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TSA Practice Paper 1

Reading and Writing

Part BC Descriptor Assessment Focus Score

 Use a small range of reading  Identify gist or main ideas
strategies to understand the meaning  Identify key words
1A 4
of short and simple texts with the help  Obtain information from the
of cues (IS, KS, ES) notice
 Use a small range of reading  Identify gist or main ideas
strategies to understand the meaning  Identify key words
1B 4
of short and simple texts with the help  Obtain information from the
of cues (IS, KS, ES) table
 Use a small range of reading  Identify gist or main ideas
strategies to understand the meaning  Identify key words
2 4
of short and simple texts with the help  Obtain information from the
of cues (IS, KS, ES) information sheet
 Use a small range of reading  Identify key words in poems
strategies to understand the meaning  Predict the content using
3 4
of short and simple texts with the help picture cues, prior knowledge
of cues (IS, KS, ES) and personal experience
 Use a small range of reading  Identify key words
strategies to understand the meaning  Understand the connection
of short and simple texts with the help between ideas by identifying a
4 8
of cues (IS, KS, ES) small range of cohesive
 Apply a small range of simple devices
reference skills (KS)

 Use some of the common punctuation  Write a short story

marks and capitalisation in short and
5 7
simple texts accurately (KS)
 Write a short and simple text with

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2011 1 P3 TSA Practice Paper 1 Reading and Writing
relevant information and ideas
(including personal experiences) with
the help of cues (IS, KS, ES)
 Use a small range of vocabulary,
sentence patterns and cohesive
devices appropriately with the help of
cues despite some spelling and
grammatical mistakes (KS)
Total Score 31

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2011 2 P3 TSA Practice Paper 1 Reading and Writing
Answer Key

Part 1A
1. A
2. B, C
3. B
4. D

Part 1B
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. B

Part 2
1. B, D
2. D
3. A
4. D

Part 3
1. B, C
2. D
3. D
4. C

Part 4
1. B
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. D
7. B
8. A

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2011 3 P3 TSA Practice Paper 1 Reading and Writing
Part 5
On a hot day, a thirsty bird looks for water. It sees a jar of water in a garden. It cannot drink the
water because the jar neck is too narrow. It is clever and puts some stones into the jar. The water
goes up. Now, it can drink the water.

Marking Scheme

Score Scoring Guide
 Provide interesting and imaginative ideas with many supporting details.
 The description is very clear and coherent.
 Provide sufficient and relevant ideas with some supporting details.
 The description is clear and coherent.
 Provide some brief and relevant ideas but lack supporting details.
 The description is quite clear.
 Attempt to write a story by giving very limited information/ideas only.
 Provide unclear information/ideas that may confuse the reader.
 Provide totally irrelevant ideas.
0 OR
 Practically make no attempt at all.

Score Scoring Guide
 Use a small range of vocabulary, sentence patterns, cohesive
3 devices and verb forms fairly appropriately with few/no grammatical and
spelling mistakes.
 Use a small range of vocabulary, sentence patterns, cohesive
2 devices and verb forms fairly appropriately with some grammatical and
spelling mistakes.
 Use a very limited range of vocabulary and verb forms but with
many grammatical and spelling mistakes.
 The language is incomprehensible.
0 OR
 Practically make no attempt at all.

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2011 4 P3 TSA Practice Paper 1 Reading and Writing
© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2011 5 P3 TSA Practice Paper 1 Reading and Writing

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