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Curso Profissional Técnico de Ação Educativa


Betting addiction

Orientadora da UFCD: Patrícia Bispo

Identificação das alunas: Beatriz Alves | nº2| 3ºTAE

Leonor Bonifácio| nº10| 3ºTAE

Ano letivo: 2023/2024

What are bets?

Betting is a practice in which a person bets money or something of value on an

uncertain event, with the aim of obtaining a financial return if their prediction is correct.

Online betting is legal in Portugal, according to Decree-Law no. 66/2015, of April 29,
2015, which defines the Legal Regime for Online Games and Betting (RJO).

Betting addiction

Betting addiction refers to the compulsion to bet, which is a social and

psychological problem that affects many people who participate in betting activities,
whether they are sports betting or online betting. Betting addiction is characterized by
compulsive and irresistible behaviors, which can lead to negative consequences for the
person's life, such as financial problems, relationships and health.

In Portugal, betting addiction is present at various levels of society, affecting both

men and women of different ages and social backgrounds. Portuguese soccer, for
example, has been impacted by betting addiction, with many players and fans facing
betting-related problems.

Types of bets

There are different types of bets, especially in the context of sports betting and online
betting in Portugal. Some of the types of bets include:

• Single Bets: In this type of bet, players make a simple prediction about the
outcome of a sporting event, such as the victory of a particular team;
• Multiple Bets: Multiple bets involve combining several selections into a single bet.
To win, all selections must be correct. Although they offer greater potential
winnings, they also present greater risk;
• Live Betting: This type of bet allows players to place bets during an ongoing
sporting event. The odds change in real time, providing a dynamic betting
• Long-Term Bets: Long-term bets are placed on events that will take place in the
future, such as the winner of a championship or tournament;
• Special Bets: In addition, there are special bets that can include predictions on
specific events within a game, such as the number of goals scored by a player or
the result of a free throw.

What can influence a person to take up betting?

Various influences can lead a person to take up betting, some influencing factors include:

1. Entertainment and Opportunity to Win: Sports betting is seen as an exciting form

of entertainment and an opportunity to win Money;
2. Advertising and Sponsorship: Aggressive advertising and bookmaker
sponsorship of sporting events, including soccer, can influence people to take
part in betting;
3. Ease of Access: The ease of access to online betting, especially during the
pandemic, may have contributed to the increase in participation in betting
4. Financial Problems and Social Isolation: For some people, gambling addiction
can arise as a way of dealing with financial problems or as an escape from social
isolation, which can lead to compulsive behavior.

It is important to be aware of the risks associated with gambling, including the

potential for developing gambling addictions. Education about responsible gambling and
recognizing the signs of addiction are key to ensuring that people can enjoy betting safely
and consciously.

How to tell if someone is having betting problems

Identifying whether someone is having a gambling problem can be difficult, but

there are some signs that may indicate that the person is facing this problem. Some of
these signs include:

1. Looking at the betting app all the time;

2. Spending more than they win
3. Trying to reduce bets but not succeeding;
4. Treating betting as a financial investment or source of income;
5. Borrowing money to bet;
6. Putting one's life at risk;
7. Becoming increasingly isolated, affecting social relationships and professional
8. Having financial problems, even if you win money from betting;
9. Having less money left over at the end of the month, or nothing at all, even with
few bills to pay.

If you notice these signs in someone close to you, it's important to talk to them
and suggest that they seek specialized help. There are organizations and professionals
trained to deal with gambling addiction, offering psychological support, therapies and
rehabilitation programs.


Betting addiction is a serious problem that affects many people around the world.
Studies show that gamblers with addiction problems tend to increase their bets over time
and can end up going bankrupt.

In addition, addiction to alcohol and nicotine has been linked to a greater

compulsion to gamble. Addiction to betting can lead to devastating consequences, such
as loss of savings, debt and family conflicts.

In the context of sports betting, there are different types of bettors, from
recreational ones, who are looking for fun, to professional ones, who see betting as a
form of extra income or even as a profession.

It is important to seek professional help to deal with betting addiction, as there

are treatments and support available for those struggling with this problem

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