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Ketut Seri Sasti Komang Linda Luh Rina Wijayanthi I Gede Wahyu
Dewiyani Mahardika NIM.2211031077 Sukadana
NIM.2211031006 NIM.2211031075 NIM.2211031580
Problem 1

Problem Identification

One of the problems during the social studies

learning process is the low student learning
outcomes in social science subjects at
elementary school level.
Causative Factor
The cause of low learning outcomes in social studies subjects is
that students are less active and seem bored during the
learning process. This is likely due to the fact that there are still
many educators who apply conventional learning models and
methods completely. Teachers are not used to implementing
innovative learning models and methods so students tend to
feel bored and less interested in social studies lessons. Apart
from that, the assessment is more focused on the final
assessment, not the process assessment. This condition is
alleged to have a negative influence on students' learning
outcomes and achievement motivation.
The solution to the problem of low learning outcomes is to use
a quantum learning learning model assisted by performance
assessments. The use of appropriate learning models can
increase student motivation in learning and the success of
social studies education learning is determined by the
teacher's creativity in choosing learning models so that
students are actively involved and educational interaction
occurs during the learning process. The use of assessment
also has an influence, where the assessment should assess the
process, not just the final result.
Tumbuhkan, activities Alami, The activity carried Namai, The activities carried out at
carried out at this stage the out at this stage is that the this stage are that the teacher
teacher provides motivation teacher forms students provides key words, formulas,
to students regarding the into several groups and concepts, models and strategies
benefits and importance of provides students with an related to the problems in the
studying social institutions in example of a real previous stage as input, then students
our lives. Apart from that, experience or problem in find for themselves and relate the
teachers motivate students everyday life related to keywords given by the teacher to the
to develop more interest in social institutions. problem and discover how how to
learning. solve the problem

01 02 03
Demonstrasikan, Activities Ulangi, The activity carried Rayakan, The activity
carried out at this stage are out at this stage is that the carried out at this stage is
students demonstrating teacher repeats or that the teacher gives
what they know or their explains the problems or awards to students who
opinion on how to overcome material at the previous are successful in
problems in the previous stage, so that students can discussing the problem
stage. know clearly how to
overcome the problems
that have been given.

04 05 06
Performance Assessment
Determine performance tasks Develop assessment criteria
Establish clear goals requiring students to apply (rubric) for scoring. Criteria
by considering what knowledge and skills in a concrete should be clear, agreed upon,
knowledge, social form. Recommendations include free from tasks and objectives,
attitudes, selecting tasks, assessing the easy to use, written clearly,
metacognitive skills, learning experience, setting goals, sensitive in points, with clear
types of problems, ensuring objectivity, avoiding
score separation, and without
and concepts will be variables, and preventing bias for
double meanings.
developed. valid performance assessment.

01 02 03
Solution Advantages

Activate students in Helps develop social

01 comprehensive 02 skills and effective
learning activities. study skills.

Motivate students in Improving student

03 04
the learning process. learning outcomes
Disadvantages of the
Requires more time and effort in
lesson planning.

Not all students may be responsive

02 to this learning strategy.
Anticipations that can be taken to prevent
wastage of time and passive actions of students
in the learning process are by using classroom
management skills well so that all students play
an active role and can also get closer to
students to find out the character and hobbies
of students in class.
Social studies learning given to elementary school children still
faces various obstacles or problems, so that the main goal of
social studies cannot be realized. Based onThe results of
research conducted on teachers in class VI at SDN Arcamanik
02 show that there are problems that occur when
implementing social studies content learning. The problem is
that students have difficulty understanding the concept of
social studies material (Regiani, et al., 2023).
Causative factor

Several factors that cause this problem are teaching

approaches that do not suit students' learning styles, whether
in the choice of models, methods or learning media. Apart
from that, the lack of supporting facilities can also cause
students to have difficulty understanding the concepts of
social studies material.
For this reason, the solution that can be used is that teachers
must be able to choose a learning approach that suits
students' learning styles and the school and the government
must collaborate in providing learning facilities to support the
teaching and learning process.
This solution will be effective in increasing elementary school students'
understanding of social studies learning concepts. This is because this solution
has several advantages, including being able to increase students' learning
motivation or interest in learning about social studies learning concepts and
being able to increase students' understanding of the concepts of the material
being taught.

