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Life-changing books
Module #134
Books can teach you a lesson and change your life.
Life-changing books are rare, but they are the books that change your
heart, your mind, and your very way of living.
Why do we need to read life-changing books?
Warming up!

Let’s watch a video entitled “How Reading Books Completely Changed My Life”
by clicking the following link:
Listening Script Test
 Why do we need to have more concepts according to the man’s
 Where can we pick up new concepts for changing our life?
 How can books change your life according to the man’s explanation?
 In your opinion, is it necessary for us to read life-changing books?
If yes, why?
 Can you mention some life-change books that you have ever read?
What lessons can you draw through reading such inspiring books?
Informative (adj) : giving a lot of information in a helpful way
Ex.: The educational lecture was informative and worth the trip.
Thought-provoking (adj) : making you think a lot about a subject
Ex.: This is an entertaining yet thought-provoking book.
Bedtime reading (n) : a book, magazine etc. read at bedtime
Ex.: This is a perfect book for bedtime reading.
Enchanting (adj) : very pleasant
Ex.: It's described in the guide book as "an enchanting medieval city".
Heavy going (adj) : difficult to read or understand
Ex.: I liked the film but the book was rather heavy going.
Poignant (adj) : causing or having a very sharp feeling of sadness
Ex.: The photograph awakens poignant memories of happier days.
Avidly (adv) : in an extremely eager or interested way
Ex.: She reads avidly.
Rivet (v) : If something rivets someone, it attracts and keeps someone's attention.
Ex.: Her performance riveted the audience.
Spine-tingling (adj) : very special and exciting
Ex.: Watching you win the match was one of those spine-tingling moments..
Page-turner (n) : A book that is so exciting that you want to read it quickly.
Ex.: Her latest novel is a real page-turner.
Idioms of the day
To have your nose in a book To read from the same page
To read with intensity To have the same understanding about something

Ex. He has his nose in a book, so don’t Ex. He and I read from the same page when
expect him to come down for another it comes to cars.
few hours.

Do you read me? To read up on

Another way of asking “do you understand me?” To read about a person or topic to increase one’s
Ex. Hey Peter, do you read me? Ex. I want to read up on the Holocaust to really
understand what the Germans went through.
Five facts regarding life-changing books

How would you respond to the following list?

What is your opinion regarding the following statements
of life-changing books?
 A life-changing book challenges your current way of thinking or offers deep insight
that leaves you contemplating for days.
 Books are a safe haven that help us escape the harsh edges of our lives, but every
once in a while we come across a book that follows us into the real world.
 Books give us access to great leaders, great thinkers, and great doers.
 Books help us build a better future.
 A long-term health and retirement study followed a cohort of 3,635 adult
participants for a period of 12 years, finding that those who read books survived
around 2 years longer than those who either didn’t read or who read magazines and
other forms of media.
How would you respond towards the
following statement?
So many people have
dreamed bigger because of
the books they have read.

*You may divide your class into 2 teams: affirmative and opposition. They take turn delivering their arguments.
What is your view regarding this
Reading books benefits
both your physical and
mental health, and those
benefits can last a lifetime.

*You may go on to discuss this topic if you still have time.

Reflection time
What did you learn
from this session?

*The mentor gives each student chance to say what they learned from this session.
Cheers up! :)

IG: @speakgurus

Your speaking partner!

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