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Phan Minh Tri | BI12-444
Nguyen Thanh Binh | BI12-055
Vu Duc Hieu | BI12-162
Vu Minh Hien | BI12-145
Doan Tri Tien | BI12-435
Dr. To Thi Mai Phuong

Hanoi, 20 Ferbuary 2024

TABLE OF CONTENTS..........................................................................................................................
IMPLEMENTATION TIMELINE & OUTCOME:...................................................................................
ACTION PLAN..........................................................................................................................................

The transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education is to become a
helpful friend by your side, always available to provide personalized support and guidance,
and USTH is poised to be at the forefront of this revolution. Therefore, we would like to
introduce a new chatbot to solve the following problems of USTH:

 Current response times to student inquiries can be lengthy, leading to frustration and
hindering learning progress.

 Demand for personalized learning: Students have diverse needs and learning styles,
requiring personalized attention beyond traditional classroom settings.

Figure 1 The USTHelpmate System: An All-Encompassing AI Solution

Our chatbot, USTHelpmate is an artificially intelligent conversational agent (chatbot) that
interacts via natural language. It runs 24/7 to provide an easily accessible, insightful, and
welcoming academic support resource for all USTH’s students.

Our objective aims to streamline the student experience into one unified platform, that is,
USTH Moodle. USTH Moodle is a site that all students of USTH use. Some of its key
features include course recommendations, which suggest optional courses, prerequisites, etc.,
based on each student's academic goals and interests.

 Learning Companion: Offers tailored materials, practice questions, and

explanations to reinforce concepts, as well as resources that are all uploaded to

 Smart Mentor: Monitors progress, provides timely guidance, feedback, and

custom study planning

 Intelligent Scheduling: Tracks events, sets reminders, and integrates timetables to

optimize student schedules

 Proactive Notifications: Ensures students know activities, deadlines, and

personalized opportunities.

As an Administrator, we can:

 Usage Analytics: Provides actionable insights into platform engagement, popular

queries, etc., to inform improvements.

 Predictive Modeling: Leverages AI to model 'at-risk' students so staff can provide

targeted intervention.

In addition, USTHelpmate has multi-lingual capabilities, allowing non-English speakers

to access benefits. It also has offline functionality - leveraging chat history to provide helpful
responses even without consistent internet connectivity.


The adoption of AI in higher education is rapidly increasing, with nearly half of
universities worldwide actively developing or implementing AI strategies to enhance the
student experience. This trend mirrors the 47% of digitally mature organizations strategically
using AI to improve user experience.

Studies show that AI-powered tutors can significantly improve student learning
outcomes, with some reporting success rate increases exceeding 50%. This impact is

comparable to the 55% conversion rate increase observed by businesses using chatbots like

Beyond academic benefits, AI can also contribute to operational efficiency. Universities

can reduce by automating routine tasks such as scheduling, course registration, and basic
administrative inquiries. Administrative costs by up to 30%, similar to the cost savings
reported in customer service with chatbots. A 47% decrease in staff hours spent addressing
student inquiries.

USTHelpmate AI will be implemented by Google AI Studio and it will be deployed in
many phases over three years with an investment budget of 1 billion VND:

Phase 1: Gather information.

Gather information about our university infrastructure and policies. Have a

database about the students, what students want, what courses they attend, and
other features. After defining what our students need, we will design a user-
friendly UI that will be easy to use, and accessible.

Phase 2: During the beta launch.

We will step into the Expansion phase, where the AI is launched for a
portion of students and students to use. It is best to test bot metrics with staff
members and select users before putting it out. It will also discover aspects
that hinder user experience, like loopholes, bugs, and new intents we had
previously missed. The staff must also be trained to work with the chatbot tool
and identify their new responsibilities.

Phase 3: Full integration

After full integration, the AI chatbot will be constantly evaluated, reported,

and modified to suit the needs of students and staff. Some new Advanced
features can be added. The IT department closely monitors the management

The total budget for this 3-year USTHelpmate AI integration project is estimated at 1
billion VND. This will cover expenses related to Chatbot software licenses, cloud hosting
fees, and salaries for the development and support team., training for administrators and
instructors on using AI tools, Marketing materials, and events to promote USTHelpmate.

We are committed to transparent and accountable spending to make the best use of
resources for maximum impact. Detailed financial reporting will be provided each quarter.

For the detailed information on the plan:

1. Phase 1 (Year 1):

 Focus on a core set of functionalities: Prioritize features like FAQ answering,
resource access, and essential academic support. Utilize existing chatbot
frameworks and integrate with Moodle. Budget: 200 million VND.

 Pilot testing and user feedback: Gather student feedback and refine the chatbot
based on their needs. Budget: 50 million VND.

2. Phase 2 (Year 2):

 Expand functionality: Implement features like personalized study plans, AI-

powered tutoring, and self-assessment tools. Develop more advanced natural
language processing capabilities. Budget: 300 million VND.

 Integration with additional systems: Connect the chatbot with university

databases and other relevant systems for seamless information flow. Budget:
100 million VND.

3. Phase 3 (Year 3 and beyond):

 Advanced features and customization: Explore advanced features like

personalized career guidance, emotional well-being support, and integration
with external resources. Budget: 250 million VND.

 Continuous improvement and maintenance: Allocate funds for ongoing

maintenance, updates, and adaptation to evolving needs. Budget: 100 million
VND per year.

In conclusion, integrating the USTHelpmate AI chatbot with Moodle provides an exciting
opportunity to remove barriers to learning. Students will have an AI companion to guide
them, answer their questions, and keep them on track. This leads to better outcomes and
experiences for all. We believe AI assistance is the future of education, and we are proud to
be pioneers in this initiative. Join us as we move towards an AI-powered university!

Member Name Student ID Task
1 Vu Minh Hien BI12-145 Leader, idea summary, information
summary, project manager
2 Phan Minh Tri BI12-444 Report editor, idea provider,
information researcher
3 Nguyen Thanh Binh BI12-055 Report editor, information researcher,
PowerPoint editor
4 Vu Duc Hieu BI12-162 Information researcher, idea provider,
video editor
5 Doan Tri Tien BI12-435 Report editor, video editor, PowerPoint
With the leadership of the leader, we all worked together very effectively. Below is our
contribution table

1. Eugeny Bezverhny, Kazbek Dadteev, Leonid Barykin, Sergey Nemeshaev, Valentin
Klimov, Use of chatbots in Learning Management Systems, Procedia Computer
Science, Volume 169, 2020, Pages 652-655, ISSN 1877-0509.
2. Tamrakar, Rohit & Wani, Niraj. (2021). Design and Development of CHATBOT: A
3. S. Tadvi, S. Rangari, and A. Rohe, "HR Based Interactive Chatbot (PowerBot)," 2020
International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Applications
(ICCSEA), Gunupur, India, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi:

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