q1 Cse330 Fall2022 - Sol

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Quiz # 1 CSE 330 Solution

MCQ: Choose Only One Answer.

( )
1. equals to
4 10
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
A. 10.0101 2 . B. 100.101 2 . C. 101.111 2 . D. 1001.11 2 .
1. D
( )
2. Up to 4 significant figure, equals to
16 10
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
A. 10.01 2 . B. 10.10 2 . C. 11.00 2 . D. 01.11 2 .
2. B
0.1 −0.1
e +e
3. What is the lowest degree of the polynomials that gives the value of upto 9 significant figure?
A. p7 (0.1). B. p5 (0.1). C. p3 (0.1). D. p8 (0.1).
3. B
[ ]
4. In 2-digit decimal arithmetic, fl (5.9 + 5.5) + 0.4 equals
A. 10.0. B. 11.0. C. 12.0. D. None of these.
4. B
[ ]
5. In 2-digit decimal arithmetic, fl 5.9 + (5.5 + 0.4) equals
A. 10.0. B. 11.0. C. 12.0. D. None of these.
5. C

6. If we work to 3 decimal digits, the average of 5.01 and 5.02 will be

A. 5.0. B. 5.01. C. 5.02. D. 5.015.
6. A

7. If we work to 4 decimal digits, the average of 5.01 and 5.02 will be

A. 5.0. B. 5.01. C. 5.02. D. 5.015.
7. D
Problems: Marks are as indicated

8. (3 marks) Consider the quadratic equation, x2 − 60x + 1 = 0. Working to 6 significant figures, compute the roots
of the quadratic equation and check that there is a loss of significance. Find the correct roots such that loss of
significance does not occur.
Solution: The discriminant of the given quadratic equation is

−(−60) ± (−60)2 − 4 × 1 × 1
Discriminant = = 30 ± 29.9833 = 59.9833 and 0.0167000 (upto 6 sig. fig.)
But the product of the roots must be equal to 1, but here we get, 59.9833 × 0.0167000 = 1.00172 ̸= 1. Since the
product is not equal to one there is loss of significance due to the subtraction of two close numbers 30 and 29.9833.
One root is x1 = 59.9833. To find the second root, we use, x2 = 1/x1 = 1/(59.9833) = 0.0166713 up to 6 sig. fig.
Now, check that x1 + x2 = 59.9833 + 0.0166713 = 59.99997 = 60.0000 up tp 6 sig. fig. This is the correct solution
that does not have any loss of significance.

,,, Yes!!!!! Let the PHUN begin!!! ,,,

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