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◎Problems 1-10. Six points each. Choose the best answer from (A) – (E) .

1~10 題每題 6 分,從(A) – (E)中選擇最佳的答案。
1) A 5-digit number 215a4 is a multiple of 9. Which number is also a multiple of 9?

已知五位數 215a4 是 9 的倍數,則下列何者也是 9 的倍數?

(A) 3a116 (B) 863a0 (C) 92a39 (D) aa078 (E) 521a73


1 1 1 1 1
2) Compute 6×(1- )×(1- )×(1- )×(1- )×(1- ).
2×2 3×3 4×4 5×5 6×6

1 1
(A) 3 (B) 3 2 (C) 4 (D) 4 2 (E) 6


3) The figure is the plan view of Terry’s house, and each letter represents the length of that side.
If c=70 m, d=30 m, h=10 m, find the perimeter of Terry’s house in m.

如圖,是 Terry 家房屋的平面俯視圖,圖中的字母表示各邊長度,若 c=70 m,d=30 m,

h=10 m,則 Terry 家房屋的周長是多少 m?

(A) 210 (B) 220 (C) 230 (D) 240 (E) 250


4) Given a fraction whose denominator is larger than its numerator by 4. If 9 is added to both its
numerator and the denominator, and the new fraction can be reduced to 9 , find the least common
multiple of the numerator and denominator of the original fraction.

有一個分數,它的分母比分子多 4,如果把分子、分母都加上 9,得到的新分數約分後會是

9 ,則這個分數原先的分子與分母的最小公倍數是多少?

(A) 21 (B) 77 (C) 36 (D) 90 (E) 45


5) Mary uses a 36 cm long bamboo stick to weave a cuboid lantern frame whose length, width, and
height are different integers in cm. If rice paper should be stuck on the six faces of the lantern, how
much rice paper does she need the least in cm2?

Mary 用長 36 cm 的竹子編了一個長、寬、高是相異整數 cm 的長方體燈籠框架,接著在燈籠

框架的 6 個面黏上宣紙,請問她最少需要準備多少 cm2 的宣紙?

(A) 52 (B) 46 (C) 40 (D) 36 (E) 34


6) What will x be if it is carried to the integral part unconditionally?

將 x 無條件進位至整數是多少?

2 1 1
[(3 7 +x)÷4 8 -0.8]×11 4 =6

(A) 3 (B) 1 (C) 4 (D) 2 (E) 5


7) Given a cylinder container, the radius of its bottom surface is 8 cm, its height is 10 cm. Put a cylinder
whose radius is 4 cm in the container, fill the container with water, and take the cylinder out of the
water. What is the height of the water surface now? (π=3.14)

如圖,是一個底面半徑為 8 cm,高為 10 cm 的圓柱形容器,在其中放入一個半徑為 4 cm 的圓

柱後注滿水,接著將圓柱取出,則水面高度變為多高?(圓周率使用 3.14)

(A) 7 cm (B) 8.5 cm (C) 7.5 cm (D) 8 cm (E) 6.4 cm


8) As shown, a path is on a rectangular land which is x m long and y m wide, and the area besides the
path is grassland. Move the left sideline of the path rightward horizontally for k m, and it will overlap
with the right sideline of the path. If x:y=5:2, y:k=8:1, find the ratio of the area of the path
to the area of the grassland.

如圖,一片長為 x m、寬為 y m 的長方形土地上,有一條小路,小路左邊線向右平移 k m 就是

小路右邊線,小路以外的部分種滿了草,若 x:y=5:2,y:k=8:1,則小路面積與草地面

1 1 1 1 2
(A) 19 (B) 16 (C) 15 (D) 20 (E) 19

9) The average number of five numbers is 30. If one of the numbers is changed to 40, and the new
average number becomes 35, find the original number of this changed number.

