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Patronage of Mary Development School

Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu

Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302/(032)410-2466 - Website: - Email Address:


What is Critical Reading?


1. acquire a deeper understanding of critical reading;

2. express own ideas on critical reading; and
3. identify the requirements for critical reading.

What is Critical Reading?

Imagine that you are reading a magazine and you see the following statements:

 Girls most likely do well in academics during high school years but boys get ahead of
them in college.

 Female teenagers are more concerned with their physical appearance than male

Do you believe and agree with the statements after reading them? Would you question
their veracity? How would you react after reading the statements?

If you question the validity of the statements by asking the person to give the basis for
his/her assertions, then you are one step closer to becoming a critical reader.

Critical reading involves scrutinizing any information that you need or hear. Critical
reading means not easily believing information offered to you by a text. “Read not to
contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider” as Francis Bacon stated in The Essays.

Critical reading is an active process of discovery because when you read critically, you
are not just receiving information but also making an interaction with the writer. The
interaction happens when you question the writer’s claims and assertions and when you
comment on the writer’s ideas.

Ramage, Bean, and Johnson (2006) identified the following requirements in critical

 The ability to pose problematic questions

 The ability to analyze a problem in all its dimensions─to define its key terms,
determine its causes, understand its history, appreciate its human dimension and its
connection to one’s own personal experience, and appreciate what makes it
problematic or complex
 The ability to find, gather, and interpret data, facts, and other information relevant
to the problem
 The ability to imagine alternative solutions to the problem, to see different ways in
which the question might be answered and to choose the best solution in the light of
values, objectives and other criteria that you determine and articulate.
 The ability to write an effective argument justifying your choice while acknowledging


Saqueton, Grace and Marikit Tara A. Uychoco (2016). English for Academic and Professional Purposes.
Manila: Rex Bookstore
Wyson, John Daryl B. (2016) English for Academic and Professional Purposes. Quezon City: Vibal
Group Inc.

Patronage of Mary Development School
Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302/(032)410-2466 - Website: - Email Address:


Learning Task 9

Name ______________________________________________ Grade Level __________

Email Address ___________________________ Date _____________ Time ___________

A. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter that corresponds to your answer.

1. Which of the following activities that complete the critical thinking process with your
ability to write an effective argument justifying your choice?
A. effecting change in perspectives
B. arguing through gestures
C. justifying the opinion
D. acknowledging counter arguments

2. What are the specific skills involved in the critical thinking process?
1. ability to imagine alternative solutions to the problem
2. to see different ways in which the question might be answered
3. to choose the best solution in the light of values, objectives and other criteria that
you determine and articulate
A. 3 and 4
B. 1, 2 and 4
C. 1, 2 and 3
D. 1 and 2

3. What is referred to as an active process of discovery through receiving information and

an interaction with the writer?
A. viewing
B. active listening
C. critical thinking
D. eloquent speaking

4. Which of the following describes critical reading?

1. involves scrutinizing any information that you need or hear
2. not easily believing information offered to you by a text
3. validating information and knowledge through bias ideas
A. 1 and 2
B. 1 and 3
C. 1, 2 and 3
D. 1 and 3

5. How to question the validity of the statements in the process of critical reading?
A. by asking the credibility and education of the writer
B. by validating the meaning of the words
C. by asserting your rights as an individual
D. by asking the person to give the basis for his/her assertions

B. Essay. Answer the following questions comprehensively.

1. Ponder on this statement of Gray Goshgarian: “Critical reading is an active process of


1.1 What does it mean to read critically?


1.2 Why did Goshgarian say that critical reading is an active process of discovery?
2. You can map out answers by writing words/phrases that you associate with critical
reading, and process of discovery. Write as many words as you can.


3. Based on your word associations, explain why critical reading is an active process of
discovery. Discuss your answer comprehensively.


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