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Class – XI
Subject - English
A (Write any two assignments in approximately 1000 -1500 words).

1. Give a detailed account of beginning of the play, Macbeth. Describe the role of witches in
the play and Explain the lines spoken by them: Fair is foul, and foul is Fair Hover through
the fog and fifthy air. What is the significance of these lines of witches and where do they
plan to meet and whom?

2. “Hamaguchi is an epitome for the act of selfless sacrifice, dedication, devotion and
humility.” Substantiate your views on the character of Hamaguchi from the chapter, The
Living God. Why was Hamaguchi given the status of 'A Living God’?

3. The poem, Abhisara – The Tryst, a classic piece in Sanskrit literature, often deals with
themes of love, longing, and the journey of lovers to meet each other. On the basis of your
reading of poem, answer the questions given below:

(a) Discuss how the poem celebrates the transformative power of love and compassion, as
embodied in the character of the sanyasi Upagupta.

(b) Compare and contrast the two meetings between Upagupta and Vasavdatta.

(c) What is the theme of the poem?

(d) Describe literary devices used in the poem.

Instructions to be followed while making your Assignment:

• It should be handwritten.
• Use A4 size paper to write the matter.
• Cover page:
English Literature Assignment

Class /Section:
Roll No.:
1st Page: Acknowledgement
2nd Page: Index
Last Page: Bibliography
B (Write composition on the following topics in Language notebook. (400- 450 words.)

1. You have returned to your city after spending five years in a foreign country. The city has
changed during your absence. Describe the changes that have affected the lives of the
people in the city.

2. “India is a rich country inhabited by poor people.” Present your reflections on this

Hand Written Project
Use A4 size paper to write the matter.
Cover page: Mathematics Project
1st page: Index
2nd page: Acknowledgement
Last page: Bibliography
Do any one project from Section A and one from Section B from the following:
Section - A
1. Using a Venn Diagram , find the number of subsets of a given set and verify that
if a set has ‘n’ number of elements , the total number of subsets is 2 n
2. Using Venn diagram verify the distributive law for three given non- empty sets A
, B and C.
3. Establish the relationship between the measure of an angle in degree and in
radians with suitable examples by drawing a rough sketch
4. Identify distinction between a relation and a function with suitable examples
and illustrate graphically.
Section – B
5. Construct different types of conics by PowerPoint Presentation, or by making a
model, using the concept of double cone and a plane.
6. Use focal property of ellipse to construct ellipse.
7. Use focal property of hyperbola to construct hyperbola.
8. Write geometrical significance of X coordinate, Y coordinate, and Z coordinate in
space. Using the above, find the distance of the point in space from x-axis/y-
axis/z-axis. Explain the above using a three-dimensional model/ power point
Subject: Physics

Make a project on solar cell and photo electric chemical cell

For Project evaluation

• Title of the project.

• Theory/ principle involved
• Purpose
• Application
• Conclusion
• Bibliography


Write the following experiments in your practical file

Class 11: Exp: 1,2,3,5,7,8,9,11,12,13


The candidate is to creatively execute one project on an aspect of Chemistry.

• Effect of Green House Gases.

• How Plastics have changed the world, both socially and economically.

Subject- Biology
Project Work
a) Choose any one project indicated in the list. Following is a suggestive list of topics:
I. Project related to experiment on any aspect of Plant life/animal life.
II. Project related to any aspect of environment.
III. Diabetes
IV. Endocrine disorders.
V. Yeast fermentation and production of alcohol or
VI. Any other commercial industry dependant on
VII. Plants and/or animals or their products.
VIII. In addition, students may be taught how to Culture:
 Earthworms
 Protozoans
 Moulds
 Setting up of an aquarium.
The candidate is to creatively execute one Project/assignment on an aspect of biology.
Preference is to be given to handwritten investigatory Projects.
Format of the Project:
 Content
 Introduction
 Presentation (graphs, tables, charts, newspaper Cuttings, diagrams, photographs,
statistical Analysis if relevant)
 Conclusion/ Summary
 Bibliography
b) Write the following practical’s in Biology Lab Manual.
Experiment No. – 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
Subject - Accounts

Instructions to be followed while making Project:-

1. It should be handwritten.
2. Use A4 size assignment sheets to write the matter.
3. Project should not be copied or similar to others, otherwise it will be cancelled.
4. Project should contain the following details (Follow the sequence as mentioned
(A) File cover – (i) School name – Guru Nanak Public School
Model Town Extension, Ludhiana.

