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TSA Practice Paper 1

Reading and Writing
1. Stick barcode labels on pages 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 in the spaces provided.
在第 1、3、5、7 及 9 頁的適當位置貼上電腦條碼。
2. There are 13 pages in this Question-Answer Booklet. Answer all questions.
本卷共有 13 頁,全部題目均須作答。
3. Do not write in the margins.
4. Time allowed is 25 minutes.
評估時限為 25 分鐘。
5. Write your School Code, Class and Class Number in the boxes below.
Instructions for answering questions:
Multiple Choice Questions - Blacken the circle next to the correct answer with an HB
pencil. For example :
選擇題 - 選出正確的答案,並用HB鉛筆把該選項的圓圈塗黑和塗滿,如:
 A.
 B. or A. B. C. D.
 C. 或
 D.

School Code
班別 2 Class No.

Write one capital letter in this box.

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2014 1 P2 TSA Practice Paper 1 Reading and Writing
Part 1

Ben and his mum are reading a notice from school.

Read the notice.

Alan Ma Primary School
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End-of-Year Party
Come and Join Us!
22nd June, 20XX
Dear Parents,

We invite you to join the following activities with your children:

Activity Date Time Place

Fun Fair (P1-P6) 6/7 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Playground
Games Day (P1-P6) 7/7 2 p.m.–5 p.m. Classrooms
Magic Show* (P1-P3) 8/7 6 p.m.–8 p.m. School Hall
Dance Show* (P4-P6) 9/7 7 p.m.–9 p.m. School Hall

*Each student can get two tickets. Please turn up 10 minutes before the
show to confirm your seats.

For more information:

Call Miss Ann Wong or Mr Ken Lee
Phone no.: 3123 6789

Mr John Ho
Choose the best answer by blackening the circle.

1. When is Games Day?

 A. 6th July
 B. 7th July
 C. 8th July
 D. 9th July

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2014 2 P2 TSA Practice Paper 1 Reading and Writing
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2. Ben is a P2 student. He CANNOT join the __________.

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 A.  B.  C.  D.
 A. Magic Show
 B. Fun Fair
 C. Dance Show
 D. Games Day

3. The Magic Show ends at ___________.

 A. 4 p.m.
 B. 5 p.m.
 C. 8 p.m.
 D. 9 p.m.

4. Ben can join the Fun Fair in the _____________.

5. What time must Ben arrive at school to see the Magic Show?

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 A. 5:50 p.m.
 B. 6:00 p.m.
 C. 6:10 p.m.
 D. 6:50 p.m.
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6. Ben’s mum wants to know more about Games Day.
She can call ________. (You can choose more than one answer.)
 A. Ken Lee
 B. Alan Ma
 C. John Ho
 D. Ann Wong

7. Who is Mr Ho?
 A. a parent
 B. the school principal
 C. a teacher
 D. a magician

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2014 4 P2 TSA Practice Paper 1 Reading and Writing
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Part 2
Ben is looking at a book cover.

Look at the book cover.

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Bright Kids Readers Book

The Train Ride

Written by Tommy Jones

Illustrated by Fred Lee and Paul Mok

Suitable for
Star Press age 8 and up.

Choose the best answer by blackening the circle.

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2014 5 Go on to the next page

1. Who writes the book?
 A. Paul Mok
 B. Bright Kids
 C. Fred Lee
 D. Tommy Jones
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2. What is the title of the book?
 A. The Train Ride
 B. Bright Kids Readers
 C. Star Press
 D. Book 3

3. ________ is the publisher of this book.

 A. Tommy Jones
 B. Star Press
 C. Bright Kids Readers
 D. Illustrated by Fred Lee

4. This book is the ________ book of Bright Kids Readers.

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2014 6 P2 TSA Practice Paper 1 Reading and Writing
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 A. first
 B. second
 C. third
 D. fourth
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5. Paul Mok ________ for the book.
 A. writes the words
 B. draws the pictures
 C. decides the price
 D. makes the paper

6. Who is the book NOT suitable for?

 A. 7-year-old Sally
 B. 8-year-old Tom
 C. 10-year-old Anna
 D. 12-year-old Chris

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Part 3A
Ben is reading some children’s descriptions of their family members.

Read the first description.

Uncle Paul
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Uncle Paul is my mum’s brother. He likes fishing. He also likes

sport. His favourite sport is football. Every Saturday, my

 A.  B.  C.  D.
parents have to go to work, so Uncle Paul looks after me. This

Saturday, he takes me shopping and buys me a new pair of

football boots. I like them very much! I go to the park and 5

play football with him in the afternoon.

Uncle Paul is smart too. He can speak many languages, such as

English, Japanese and French. On Sundays, he comes to my

home to give me English lessons. He is patient and caring.

When I grow up, I want to be just like him!

By Jack Chan
Choose the best answer by blackening the circle.

1. What does Uncle Paul like to do? (You can choose more than one

2. Read line 3: ‘…so Uncle Paul looks after me.’ Who does ‘me’ refer

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 A. Jack
 B. Ben
 C. Uncle Paul
 D. Ben’s mum
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3. What does Uncle Paul buy Jack?

4. Read line 5: ‘I like them very much!’

The word ‘them’ refers to ________.
 A. Jack’s parents
 B. Jack’s football boots
 C. Jack’s uncles
 D. Jack’s teachers

5. What does Uncle Paul teach Jack?

 A.  B.  C.  D.
 A. Chinese
 B. Japanese
 C. French

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 D. English

6. What does Jack NOT say about Uncle Paul?

 A. He is a good football player.
 B. He is clever.
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 C. He is patient.
 D. He cares about other people.

Part 3B

Read the second description.

My Mum

My mum is hard-working. She leaves home with me every day

at half past seven and says goodbye to me when I get on the

school bus. Then she goes to work in Central.

She comes home late but she still helps me with my

homework. My mum is my best friend. I tell her everything.

We like to go shopping at weekends and choose nice clothes

for each other.

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2014 10 P2 TSA Practice Paper 1 Reading and Writing

By Mandy Law
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Choose the best answer by blackening the circle.

1. How does Mandy go to school?

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2. Where is Mandy’s mum’s office?
 A. Prince Edward
 B. Central
 C. Tai Wai
 D. Wan Chai

3. How does Mandy describe her mum?

 A. She is the best mum.
 B. She is the best cook.
 C. She is the best worker.
 D. She is her best friend.

 A.  B.  C.  D.

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4. What does Mandy help her mum choose?
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Part 4

You are writing about your favourite hobby.

Write about 25 words. You may use your own ideas or the following
questions to help you.

Who do you
What is the do this
hobby? hobby with?

When do you
Why do you do this hobby?
like this
 A.
hobby?  B.  C.  D.

My favourite hobby
My favourite hobby is _______________________________________________.

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TSA Practice Paper 1 Reading and


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