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TSA Practice Paper 1

Reading and Writing
1. Stick barcode labels on pages 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 in the spaces provided.
在第 1、3、5、7 及 9 頁的適當位置貼上電腦條碼。
2. There are 17 pages in this Question-Answer Booklet. Answer all questions.
本卷共有 17 頁,全部題目均須作答。
3. Do not write in the margins.
4. Time allowed is 25 minutes.
評估時限為 25 分鐘。
5. Write your School Code, Class and Class Number in the boxes below.
Instructions for answering questions:
Multiple Choice Questions - Blacken the circle next to the correct answer with an HB
pencil. For example :
選擇題 - 選出正確的答案,並用HB鉛筆把該選項的圓圈塗黑和塗滿,如:
 A.
 B. or A. B. C. D.
 C. 或
 D.

School Code
班別 2 Class No.

Write one capital letter in this box.

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2012 1 P2 TSA Practice Paper 1 Reading and Writing
Part 1
David has two coupons. He is reading them.
Read the coupons.

Moon Supermarket
Buy two cartons of Fresh
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Farm Milk and get a FREE
tub of ice cream!
FREE shops.
*You cannot this coupon at Mong Kok, Yuen Long or Wan Chai

Mr Fung’s Uniform Shop

This is a $20 coupon for you to spend at Mr Fung’s Uniform Shop.

*You can only use this coupon if you spend over $100. $20
Shop 21, Lucky Street, Kowloon Tong
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Choose the best answer by blackening the circle.

1. David buys four cartons of Fresh Farm Milk at Moon Supermarket.

How many tubs of ice cream can he get?
 A. 1
 B. 2
 C. 3
 D. 4

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2012 2 P2 TSA Practice Paper 1 Reading and Writing
2. David can use the Moon Supermarket coupon at the ________ shop.
 A. Wan Chai
 B. Mong Kok
 C. Tuen Mun
 D. Yuen Long

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3. How much does David need to spend at Mr Fung’s Uniform Shop to

use the coupon?
 A. $10
 B. $20
 C. $60
 D. $110

4. Where is Mr Fung’s Uniform Shop?

 A. in the New Territories
 B. in Kowloon
 C. on Hong Kong Island
 D. on Lantau Island

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Part 2
David gets a card from his friend Kelly.
Read the card.
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Please come to my new house for a party!

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Date: 14th October (Sunday)

Time: 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Place: Star House, 16 Green Road, Yuen Long

Food: sweets, potato chips, cookies, cakes

Activities: play ball games, play card games, watch TV

Can you come? Please call me on 1254 5660.


Choose the best answer by blackening the circle.

1. The party is on a __________.

 A. Saturday
 B. Sunday
 C. Monday
 D. Friday

2. The party starts __________.

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2012 4 P2 TSA Practice Paper 1 Reading and Writing
 A. in the morning
 B. at noon
 C. in the afternoon
 D. at night

3. David wants to go to Kelly’s party. He can __________.

 A. send her a card

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 B. meet her at school

 C. phone her
 D. send her an e-mail

4. What can David NOT eat at the party?

 A.  B.
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5. What can David play at the party?

 A.  B.  C.  D.

6. The party is to __________.

 A. welcome David
 B. say goodbye to Kelly
 C. wish Kelly a happy birthday
 D. show Kelly’s friends her home

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Part 3
David is reading the front cover of a book.
My Big Book of 365
Read the book cover.
Photos by Michael Mok


365 different activities:

take photos, go swimming, eat ice lollies, go
hiking, have a picnic, fly a kite, collect leaves,
have hotpot … and many more …
The Smart Child Press

Ages 7−9

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2012 6 P2 TSA Practice Paper 1 Reading and Writing
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Choose the best answer by blackening the circle.

1. What is the title of the book?

 A. The Smart Child Press

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 B. 365 different activities

 C. My Big Book of 365 days
 D. Photos by Michael Mok

2. Who is the photographer for this book?

 A. My Big Book
 B. David
 C. The Smart Child Press
 D. Michael Mok

3. This book helps David learn about ____________.

 A. seasons
 B. animals
 C. colours
 D. games

4. ____________ is the publisher of this book.

 A. The Smart Child Press
 B. My Big Book
 C. David
 D. Michael Mok

5. Which photo can David see in the book?

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 A.  B.  C.  D.
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6. This book is for children from ____________ years old.
 A. 1 to 3
 B. 4 to 6
 C. 7 to 9
 D. 10 to 12

7. How much is the book?

 A. $75
 B. $80
 C. $85
 D. $90

Part 4A
David’s mother is telling him a story.
Read the first part of the story.

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2012 8 P2 TSA Practice Paper 1 Reading and Writing
Julie goes to a new school next week. Mum

takes her to a shopping mall. There is a uniform

shop in the shopping mall. Mum buys her a new

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school uniform. She buys a white blouse. There

is a grey ribbon on the blouse. Julie’s school

badge is on the blouse too. It looks smart. Mum

picks a blue skirt for Julie. ‘It’s too short,

Mum,’ says Julie. ‘Please buy a bigger size.’

Choose the best answer by blackening the circle.

1. Read line 2. Where do Julie and her mother go?

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 A.  B.
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 C.  D.

2. What does Mum buy for Julie?

 A. a white blouse and a grey shirt
 B. a blue blouse and a grey skirt
 C. a grey blouse and a blue shirt
 D. a white blouse and a blue skirt

3. Read line 6: ‘It looks smart.’ What looks smart?

 A. the school badge
 B. the skirt
 C. the blouse
Later, Mum buys some long grey socks and a pair
 D. the shop
of black shoes for Julie. Julie love her new
4. Julie thinks the ____________ is too ____________.
shoes. There
A. blouse, are ribbons on them. At home,
 B. blouse, big
Julie putslong
C. skirt, her new uniform in the washing
 D. skirt, short
machine. After the wash, she takes her new
Part 4B
uniform out. ‘Oh, no! My new uniform is pink!’
Read the second part of the story.
shouts Julie. Mum looks inside the washing

machine and sees Dad’s red shorts. The water is

red because of the red! The next day, Dad goes

to the shopping mall with Julie

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to buyP2another
TSA Practice Paper 1 Reading and Writing

new uniform!
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Choose the best answer by blackening the circle.

1. What colour are Julie’s socks?

 A. pink
 B. red
 C. white
 D. grey

2. Read line 3: ‘There are ribbons on them.’

What does ‘them’ refer to?
 A. Mum and Julie
 B. Julie’s shoes

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 C. Julie’s socks
 D. Dad’s shorts

3. Read lines 5–6. How does Julie feel?

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 A.  B.

 C.  D.

4. What makes Julie’s new uniform pink?

 A. Mum’s red shorts
 B. Julie’s old uniform
 C. Dad’s red shorts
 D. Dad’s pink socks

5. Who goes to the shopping mall with Julie again?

 A. Julie’s mother
 B. Julie’s father
 C. Julie’s teacher
 D. Julie’s friend

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Part 5
David is writing a story.
You are David. Look at the pictures. Complete the story in about 20
words. You may use the words in the boxes to help you.

圖: 男孩在圖書館找書 圖: 男孩到櫃台借書

library / homework borrow / book

圖: 男孩在家, 發現書內其中一頁被人圖
了圖畫, 男孩樣子憤怒

drawing / angry

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Tom goes to the library. He gets a book to

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TSA Practice Paper 1 Reading and


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