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Challenges of AI

AI is the process of making computers think like human or making computers able to do the task that
requires human intelligence. AI composes of multiple subsets and branches like machine learning, deep
learning, and computer vision. Machine learning deals with the process of analyzing the data and finding
the future probabilities and possible outcomes by different artificial intelligence algorithms but in the
context of deep learning everything is same but in deep learning the algorithms require a less amount of
data to find the outcomes.

Ai plays a magnificent role in our day-to-day life. These days, AI has been used in many fields like
education especially by students to learn new things related to their studies, heath field example The
doctors are using Ai to summarize the patients present and past problem and helps in finding out the
possible diseases and health problem in an efficient way, financial field, autonomous vehicles etc.
Having such an enormous amount of significance in the present world Ai has its own bad consequences;
AI is like a coin it has its own two faces with both merits and demerits. The challenges of Ai in the
present world can be concluded by the following:
1)The mis use of Ai by student: Despite, the use of Ai in students helps to gain knowledge but some
students use Ai for doing homework that require creativity like writing essay, letter to the teachers, and
many more; This leads to the loss of student creativity and their analyzing capabilities. Using Ai students
cheat their teachers and this leads to lower academic achievement and performance.
2)Decreasing in the Job opportunities: Desperate and Continuous use of autonomous vehicles and ai
designers, editors the job opportunity for drivers, software engineers, video editors, graphics designers.
This may also lead to the bad quality of life of those people as Ai blocks their way of income.
3)Bias: Ai gives response according to the data feed to him, Ai consists of huge amount of data; Those
data may consist of bad and bias information about a specific group like religion, cast and citizens of a
country. This may create a bias between people.
4)Replacement of human Civilization: Many people believe that Ai is going to take over human
civilization and make human their slaves. Many great personality like: Elon Musk is also desperate about
it and he often talks about this topic this things have developed a fear among people about Ai.
Despite all of this disadvantages, if we use Ai in a correct way it could make human civilization more
advance and sophisticated so we should stay in the limits and use it in a correct way

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