Metabase and DuckDB

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Bringing Data to the container with DuckDB and Metabase
Who The Bloody
Hell Is Andrew
- 10 Years ‘around’ data
- Workforce Analyst
- Shadow DBA } Government
- Forecaster/Business Analyst
- Datawarehouse Developer } Financial Services
- Consulting Data Engineer
- Data Architect } Tech Sector

- Passionate Open Source Advocate

- I use Arch BTW

- Believer in promise of the cloud

- Does the bits I don’t want to do and lets me do what I want

- Education in Business
- The dreaded ‘Self Taught’
- Container First Reporting
- Open Core
- Embedded capabilities
with server side rendering
- Enterprise License
- Self Service
Embedded Reporting
- Latest Darling of the
Analytics world
- Brings Data to compute
- SQLLite for OLAP
- Small binary
- Lots of extensions
Why do we care!
- Infrastructure perspective
- Containerisation provides most versatile
- Clustered environment can cause lots of
connections to backend
- Unless the data is in the container!
- Data in container fixes latency!
- Multiple instances ( separation of dev and
prod )
- CI/CD!
- Business User perspective
- Interface can be no code
- Blazingly fast rendering for curated data
- No Software Devs between Reporting
Analysts and Users (Dev’s enable Reporting
Analysts )
- Publishable Reports across multiple mediums
The Ugly
- Metabase DuckDB connector is in it’s infancy ( AND community maintained )
- Hand written DockerFile for the metabase container ( can’t use docker-compose
- Duckdb 0.9 is the first version with aws credential chain support
- Without credential chain need to explicitly store AWS access keys rather than load from credential
- For duckdb 0.9 support needed to hand compile jar connector
Next Steps
- Currently in evaluation as a reporting tool by select users - Analyst perspective
- Purchase to set up CI/CD workflows
- Experiment with embedding - including server side rendering into Redeye!
- Also Experiment with interactive embedding which is enterprise licence only

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