However, apart from having advantages,

this solution also has several
disadvantages that can affect the
teaching and learning process. These
disadvantages are the high costs of
providing facilities, and also the difficulty
of teachers choosing learning
approaches that suit the different
learning styles or characters of students.
Anticipate Disadvantages
Therefore, it is necessary to anticipate to face possible weaknesses
that arise from the solutions that have been provided. Several things
that can be done to anticipate this happening are that the teacher
must carefully observe the classroom situation to find out the
character of each student, so that it can be easier for the teacher to
determine the most effective approach to use. Apart from that, to
anticipate high costs in providing learning facilities, schools can
collaborate with external parties and utilize local resources such as
regional libraries.
Social studies learning is a form of integrative learning that is
applied in elementary schools. The integration of several
scientific disciplines into one subject creates obstacles for social
studies teachers. Based on the results of interviews conducted
with several social studies teachers from seven different
schools, it shows that the problem with social studies learning is
the students' disruptive behavior.
Salford 04
Causative factor

If seen from the student's perspective, this condition is

caused by a lack of student interest in learning social
studies. According to several students, the method used by
the teacher was one of the causes. Social studies teachers
mostly use lecture methods which make students bored
and sleepy, especially when social studies lessons are
placed in the last hour. Other students stated that the
teacher scolded students more than providing motivation.
Apart from that, the note-taking assignments given by
teachers are often too many so students become lazy to
complete them.
Salford 04

Disruptive behavior is bad behavior, as a teacher it is your
duty to straighten out wrong things. Where as a teacher,
instead of giving punishment, you should provide motivation
to increase student learning motivation.
Salford 04

As a teacher, you not only act as a facilitator, the teacher must
also be able to be a guide for his students. By approaching
the child to find out the reason the child is carrying out
disruptive behavior.
Advantages for the first Disadvantages for the first

In this solution, teachers If the teacher does not act

are taught to train their firmly with students' bad
01 emotional stability, so 02 behavior, then students
that they can get closer to will continue to ignore the
students and can teacher's words. The
strengthen the bond teacher can act firmly if it
between teacher and is still within his realm.

Anticipate the first solution

1. Improving the quality of teaching, this means teachers can build

interesting and relevant activities, such as projects, roles and discussions,
which can make learning more integrated
2. Increasing teacher motivation, increasing teacher motivation can be
done through professional education, competency development, and
increasing proficiency in teaching social studies.
3. Using disruptive behavior strategies, teachers can use disruptive
behavior strategies to overcome disruptive behavior. This strategy can
involve three approaches, namely behavioral, cognitive and humanistic.
Advantages for the Disadvantages for the
second solution second solution

Teachers will be As a mentor, the teacher

increasingly respected by will be a role model for
01 students and there will be 02 his students. If the
a close sense of family in teacher commits bad
the classroom and actions, the students will
students will act follow his example too.
according to applicable
morals and norms.

Anticipate the second solution

Anticipate the weaknesses of this solution, namely that teachers can

improve character development. Teachers are role models for
students, therefore it is necessary to develop the character of teachers
and students. Students will follow the teacher without thinking about
the level of faith and usefulness. Therefore, the attitude of teachers
who have character is an example for their students.
Problem Identification
Low Learning Motifation in Social Studies
Learning. Learning motivation is an
encouragement for student to learn, low
motivation means that the student is lack of
encouragement to learn
Outer Factors
Family factors due to Environmental And the teacher factor can
economic problems. be caused because in
factors are caused teaching and learning
Economic problems that
by the disapproval activities the teacher's
result in Many parents
attach more importance of the association of method
used less creatively. So that
to work, so forget to pay students in the students feel bored in
attention to needs school environment, following activities
Learners. community Learning

Family sociability Teacher

Inner Factor
learning social learner is having a shy
studies material that ness and not attractive
01 has to wide or a
02 learning and teaching
broad scope Methods

Learner is to lazy to Pressured Student

read cause of to cause of the material
03 much text that they
04 that prosecute them
should read to read to much
1st Solution (Coperative Learning)
Cooperative learning is a form of learning by how students learn
and work in small groups collaboratively with a heterogeneous
group structure. That is, the study groups arranged must be
diverse and indiscriminate. this can make student dividing their
work with their friends and it will make it easyer for them
2nd Solution (Game Methode)
simply this methode is learning with playing, idf wee are on the
elementary scholl wich is the student is still love to play a games
this methode is suitable, dont forget to chose a game that suitable
fot the material, and also can include all the people in class
3rd Solution (Make them fall in love )
teacher is allways want to make them understand the material,
but mostly teacher forget to make the student fall in love with the
course, is the student is allready fall in love with the course, any
kind of methode will be attractive to them, not because the
methode but because they learn something that they love.
Salford 03

1st Solution
There is an imbalance in the distribution of duties and
responsibilities between group members. Sometimes,
some dominant students may take over the entire
assignment or passive group members do not
contribute fully. This can reduce the effectiveness of
cooperative learning in achieving learning objectives.
Salford 03

2nd Solution
its very hard to chose a game that suitable for the
material, and also can make all the class participate, we
need to remember that its hard to pick a game
Salford 03

3rd Solution
its very hard to make someone fal in love with
something, it needs a creative teacher that can usethe
emotion theory on the child so they can fall in love with
the course.
Salford 03

basicly all of the disadvantages for the solution here is
the teacher, teacher should be creative to solve all the
problems in the call, teacher shoulc be a guidance for
the student so student can understand not only the
material but also the way of live

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