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Group 1
Search the Internet for two interesting articles about software development life cycles,
including agile development. What do these sources say about project management? Write a
summary of your findings and opinions on this topic, and cite your references.
Group 2
Based on a Web search, identify a business that used the Unified Software development
approach on a project. What challenges did they face?
Group 3
What is the main characteristic of a predictive framework? Describe a case in which the V-
model was used in a software development process.
Group 4
What type of methodology is the Fish model? How is it used in the development of software?
Group 5
A project manager has chosen to use Extreme Programming method for the development of a
software for a client? What kinds of software is the method suitable for? What are the
advantages and disadvantages of this method?
Group 6
In which situations should adaptive frameworks be used? As project manager, you have been
tasked to use the Dynamic Systems Development Method for an upscale software project.
How will you go about it?
Group 7
Which kind of development approach is the Feature Driven Development method? How is it
used on software projects?
Group 8
The Open Unified Process is a software development method. What are the stages and
processes involved? How does it promote product success?
Group 9
What methodological approach do Scrum and Kanban represent? In which situations are
these methods suitable. Tabulate the similarities and difficulties between the two methods.
Group 10
In the selection of IT projects what is prioritization? Is prioritization beneficial at all times?
What other factors need to be considered when prioritizing IT projects?

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