(ii) Subject name - Accounts

(B) Title page :

Name of the Project -_________________
On the left hand corner. On the right hand corner
Submitted to: Submitted by:
Name of the teacher Mr/Mrs____ Name of the Student - ______
Class - _____
Admission no. - _____
Roll number- ______

(C) Acknowledgement
(D) Index
(E) Main Body of the project (10-15 pages)
(F) Conclusion
(G) Bibliography: Sources - Names of the books, weblinks, sites from internet,
magazines, journals etc.
5. Students are required to make 2 projects

The topics as mentioned below.

Assignment 1

Preparation of journal, Ledger ,trial balance and financial statement of a trading Organisation
on the basis of a case study.

● Develop a case study of a sole trader starting business with a certain amount of capital.
● Sources used to fund the business.
● Write in details his transaction during the year – his purchases – cash and credit , sales-
cash and credit , expenses , purchase of fixed asset and depreciation charged by them
, adjustment etc.
● From this case study develop atleast 20 transactions , pass the journal entries , post
them into ledger , prepare a trial balance and trading and profit and loss account and
balance sheet.
● Various expenses should be depicted in the form of bar diagram and pie charts.

Assignment 2

● Evolution of accounting three phases

● Basic terms: capital, Assets, liabilities, debtors, creditors, purchases, sales, stock,
profit and loss
● Accounting equation: Meaning & uses
● Meaning and definition of bookkeeping and accounting. Difference between
bookkeeping and accounting.
● Users of accounting information.
● Classification of accounts- traditional classification or modern approach
● Double entry system
● Rules of journalising traditional classification or modern approach.


Instructions to be followed while making Project:-

1. It should be hand written.

2. Use A4 size assignment sheets to write the matter.
3. Project should not be copied or similar to others, otherwise it will be cancelled.
4. Project should contain the following details (Follow the sequence as mentioned
(A) File cover – (i) School name – Guru Nanak Public School
Model Town Extension, Ludhiana.

(ii) Subject name - Business Studies

(B) Title page :

Name of the Project -_________________

On the left hand corner. On the right hand corner

Submitted to: Submitted by:
Name of the teacher Mr/Mrs____ Name of the Student – _______
Class - _____
Admission no. - _____
Roll number- ______
(C) Acknowledgement
(D) Index
(E) Main Body of the project (10-15 pages)
(F) Conclusion
(G) Bibliography: Sources - Names of the books, web links, sites from internet,
magazines, journals etc.
5. Students are required to prepare two Projects from the following topics as assigned by
the Subject Teacher.

File 1:-
1. Business Environment:- study the importance of changes in the business
environment. Examine any two companies that had first mover advantage in
Indian Business Environment and how they reacted to entry of global competition.
2. SWOT Analysis:- Study and compare SWOT Analysis of two leading companies
from different industries.
3. Business Plan:- As a fresh graduate, select business opportunity and prepare a
business plan for a start up business giving the following:
● Details of the business idea
● Products and/or services
● Finance and its sources
● Marketing plan
4. Productivity Enhancement Tools in Banks:- make a list of productivity
enhancement tools and facilities available to the banking industry. Study two
banks and examine if they are using the facilities available to them. Evaluate the
benefits availed by the banking Industries.
5. Productivity Enhancement Tools in Retail Industry:- make a list of Productivity
enhancement tools and facilities available to the retail industry. Study two retail
businesses and examine if they are using the facilities available to them. Evaluate
the benefits availed by the retail Industries.
6. Productivity Enhancement Tools in Corporate World :- make a list of Productivity
enhancement tools and facilities available to the corporate world. Study two
companies and examine if they are using the facilities available to them. Evaluate
the benefits availed by the corporate Industries.
File 2:-

