Relative Clause (Defining Relative Clause

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Ⅰ. Fill in the gap with the correct relative pronoun.

1. The park _____ we had our picnic is beautiful.
2. The person _____ called earlier wants to speak with you.
3. The book _____ you recommended is very interesting.
4. The restaurant _____ serves the best sushi is downtown.
5. The professor _____ office is on the third floor is very knowledgeable.
6. The day _____ we got married was the happiest of our lives.
7. The car _____ needs repair is in the garage.
8. The student _____ won the science fair is very talented.
9. The city _____ I was born in is known for its architecture.
10. The movie _____ just came out is getting great reviews.
11. The employee _____ helped me yesterday is very friendly.
12. The house _____ is for sale has a large backyard.
13. The subject _____ we discussed in class was fascinating.
14. The hotel _____ I stayed at was very comfortable.
15. The person _____ owns this business is retiring soon.
16. The time _____ we can meet is 3 pm.
17. The project _____ I'm working on is due next week.
18. The store _____ sells organic produce is nearby.
19. The book _____ I'm reading is a bestseller.
20. The time ______ the concert starts is 7 pm.

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