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Learner Achievement Verification

This is to certify that Alison has awarded Purushotham Y living in India the certificate of completion in OHSAS 18001:2007 -

Occupational Health & Safety Management.

Learner Details

Name: Purushotham Y

E-mail: purushothamyjnv@gmail.com

Country: India

Course and Result

OHSAS 18001:2007 - Occupational Health & Safety


Score Accidents and incidents are common in companies and workplaces. This makes the
presence of a fully functioning health and management system necessary. With such a
system in place, companies can safeguard their employees’ health better. In this
Study Time regard, various standards and regulations have been enacted. And one such series is
2:18:09 the OSHAS 18000. T

Modules Studied

Module 1: The Basics of OSHAS 18001

Module 2: Course assessment

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