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Slupska Yana

Group and pair work

Students work in pairs or small groups (of 3-5) to complete a task or activity. Pair
and group activities take up the lion's share of time in many lessons. They have
been a favourite of teachers for many decades and there is no doubt that will
continue to be true in the future.
Pair work is a work that is done by two people working together when they are
learning something, such as a language: Both pairwork and groupwork have an
important place in ESL classes
Group work is a form of voluntary association of members benefiting from
cooperative learning, that enhances the total output of the activity than when done
Distance learning
Distance learning describes any learning that happens without the students being
physically present in the lesson. (However, this could also apply to the teacher in
certain situations.) Historically, this described correspondence courses in which
students would communicate with their schools or teachers by mail.
Interactive smart board

This flexible tool that combines simplicity of usual marker whiteboard with
computer features.

Used together with overhead projector, the board turns into an interactive display.
One touch of a hand to its surface can open any computer application or a web-
page, show required information or just draw.

With the help of SMART Notebook software, anything you draw or write can be
stored as computer files, printed, sent by email, or even stored as web-pages and
uploaded online.
Interactive smart boards use the latest Touch technologies that recognize the type
of touch to smart board surface.

A finger is a cursor, a marker is writing, a palm is an eraser. This clear by intuition

technique of working on a smart board is considered to be the best in the world and
is used in all personal device (smartphones, tablets…) that students love to use.

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