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Key Activities Planned…………………………………………………………….….2

Key activities Achieved………………………………..................................3


Challenge Faced…………………………………………………………………………5

Measures taken…………………………………………………………………………5

Lesson Learnt………………………………………………………………………….…5


De La Salle Community Development Organization is a legally registered CSO with

the license number of 0806. It has been operational on different projects over 15
years. Especially on OVC, Youth SRH,HIV/AIDS, Rehabilitation and advocacies
The organization is one of the selected service providers in Dessie town for the
project of UPSNJP/UDS that targets mainly women with children.The organization
bases in Adama city and operates throughout oromia and other regions of
Ethiopia.The project implementation began in May2023 and lasted for Three
months, thus this report covers the four months stay in the center and activities
performed on the women with children.The overall implementation of the project
is being organized in this report.The key activities planned performed, results
gained, Challenges faced, remedies taken,lesson learnt and conclusion are the key
topics to be reported.

Goal: The overall goal of this project is to minimize the number of streetism
and ultimately making the town free of street life.
The objective of the project is to improve the economic, educational and
social reintegration of the homeless through providing basic social and
livelihood services.
Specific Objectives
 To deliver full packages of services for theWomen with children in the
 Fully reinstate the homeless women to the normal life after
reintegration to their community of origin.

Key activities planned

Before beginning the project in the city the following activities are planned:

 Outreach activities which help to identify the hotspots and the women as
 Beneficiary selection based on the criteria already the organization set
based on the standard.
 Proper registration on paper at office level.
 Completing a concent for every admitted woman to the center.
 Conducting psychological and health assessment to know about the
women’s status.

 Based on the assessment that identifies the need of the women, make
 Provide the basic services like shelter, food, MHPHS and clothing.
 Provide group and individual counseling.
 Recreational activities to refresh the women with children regularly.
 Preparation of Development plan that sustainably reinstate the women.
 Create linkage with the relevant government structure to facilitate
reintegration and follow up.
 Following up activities after reintegration of the homeless women to their

Key achieved activities

Here are the activities performed in the temporary shelter,

Getting temporary shelter: DCDO had already owned a land that is used
for the temporary sheter for the women.Based on this the organization has
renovated the existing shelters and building additional rooms.

Selection: Beneficiaries (WWC) must be selected based on the criteria set.The

children could be selected based on the following key criteria

 A woman with children living on a street

 A woman with children who is out of job/work due to streetism
 Only woman with child/children to be accepted
 A woman not greater than 50 years of age and able to work to support her
 A woman with children willing to be admitted

Thus the 132 women with children were selected properly meeting the above

Admission: After the 132 women with children were selected the next step was
conducting formal admission to the service center.So the women with children
were fully admitted to the center by creating their individual files

Consent form: All willing women with children should confirm with a filed
document called consent.To this regard all the women with children could fill the
form properly.Following this, the women with children were formally registered by
taking the beneficiary photo

Sanitary services: one of the basic services to be delivered in the center is

sanitation.So the women with children were fully provided with sanitation services
regularly.Soap, hair oil, diapers and Modes have been purchased and distributed
on regular bases.

Assessment: There are two types of assessments where women with children have
to pass through:

 Initial health assessment: where women with children’s status of their

health has been assessed and checked for further treatment for referral. So
th women with children are successfully assessed by the health officer.
 Psychological assessment: This kind of assessment is very important to
know the overall mental status of the women with children .Based on this
the counselor of the organization could assess the psychological condition of
the child and documented it as personal file.

Counseling: This is one of the key activities to be accomplished throughout the

period of women with children’s stay in the center.To this regard depending on the
cases of each women with Chidren counseling sessions were organized and
delivered to the children in two different types of sessions.

Individual counseling: this was conducted for selected women with children
whose cases should not be disclosed and known by others, thus cases are
identified and proper counseling was given until the women with children reset

Group counseling: common cases of women with Chidren were identified and
and sessions of counseling organized on regular bases. So children have got the
appropriate group counseling to all of them.

Providing the basic services: The basic center services include feeding, clothing,
shelter, health, recreational services and etc. The women with Chidren in the
center have been fully delivered with these services

1. women with Chidren are fed atleast three ties per day with variety of food
2. Clothes have been bought for every women with Chidren on admission
3. The dormitories of the women with Chidren have been well,clean and
equipped with faci;ities
4. Preventive and curative health services have been delivered to the children
5. Different games and entertaining sessions were organized on regular basis.
6. Non formal education for women with Chidren who didn’t enrolled to school
have been given

Recreational activities: women with Chidren had time for recreation and
refreshment time during their stay in the center; they play different kinds of

Situation analysis: The women with children will leave the center after the
three months stay,thus the situation where they come from has to be
analysed.To this regard the working environment of each WWC has been
analysed before they are reintegrated to the community and working

Results gained
After three months of center services are delivered properly and appropriate
actions and interventions were made to the women with Chidren and their
families of origin, the following results were found.
1. Post war traumatized women with Chidren were able to recover from
being in depression.
2. The admission time aggressive behavior of the women with children was
totally changed to positive one.
3. Children are fully ready to be reunified to their families showing
commitment to stay within the community and reinstate.
4. Positive linkage with the background families and communities has been
made and families are ready to support the WWC.


In the overll iplementation of the UPSNJP/UDS project on women with

Chidren in Dessie town , DCDO(the SP) accomplished it over with 90% of its
planned activities.As a result very impressive results,lessons and experiences were
gained.It understands that there needs to address the problem intensively by
engaging the communities where the WWC origin .On the other hand the office of
Labor and social affair of the town of Dessie are very supportive in implementing
the project successfully. The indespensable contribution of the staff of the office
was in the form of resource mobilization , facilitation and monitoring .

Challenges Faced

 The location of the main office: due to this the organization couldn’t monitor
the project more frequently.However the staff recruited had been doing it
 The current skyrocketing cost of living has put big obstacle on managing our
resources (finance) effectively) price fluctuation is daily based and passed the
projected budget sharply.
 Staff turnover is still the problem to continue the implementation smoothly
and getting the professionals is taking time to replace them on time.

Measures Taken

 Working with the office of Labour and social affair of Dessie town DCDO
continuously tried to monitor the project remotely and using the staff
 To address the second issue, wise use of the resources and finance was used
to cope up with the challenge faced.In addition thanks to the staff of Dessie
town women and social affair office huge resource was mobilized sufficiently.
 Main office staff replaced the leaving employees of the center and covered the
gaps immediately.

Lessons Learnt

From the entire implementation of this project in Dessie town, the implemnting
service provider has learnt a lot from its performance. The following are the key
points we have got the lesson:

 The awareness on the community before implementation begins is very

 Cooperation and coordination among different stakeholders is important.
 We understood that there is equal proportion of resource with that of the
allocated budget, so there is a need massive resource mobilization must be

Thank You for all.

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