五個數的平均數是 30,將其中一個數改為 40,則新的平均數變為 35,請問這個被改動的數


(A) 20 (B) 10 (C) 25 (D) 30 (E) 15

10) In a juice shop, it is stipulated that each glass of orange juice should contain 5 measuring cup of
1 1
real juice. A new clerk John mistook 5 for 4 . He didn’t find out until he’d made 24 glasses of
orange juice, and by then there was only 3 of a full bottle of real juice left. If John made orange
juice with the correct proportion from the start, how many glasses of orange juice could be made
with a full bottle of real juice?

1 1 1
在果汁店規定每杯柳橙汁使用原汁的量為量杯的 5 來調配,新手店員 John 誤將 5 看成 4 ,
在調了 24 杯之後才發現看錯,此時原來一瓶全滿的原汁只剩下 3 ,如果 John 一開始就照正

(A) 40 (B) 45 (C) 48 (D) 42 (E) 54


◎Problems 11-15. Eight points each. Choose the best answer from (A) – (E) .
11~15 題每題 8 分,從(A) – (E)中選擇最佳的答案。

11) In the left figure is a cuboid water container which is 25 cm long, 10 cm wide, and 24 cm high with
a partition that is 10 cm long and 1 cm thick inside. Turn on the tap to fill the container with water,
and x minutes later the container is full. In the right figure shows the line chart of the water surface
height and the water filling time. Find x.

如左圖,一個長 25 cm、寬 10 cm、高 24 cm 的長方體水容器,內部有一個長 10 cm、厚 1

cm 的隔板,左方有一個水龍頭向容器注水,經過 x 分鐘後容器注滿水,右圖則是水面高度與
注水時間的折線圖,則 x=?


(A) 18.6 (B) 18 (C) 18.2 (D) 18.5 (E) 19


12) In a rectangular grid, the length and width of each rectangle are 2 and 1, respectively. Suppose two
points A and B are on grid points, point C is also on a grid point, and the area of the triangle whose
vertices are points A, B, and C is 1, how many points C satisfy the conditions above?

如圖,在長方形網格中,每個長方形的長均為 2,寬均為 1,A、B 兩點在格點上,若 C 點也

在格點上,且以 A、B、C 為頂點的三角形面積為 1,則滿足條件的所有 C 點有多少個?

(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) 6


13) A circular table symbolizes equality. 6 people sit around a circular table whose radius is 60cm at
equal distance from each other. Each person sits 20 cm away from the table. When 2 people join
them, each of them moves x cm backward and adjusts their seat leftward or rightward so that each
part of the arc length among 8 people is the same as each part of the arc length among 6 people
originally. Which equation is appropriate?

如圖,圓桌象徵著平等,6 個人均勻圍坐在半徑是 60 cm 的圓桌

旁邊,每個人離桌邊的距離都是 20 cm,後來又來了 2 個人,每
個人都向後移動 x cm,再左右調整位置,使 8 人彼此之間的圓弧
距離與原來 6 人彼此之間的圓弧距離都相等,則可以列出的式子

2π(60+20) 2π(60+20-x) 2π×60 2π(60+x)

(A) 6 = 8 (B) 6 = 8
(C) 2π(60+20)×6=2π(60+20+x)×8 (D) 2π(60-x)×8=2π(60+x)×6
2π(60+20) 2π(60+20+x)
(E) 6 = 8


14) The result of a math test of a class is as follows: The lowest score is 60, the highest score is 100.
The score of each student is either a multiple of 2 or 3, and that no two students have the same score.
How many students are there in this class at most?

一次數學測驗全班成績如下:最低分 60 分,最高分 100 分,每位學生的成績要麼是 2 的倍

數,要麼是 3 的倍數,且沒有兩位學生的成績是相同的,則全班最多有幾位學生?

(A) 29 (B) 34 (C) 32 (D) 28 (E) 26


15) In square ABCD, the area of △ABE=the area of △BCF=the area of 6 square ABCD. Find the
ratio of the area of △BEF to the area of square ABCD.

如圖,正方形 ABCD 中,△ABE 面積=△BCF 面積= 6 正方形
ABCD 面積,則△BEF 面積與正方形 ABCD 面積的比值是多少?

1 2 4 5 7
(A) 2 (B) 5 (C) 9 (D) 12 (E) 18


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