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Patronage of Mary Development School

Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu

Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302/(032)410-2466 - Website: - Email Address:


Reading Texts in Mathematics and the Humanities

1. Explore the nature of Mathematics and the Humanities;
2. Relate Mathematics to the Humanities; and
3. Read and analyze texts related to Mathematics and the Humanities.

The Nature of Knowledge in Mathematics and the Humanities

Unlike the two genres we discussed in the first lesson, mathematics and the
humanities seem to be polar opposites of one another. Since mathematics deals with
numbers and patterns, it is expected to be an accurate discipline. It does not have elaborate
explanations of different phenomena but rather only makes use of numbers and symbols in
order to express certain truths. The humanities, on the other hand, are a set of disciplines
that attempt to capture the richness of the human experience, or to help people become
more fully human through different art forms such as literature, visual arts, and music.
Thus, unlike mathematics which is said to be objective, the humanities is largely hinged on
the idea of subjectivity since these areas largely deal with the exploration of personal
human experiences which find their expression through the arts.

The Language of Mathematics and the Humanities

Given the huge difference in the nature of knowledge shared by mathematics and
the humanities, the registers used in the two disciplines also seem to be polar opposites of
one another. Since math is a precise discipline, the language used in math textbooks is
direct to the point and is only supplementary to the numbers and symbols used to express a
mathematical concept. The language of the humanities textbooks, on the other hand, is
carefully expressed and at the same time artistically phrased in order to capture intricacies
and nuances of work of art. Moreover, the work of art itself being examined, especially if it
is a literary text, employs a much complex register which makes use of figurative language
and even deviations from grammar conventions to create an emotional or intellectual

Saqueton, Grace and Marikit Tara A. Uychoco (2016). English for Academic and Professional Purposes. Manila: Rex
Wyson, John Daryl B. (2016) English for Academic and Professional Purposes. Quezon City: Vibal Group Inc.

Patronage of Mary Development School
Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302/(032)410-2466 - Website: - Email Address:


Learning Task 2

Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Grade/Section: _____________________________ Date: __________ Score: _______

I. Encircle the meanings/synonyms of the following words from the choices given.

1. Mathematics
a. abstract Science of number, quantity and space
b. difficulty
c. anxiety
d. subject for the intelligent learners

2 Humanities
a. demographics
b. human kind
c. population
d. animals

3. Accurate
a. desperate
b. lack in substance
c. precise
d. overemphasized

4. Objective
a. impartial
b. instinctive
c. goal setter
d. focused

5. Subjective
a. English
b. academics
c. personal
d. learning

6. Figurative language
a. something symbolic or implied
b. parts of speech
c. voluptuous
d. cultural

7. Expression
a. utterance
b. language
c. message
d. vocalization

8. Artistic
a. expression
b. creative
c. language
d. culture

9. Supplementary
a. subtraction
b. deduction
c. estimate
d. additional

10. intricacies
a. easy
b. comfortable
c. complexities
d. walk in the park

II. Essay
1. Can someone who is good in math be also good in the humanities, and vice versa?
Explain your answer.

2. In what ways are math and the humanities similar? Different?


3. Write a paragraph explaining a mathematical operation or theory.


4. Read the speech of Lisa Macuja Elizalde delivered in 2015 before the Graduates of Ateneo
de Manila University School of Humanities and the John Gokongwei School of Management
time). Write down the points discussed by Lisa Macuja Elizalde.

Patronage of Mary Development School
Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302/(032)410-2466 - Website: - Email Address:


Learning Task 2

Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Grade/Section: _____________________________ Date: __________ Score: _______

I. Encircle the meanings/synonyms of the following words from the choices given.

1. Mathematics
a. abstract Science of number, quantity and space
b. difficulty
c. anxiety
d. subject for the intelligent learners

2 Humanities
a. demographics
b. human kind
c. population
d. animals

3. Accurate
a. desperate
b. lack in substance
c. precise
d. overemphasized

4. Objective
a. impartial
b. instinctive
c. goal setter
d. focused

5. Subjective
a. English
b. academics
c. personal
d. learning

6. Figurative language
a. something symbolic or implied
b. parts of speech
c. voluptuous
d. cultural

7. Expression
a. utterance
b. language
c. message
d. vocalization

8. Artistic
a. expression
b. creative
c. language
d. culture

9. Supplementary
a. subtraction
b. deduction
c. estimate
d. additional

10. intricacies
a. easy
b. comfortable
c. complexities
d. walk in the park

II. Essay
1. Can someone who is good in math be also good in the humanities, and vice versa?
Explain your answer.

2. In what ways are math and the humanities similar? Different?


3. Write a paragraph explaining a mathematical operation or theory.


4. Read the speech of Lisa Macuja Elizalde delivered in 2015 before the Graduates of Ateneo
de Manila University School of Humanities and the John Gokongwei School of Management
time). Write down the points discussed by Lisa Macuja Elizalde.

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