ABC7

會是 7 的倍數;在它的左邊加上 8,則 8ABC 會是 8 的倍數;在它的右邊加上 9,則 ABC9 會
是 9 的倍數,請問 ABC 的值是多少?


4) The circumference of circle O is 720 cm. Moving points A and B start off from point P at the same
time and move towards different directions along the circumference. Given that point A moves at the
speed of 30 cm/sec, point B moves at the speed of 40 cm/sec. If x seconds after the points move, O, A,
and B are on a straight line for the first time, and y seconds after the points move, P, A, and B form an
isosceles triangle for the second time, find x+y.

如圖,圓 O 的圓周長是 720 cm,動點 A、B 同時從 P 點出發往不同方向繞圓周前進,A 點的速

度是 30 cm/sec,B 點的速度是 40 cm/sec,若 O、A、B 在出發 x 秒後會第 1 次排列成一直線,
P、A、B 在出發 y 秒後會第 2 次形成等腰三角形,則 x+y=?


5) Cut a piece from the cube to make it a heptahedron. If Rachel wants to paint the seven faces with two
colors red and blue, how many different ways are there to paint them? (If the solids look the same
after rotation or flipping, they are painted in the same way)

如圖,將正方體切掉一塊,使其成為一個七面體,Rachel 想用紅、藍兩種顏色來將七個面都塗


6) In the equation below, different letters represent different numbers 0~9. Find ABC+DEF.

在下列算式中,不同的字母代表 0~9 中不同的數字,則 ABC+DEF=?

( AB-C )×( DE-F )×( G+H+I )×J=2023


7) A square is divided into five rectangles with the same area. Given that one of the rectangles is 4 cm
wide, find x in cm.

如圖,正方形被分成五個相同面積的長方形,已知其中一個長方形的寬是 4 cm,則 x 是多少 cm?


8) Suppose the units digit of 12+22+32+……+20232 is x, and define a new arithmetic operation
a ◎ b= . Find 2023◎2022◎2021◎……◎ x ◎(x-1)◎(x-2).

若 12+22+32+……+20232 的個位數字是 x,且定義新運算 a ◎ b= ,則
2023◎2022◎2021◎……◎ x ◎(x-1)◎(x-2)=?

Tip: a2=a×a, ex: 52=5×5=25.


9) The area of parallelogram ABCD is 100 cm2, and the area of pentagon PQRST is 8 cm2. Find the
area of the shaded region in cm2.

如圖,平行四邊形 ABCD 的面積是 100 cm2,五邊形 PQRST 的面積是 8 cm2,則塗色部分的面

積是多少 cm2?


10) Fill 1~25 in a 5×5 grid without repetition to make the sum of the numbers in each row, column,
and diagonal in the 5×5 grid and the colored 3×3 grid the same. Find the multi-digit number
ABCD. (Ex: A=15, B=3, C=22, D=1, ABCD →153221)

如圖,將 1~25 不重複的填在 5×5 的方格內,使得整個 5×5 方格及塗色部分 3×3 方格內,

每一直行、每一橫列及對角線上的數之和都相等,則多位數 ABCD 應記為多少?
(Ex:A=15、B=3、C=22、D=1、ABCD →153221)


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