1. Entrepreneurship:- Meaning and definition of Entrepreneur, Types of

Entrepreneur (Clarence Danhoff), Characteristic of a successful Entrepreneurs,
meaning and Characteristics of Entrepreneurship, Meaning and Characteristics of
Enterprise, Steps in setting up an Enterprise.
2. Business Risks and Causes of Failure:- Meaning of Business Risks, characteristics
of Business Risks, Causes of Business risks, Types of Business Risks, Methods of
handling/managing risks.
3. Authority Responsibility and Accountability:- Meaning and Characteristics of
Authority, Sources of Authority, Meaning and features of Responsibility, Meaning
and features of Accountability, Meaning and features of Delegation of Authority,
principles of Delegation of Authority.
4. Automation at Workplaces:- Meaning and Definition of Mechanisation, Meaning
and Definition of Automation, Difference between Mechanisation and
Automation, Evolution from Mechanisation to Automation, merits and demerits
of Mechanisation and Automation.

Instructions to be followed while making Project: -

1. It should be hand written.

2. Use A4 size assignment sheets to write the matter
3. Project should not be copied or similar to others, otherwise it will be cancelled
4. Project should contain the following details (Follow the sequence as mentioned
(A) File cover – (i) School name – Guru Nanak Public School
Model Town Extension, Ludhiana.
(ii) Subject name – Economics
(B) Title page:
Name of the Project -_________________

On the left-hand corner. On the right-hand corner

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Name of the teacher Mr/Mrs__ Name of the student - _____
Class - _______
Admission no. - _________
Roll number- _____

(C) Index
(D) Main Body of the project (10-15 pages)
(E) Conclusion
(F) Bibliography: Sources - Names of the books, weblinks, sites from internet,
magazines, journals etc.
5. Students are required to prepare two Projects from the following topics assigned
by their Subject Teacher: -

Project 1 :
1. Agriculture Diversification - meaning, agricultural diversification during the post-
green revolution,
2. Economic Development and Environment Degradation – meaning, effects and
causes of resource depletion, Global Warming
3. Liberalization and its impact on Indian economy – meaning, features and
4. Privatization and its impact on Indian economy - meaning, features and evaluation.
5. Globalisation and its impact on Indian economy - meaning, features and
6. Presentation of statistical data – principles of effective data presentation, tabular
presentation, graphical presentation- bar charts, line graph, pie chart, histograms.
7. Agricultural Marketing: - meaning, defects, measures taken by the government
8. Basic Economic problems- Meaning, reasons, Production possibility Curve – shifts
and rotation, Economics problems with the help of PPC
Project 2:

1. An overview of poverty in context to Indian Economy. Study the pattern of poverty

in any two Indian States in last 5 years.
2. An overview of Unemployment in context to Indian economy. Study the pattern of
unemployment in any two Indian States in last 5 years
3. Take a socialistic economy such as China/Russia and mixed economy such as India
analyse the main features of these economy and do a comparative study.
4. Take a socialistic economy such as Russia/China and capitalistic economy such as
USA/Japan, analyse the main features of these countries and do comparative
5. Comparative study on Inflation – Meaning, types, impacts of Inflation. Analyse the
trend of prices changes in two consumer goods (1 necessity good and 1 luxury
good) for last 5 years.
6. Comparative study on green revolution in the Indian Economy:- pre-green
revolution scenario, features of green revolution, comparative analysis: pre and
post- green revolution.
7. A comparative study of Business cycles – Meaning, phases in detail with graphical
presentation. Effects of Business Cycles specifically in case of Boom and
Depression with reference to Real Economic example of any two countries
8. Organic Farming in India- meaning, extent, regional variations, types of crops,
comparative aspect of organic and conventional farming

Instructions to be followed while making Project:-

1. It should be hand written.

2. Use A4 size assignment sheets to write the matter.
3. Project should not be copied or similar to others, otherwise it will be cancelled.
4. Project should contain the following details (Follow the sequence as mentioned
(A) File cover – (i) School name – Guru Nanak Public School
Model Town Extension, Ludhiana.

