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Internal Assessments

Program – MBA

Subject – Advertising & Sales Promotion

Subject Code: MMBA22E02

Assessment Type – Internal Assessment

1. SWOT Analysis – 10 Marks

You want to introduce a new mobile in the market .Prepare a SWOT analysis regarding that

Here's a sample SWOT analysis for introducing a new mobile phone into the market:


1. Innovative Features: Incorporating cutting-edge technology and innovative features can

attract tech-savvy consumers.

2. Strong Branding: Leverage an established brand or create a unique brand identity to stand
out in a competitive market.

3. Quality Components: Utilize high-quality materials and components to ensure durability and
performance, building trust among consumers.

4. Marketing and Distribution Channels: Develop effective marketing strategies and utilize
various distribution channels to reach a wide consumer base.


1. New Entrant: Lack of an established reputation might make it challenging to gain

consumers' trust initially.

2. Limited Resources: Constraints on budget and resources may limit extensive marketing
efforts or technological advancements.

3. Production Constraints: Difficulties in scaling up production or supply chain issues can affect
meeting demand.

1. Market Demand: Identify consumer needs and preferences to fill gaps in the market,
targeting specific consumer segments or unmet demands.

2. Technological Advancements: Leverage advancements in technology to introduce unique

features or functionalities that competitors lack.

3. Partnerships and Alliances: Collaborate with established brands or network providers to

enhance product visibility and credibility.


1. Intense Competition: Highly competitive market with established players offering similar or
better products may pose a challenge.

2. Rapid Technological Changes: The mobile industry evolves quickly; failing to keep up with
technological advancements might render the product obsolete.

3. Regulatory and Legal Challenges: Compliance with regulations, patents, and intellectual
property laws can be a hurdle.

This SWOT analysis provides a general overview and serves as a starting point for evaluating the
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats associated with introducing a new mobile phone
into the market. Actual factors could vary based on specific market conditions, consumer
preferences, and the unique features or strategies employed for the new mobile product.

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