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Gauff Consultants (Ug) – I.

T hardware Acquisition Budget

Budget Period: Fiscal Year 2023

Prepared by: Oling .E. Benjamin

Date: 29/10/2023

1. Introduction

In response to the need for modernization and increased operational efficiency, we are undertaking
the acquisition of new computers to replace aging systems and transition away from the practice of
renting machines for project-based requirements. Many of our current computers have reached the
end of their effective lifecycle, resulting in performance limitations that hinder productivity and

Objective: The objective of this budget is to allocate funds for the acquisition of new computers,
enabling our company to retire outdated equipment, improve the performance and capabilities of
our IT infrastructure, and reduce long-term costs associated with renting computers for projects. This
strategic move aligns with our commitment to technology advancements and will provide our teams
with the tools they need to excel in their roles, whether in daily operations or project-specific tasks.

2. Categories of Computers

The different categories or types of computers to be acquired.

Category 1: Engineering Workstations

Category 2: Administrative Desktops

Category 3: Mobile Laptops

Category 4: Heads of department

3. Quantity and Specifications

For each category of computer, specify the quantity and detailed specifications. This may include:

Category 1: Engineering Workstations (Quantity: 4 Units)


• Colling Ariho
• Kogere Rugumayo
• Timothy Malinzi
• Isaac Ogwal

Model: Should be a pavilion

Processor: Intel Core i7 or AMD Ryzen 7 or higher

RAM: 32 GB

Graphics Card: Dedicated GPU At least 4GB VRAM

Storage: At least 1TB

Operating System: Windows Recommended

Unit cost: 6,200,000

Category 2: Reception & Room 206(Quantity: 3 units)


• Beatrice Kabaza
• John Kyalimpa
• Laura Kusasira Azuba

Model: Dell or HP

Processor: Intel Core i3 or AMD Ryzen 3 or higher


Storage: At least 1TB

Operating System: Windows Recommended

Unit cost:2,300,000ugx

Category 3: Surveyors(Quantity: 3 units)

Model: Dell or Hp

Processor: Intel Core i7 or AMD Ryzen 7 or higher

RAM: 32 GB

Storage: At least 1TB

Display: 27-inch or larger high-resolution display with good color accuracy for detailed CAD work

Graphics Card: A high-performance dedicated GPU with at least 4 GB VRAM for CAD applications

Operating System: Windows Recommended

Unit cost: 4,000,000ugx

Category 4: Heads Of Department(Quantity: 4 units)


• Judith Tindyebwa
• Diana Aziku
• Beatrice Mucunguzi
• Emmanuel W Mugamba

Model: Should be a pavilion

Processor: Intel Core i7 or AMD Ryzen 7 or higher

RAM: 32 GB

Graphics Card: Dedicated GPU At least 4GB VRAM

Storage: At least 1TB

Operating System: Windows Recommended

Unit cost: 4,500,000

Total Cost per Category

Calculate the total cost for each category by multiplying the quantity by the unit cost.

Category 1: 24,800,000

Category 2: 6,900,000

Category 3: 12,000,000

Category 4: 18,000,000

Total Cost: 61,700,000

Additional Costs
Software licenses

Accessories (e.g., monitors, keyboards, mice)

Installation and setup

Warranty and support

Shipping and handling

Taxes and import duties (if applicable)

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