(ii) Subject name - Commerce

(B) Title page :

Name of the Project -_________________

On the left hand corner. On the right hand corner

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Name of the teacher Mr/Mrs____ Name of the Student - _______
Class - _____
Admission no. - _____
Roll number- ______
(C) Acknowledgement
(D) Index
(E) Main Body of the project (10-15 pages)
(F) Conclusion
(G) Bibliography: Sources - Names of the books, web links, sites from internet,
magazines, journals etc.
5. Students are required to prepare two Projects from the following topics as assigned by
the Subject Teacher.
File 1:-
1. Business activities: Industry- Meaning and types. Commerce- functions and
branches of commerce.
2. Sole trader:- Meaning, characteristics, merits and demerits. Formation and
objectives of Sole trader business.
3. Partnership :- Meaning, features, merits and demerits. Difference between Sole
trader and Partnership. Types of Partnership.
4. Partnership:- Meaning of Partnership and features, its Registration, Formation of
Partnership Firm, Types of Partners.
5. Joint stock company:- Meaning, features, its merits and demerits and objectives.
Difference between Partnership and Joint Stock Company.
6. Types of companies:- Global enterprises: Meaning, its merits and demerits.
Classification of companies and privileges of a Private company.
7. Social responsibility:- Concept, Need and Responsibilities towards different
interest groups.
8. Public sector undertakings:- Departmental Undertaking: Meaning, its features,
merits and demerits. Public Corporation: Meaning, its features, merits and
demerits. Government companies: Meaning, features, merits and demerits.
9. Stock exchange:- Meaning, its functions and services.
File 2:-

1. Wholesale trade:- Meaning, its characteristics and services of a wholesaler.

2. Retail trade:- Meaning, its characteristics, functions and services of a retailer.
3. Retail trade:- Meaning and types of retail trade.
4. Internal trade:- Meaning and Procedure of home trade.
5. International trade:- Meaning, its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.
6. Export trade:- Meaning and export trade procedure.
7. Import trade:- Meaning, objective and functions of Import trade and its
8. Insurance:- Meaning, its objectives and purpose and principles of insurance.
9. Types of insurance:- Types of Insurance.

Section A

Read & Revise the chapters

1.Concept Of Physical Education, Its aim and Objectives

2. Individual Aspects and Group Dynamics

Section B

Prepare a Practical Manual Notebook

1.Athletics:- Write types of Starts, Finish, Sprints, Middle Distance Races , Long
Distance Races , Shot Put, Long jump & Javelin Throw.
a) Draw a Standard Track (8 lanes).
b) Draw Throwing Sector of Shot Put.
c) Draw Long jump Pit.
d) Draw Throwing Sector of Javelin Throw.
2.Choose any two Games mentioned below:-
1. Cricket
2. Football
3. Badminton
4. Basketball
5. Volleyball
i) Draw ground of your choice games.
ii) Write History, Latest Rules of the game , Playing Field & Equipment, Tips to
Remember, Terminology, Fundamental Skills of the game, Important Tournaments,
Venues & Personalities.
Note:- 1) Writing should be neat & clean.
2) Track Throwing Sector & Grounds should be draw neat & clean( Not Pasted).
3) Athletics ( Track Events & Field Events) should be learn for Viva.
4) Practical Notebook should be decorated.

Topic- Still Life

Draw and colour one realistic and one abstract composition on A3 size water colour sheet
with any colour medium of your choice.


Instructions to be followed while making Project:-

1. It should be hand written.

2. Use A4 size assignment sheets to write the matter.
3. Project should not be copied or similar to others, otherwise it will be cancelled.
4. Project should contain the following details (Follow the sequence as mentioned
(A) File cover –
(i) School name – Guru Nanak Public School

Model Town Extension, Ludhiana.

