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Factor (formal)

a person or thing that has an important effect on a situation

 The charity has been an agent for social change.

Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective

 chief
 main
 primary
 …


 agent for


 an agent for change

 an agent of change

immediacy: tinh tuc thoi



[uncountable] (formal)

1. the quality in something that makes it seem as if it is happening now, close to you, and
is therefore important and requires attention quickly
o the immediacy of threat
o Email lacks the immediacy of online chat.
o The book had a lack of immediacy for most people.
o The drawings convey both immediacy and a sense of violence.

Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverb + immediacy

o lack
o convey


o a lack of immediacy

hose: (phun) voi nuoc



Verb Forms
Phrasal Verbs

1. to wash or pour water on something using a hose

o hose something/somebody Firemen hosed the burning car.
o hose something/somebody down I’ll just hose down the car.

emotion now looms much larger in our understanding of intuitive judgments and
choices than it did in the past.

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