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Name: Class: Date:


15 Time

Practice 1 24-Hour Clock

(1) F or each of the following, write down the possible times using the 12-hour
and 24-hour clocks.
(a) 12-hour clock 24-hour clock
11 12 1
10 2 1. 9.30 a.m. 1. 09 30
9 3
8 4 2. 9.30 p.m. 2. 21 30
7 6 5

(b) 12-hour clock 24-hour clock

11 12 1
10 2 1. 3.45 a.m. 1. 03 45
9 3
3.45 p.m. 15 45
8 4 2. 2.
7 6 5

(c) 12-hour clock 24-hour clock

11 12 1
10 2 12.05 a.m. 00 05
1. 1.
9 3
8 4 2. 12.05 p.m. 2. 12 05
7 6 5
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(d) 12-hour clock 24-hour clock

11 12 1
10 2 7.22 a.m. 07 22
1. 1.
9 3
7.22 p.m. 19 22
8 4 2. 2.
7 6 5

Lesson 2 24-Hour Clock 165

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(2)  af i walked from Town A to Town E. The diagram shows the time he left
Town A and the times he reached Towns B to E.

10 00 10 42 11 56 14 25 ?

(a) The time Raf i took to walk from:

0 42
(i) Town A to Town B is h min.

(ii) Town B to Town C is 1 h 14 min.

2 29
(iii) Town C to Town D is h min.

(b) Raf i took 7 h 15 min to walk from Town D to Town E.

21 40
He reached Town E at .

(3)  mathematics test began at 11 35. Joy f inished the test in 55 minutes.
What time did Joy f inish her mathematics test?
25 min 30 min

11 35 12 00 12 30
Joy f inished her mathematics test at 12 30.

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(4)  wedding dinner ended at 23 05. The dinner lasted 3 h 10 min.
What time did the dinner start?
3h 10 min

19 55 22 55 23 05

The dinner started at 19 55.

(5)  football match between The Falcons League and Seacrest United lasted
1 h 45 min. The match ended at 18 45. What time did it start?
1h 45 min

17 00 18 00 18 45
The football match started at 17 00.

(6)  ala arrived at the swimming club at 15 20. He took 42 minutes to travel
from his house to the club. What time did he leave his house?
2 min 20 min 20 min

14 38 14 40 15 00 15 20
Bala left his house at 14 38.
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Lesson 2 24-Hour Clock 167

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(7) Gail walks from her house to the bus stop every day.
She leaves her house at 06 52 and reaches the bus stop at 07 15.
How long does Gail take to walk from her house to the bus stop?
8 min 15 min

06 52 07 00 07 15
8 min + 15 min = 23 min
Gail takes 23 minutes to walk from her house to the bus stop.

(8)  movie lasted 2 h 51 min and ended at 00 36 the next day. What time did
the movie start?
15 min 2h 36 min

21 45 22 00 00 00 00 36
The movie started at 21 45.

(9)  New Year party started at 22 30 on Friday. The party ended at 01  15
the next day. How long was the party?
30 min 1h 1h 15 min

22 30 23 00 00 00 01 00 01 15

30 min + 1 h + 1 h + 15 min = 2 h 45 min

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The party was 2 h 45 min long.

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Name: Class: Date:

Chapter 15 Review
(1) Express the following times using the 24-hour clock.
Lesson 2
(a) 6.40 a.m. (b) 10.05 p.m.
06 40 22 05

(2) Express the following times using the 12-hour clock.

Lesson 2
(a) 09 25 (b) 20 50
9.25 a.m. 8.50 p.m.

(3) F or each of the following, write down the possible times using the 12-hour
Lesson 2
and 24-hour clocks.
(a) 12-hour clock 24-hour clock
11 12 1
10 2 11.35 a.m. 11 35
1. 1.
9 3
11.35 p.m. 23 35
8 4 2. 2.
7 6 5

(b) 12-hour clock 24-hour clock

11 12 1
10 2 7.28 a.m. 07 28
1. 1.
9 3
7.28 p.m. 19 28
8 4 2. 2.
7 6 5
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(4) S oon Wee took part in a mathematics competition. It started at 13 30 and
Lesson 2
ended at 17 05. How long did the mathematics competition last?
30 min 3h 5 min

13 30 14 00 17 00 17 05
30 min + 3 h + 5 min = 3 h 35 min

The mathematics competition lasted for 3 h 35 min.

(5)  avi watched a football match. The football match started at 19 15 and
Lesson 2
lasted 1 h 30 min. What time did the football match end?
30 min 1h

19 15 19 45 20 45
The football match ended at 20 45.

(6)  ei Ling attended a lesson at a club. The lesson was 2 h 25 min long.
Lesson 2
Her lesson ended at 10 35. What time did it start?
2h 25 min

08 10 10 10 10 35
The lesson started at 08 10.
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Nurul left her house at 18 00 to go to a musical. She took 50 minutes to reach
Lesson 2
the theatre. She was 10 minutes early. What time did the musical start?
30 min 20 min 10 min

18 00 18 30 18 50 19 00
The musical started at 19 00.

(8)  concert started at 9.30 p.m. on Friday and lasted for 2 h 45 min.
Lesson 2
What time and which day of the week did the concert end? Express your
answer using the 24-hour clock.
9.30 p.m. is 21 30.

2h 30 min 15 min

21 30 23 30 00 00 00 15
Friday Saturday
The concert ended at 00 15 on Saturday.

(9)  rs Krishnan baked a pie for 1 h 30 min. She f inished baking at

Lesson 2
12.25 p.m. What time did she start baking? Express your answer using the
24-hour clock.
12.25 p.m. is 12 25.

1h 5 min 25 min

10 55 11 55 12 00 12 25
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Mrs Krishnan started baking at 10 55.

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(10) J enny celebrated her birthday on 12 October at 17 45. Her sister celebrated
Lesson 2
her birthday 18 hours later. Give the date and time of her sister’s birthday
18 h
12 Oct 13 Oct
6h 15 min 11 h 45 min

17 45 23 45 00 00 11 00 11 45
Jenny’s sister celebrated her birthday on 13 October at 11 45.

(11) The table shows the schedule of a heritage trail around Singapore’s
Lesson 2
Civic District.
(a) Complete the table.

Time Venue Duration

10 00 to 10 50 Asian Civilisations Museum 50 min

10 50 to 11 20 Bus ride to The Arts House 30 min

11 20 40 min
to 12 00 The Arts House

12 00 to 12 20 Walk to War Memorial Park 20 min

12 20 to 12 30 War Memorial Park 10 min

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–The End–

(b) How long does the heritage trail last? 2 h 30 min

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