(ii) Subject name - Legal Studies Project Work

(B) Title page :

Name of the Project -_________________

On the left hand corner. On the right hand corner

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Name of the teacher Mr/Mrs____ Name of the Student - ______
Class - _____
Admission no. - _____
Roll number- ______
(C) Acknowledgement
(D) Index
(E) Main Body of the project (10-15 pages)
(F) Conclusion
(G) Bibliography: Sources - Names of the books, weblinks, sites from internet,
magazines, journals etc.
5. Students are required to make 2 assignments from the following topics as
assigned by the teacher.
6. In keeping with the significance of doing project work and gaining a hands-on
understanding of various contemporary issues, candidates are expected to
undertake two studies of 15 Marks each.
7. Candidates should synthesize information from a range of sources, including
cases, legislation, the media and international instruments, to support a legal
8. Topics should extend areas of individual or group interests from any chapter
covered in Theory, after understanding the legal functions, practices and
9. The project work will be assessed by the teacher and a Visiting Examiner
appointed locally and approved by CISCE.
10. Mark allocation per Study [15 marks] will be as follows:
1. Evaluation by the teacher 5 Marks.
2. Evaluation by the Visiting Examiner 10 Marks .

11. Evaluation of Study by the Visiting Examiner [10 marks]

1. Presentation - 2 Marks
2. Content - 2 Marks
3. Analysis - 3 Marks
4. Viva-voce based on the Study - 3 Marks.


1. Make a presentation on ‘Structure of Judiciary in India’.

The presentation should contain the following:
(i) Hierarchy of Courts in India
(ii) Establishment of the Supreme Court, High Courts & Subordinate Courts-
(iii) Concept of Single Bench, Division Bench, full bench and Constitutional bench
2. Would there be a different viewpoint if the ensuing cases were determined today? (Any
one to be discussed)
(i) Kesavananda Bharati Case
(ii) Golaknath Case
(iii)AK Gopalan case
(iv) SR Bommai case
3. Using contemporary examples, investigate the legal rights of consumers and the
effectiveness of the law in achieving justice for consumers. To support your research, cite
pertinent case studies.
4. Research the following case studies and submit your findings:
i. Naveen Kohli v Neelu Kohli , 2006
ii. Amardeep Singh v. Harveen Kaur , 2017.
iii. Dastane v. Dastane [AIR 1975 SC 1534]
iv. Shayara Bano vs. Union of India [(2017) 9 SCC1]
v. Bar of Indian Lawyers v. D. K. Gandhi PS National Institute of Communicable
Diseases, 2024 SCC SC 928.
5. Write an essay on ‘India- Pakistan tug of war over GI tag for Basmati Rice’.
6. Critically analyse the Theories of Punishment.
7.Write an essay with relevant case studies on any one from the following topics:
(i) Social Media and Cyber Laws in India.
(ii) E-commerce and Cyber Laws in India.
(iii) Intellectual Property Rights and Cyber Laws in India.
8. Whether a complaint alleging “deficiency in service” against Advocates practising Legal
Profession, would be maintainable under CPA, 1986 or Whether the Legislature ever
intended to include the Professions or services rendered by the Professionals within the
purview of the CPA 1986 ?
Subject - Computer Science

Instructions for Practical File

 Use one side lined and one side plain A4 sheets.

 The sheets should be simple no decoration should be done.
 The output of the programs should be written on the left side i.e plain side.
 The output should be written with the pencil.
 The program should be written on the right side i.e on the line side.

1. Make a presentation on the topic ‘Cyber Security‘. It should consist of minimum

15 slides and maximum 20 slides.
2. Write the following programs in your Computer Practical Files:-
a) Write a small program on recursion to calculate factorial of a number. (Pg 499)
b) Write a small program to input a number. Find and display the sum of all odd
numbers from 1 to n by using a recursive function. (Pg 503)
c) Write a program to input a number and display the sum of its digits by using a
recursive function. (Pg 504)
Sample input:
Enter a number: 348
Sample output:
Sum of digits: 15
d) Write a program to input a number and display the new number after reversing
its digits. Use a recursive function that returns a number passed as its
argument. (Pg 506)
Sample input:
Enter a number: 243
Sample output:
Reversed number: 342
e) Write an algorithm to generate first 20 elements of Fibonacci series. (Pg 501)
Subject – Punjabi

1. Write Five Alankaars in Teen Taal in your Note-book

2. Write and Learn Contributions of Pandit Vishnu Digambar Pulaskar
3. Write Ekgun,Dugun and Chaugun of Teen Taal and Jhap Taal along with Description
4. Make a Chart of Basic Knowledge of Music i.e Full names of Swars,Signs of Vikrit
Swars etc

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