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SECTION – A (Reading Skills) (20 Marks)

1. Read the following passage carefully. (10 Marks) 1. When he was well along his
filmmaking career with three Oscars under his belt, he developed an asudden urge. At
56, he earned a degree in electronic arts from California State University, LongBeach.
Steven Spielberg believes himself to be a more ‘well trained’ and ‘learned’ man today.
Did the maker ofSchindler’s ListandSaving Private Ryanneed any further training in
filmmaking?Maybe not, right? But he begged to differ. Why get trained at ‘this age’
(read: retirement) is a apopular sentiment that dominates the mindset of several older
workers, aka veterans. 2. Senior employees at Wipro have no qualms in getting
mentored by their ‘less experienced’colleagues (read: reverse mentoring). After all,
can’t fresh from college colleagues be powerfuladvisors for creating innovation?
Feedback from junior peers and team members can play an important role in helping
senior leaders understand where they should focus their learning. The 360-degree
feedback is a powerful process of documenting developmental gaps. Several
seniormanagers, though maybe hesitant initially, are today open and realize that they
cannot expectto be as ‘clever’ with latest technology and thought processes as those
who have earned theirqualifications from the latest, most up-to-date curriculum. 3.
And statistics also point out that when training is offered, older workers, especially,
seniormanagers appreciate programmes that develop their ability to think about
complexity andstructure ambiguity in ways that allow them to design strategies to
outperform competitors. 4. However, there is a void that needs to be filled as the same
report also states that older workersare less likely to receive training, with half (51 per
cent) of those aged over 65 saying that theyhad received no training in the last three
years, compared to 32 per cent across all age groups.Does this mean that failure to
train is often because they are not being offered training? 5. Perhaps, says Rahul
Shah, Head, Learning Solutions Group with DDI, adding that a few goof-ups that
often companies make could act deterrents: 1) being theoretical senior lose interest.If
one is unable to engage them by balancing, seeking, and telling, and 2) a lack of self-
esteem management: older employees’ self-esteem is on the line when they enter the
classroom. Itis mandatory to keep the environment ‘safe’, so that they have the ability
to practise without ridicule from peers. It is not easy, however, to plan a training
agenda for older workers, hencethe resistance from companies, and many
organizations may not have the resources too.

On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer the following questions.
( a) What does the concept of ‘reverse mentoring’ imply? (Paragraph 2)

I. To take feedback from junior team members constructively.

II. To learn backwards to fill up gaps in learning.

III. To become clever with the latest technology.

IV. To get mentored by the fresh recruits who are more up-to-date.
(i) Only I
(ii) Only IV
(iii) All of these
(iv) All except for II

( b) Select the option that displays what the writer projects with reference to the following.

Feedback from junior peers and team members can play an important role in helping senior
leaders understand where they should focus their learning . (Paragraph 2)
(i) Doubt
(ii) Caution
(iii) Fact
(iv) Denial

( c) What does the statistics point out regarding training? (i) Senior managers develop their
ability to think about complexity.
(ii) They structure ambiguity.
(iii) They do not get training. (iv) Both (i) and (ii)

( d) Complete the following with a phrase from paragraph 2.

Reason to do something deliberately

( e) Evaluate the INAPPROPRIATE reason why the senior level managers are hesitant about
the latest technology.
(i) They are acquainted with the latest technology and training.
(ii) They are conservative. (iii) They are hardworking. (iv) They do work properly.
( f ) Complete the following analogy correctly with a word/phrase from paragraph
Associates :
Colleagues :: dubious : ...............................
( g ) What does Steven Spielberg believe himself? ( h) What do you understand by 360-
degree feedback
I. There is a void that needs to be filled. What is it?

( j) What is not easier to plan?

SECTION – B (Writing Skills) As Secretary of Old Students’ Association, draft a notice in

about 50 words to be put up on the notice board regarding a meeting to be held for the
celebration of Annual Alumni Meet. (4 Marks)
Or your school is going to organise a blood donation camp next week. Write a notice in
about 50 words to invite volunteers for this camp. You are Manav/Manshi, Head boy/Head
girl of Pragati PublicSchool, Indore.

Kabir and Vihaan are planning something naughty. Papa has just brought a bag full of
crackers. Write a set of six dialogues (three dialogues each) based on your understanding. (5

An interview is going to be held. Write a set of six dialogues (three dialogues each) between
the interviewer and Rosy based on your understanding of the picture.

SECTION – C (Grammar) Fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate option from
the ones given below. (1×3=3) Pollution ( a) ............. taken a toll ( b) ............. everyone. It
( c) ................... so because of people’s callousness. A number of environment activist groups
are trying to create awareness about saving our forests.
( a) (i) have (ii) has (iii) was (iv) are
( b) (i) on (ii) about (iii) of (iv) under
( c) (i) are (ii) have (iii) are
In the following passage, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word in
any four sentences of the given paragraph. (1×4=4)

Fast food is a favourite with children.Before Word After There no doubt that it requires less
( a) .............. .........l.. ...................... preparation time, is tasty is served
( b) ...................... ...................... ...................... quickly. It is unhealthy and lacks
( c) ...................... ...................... ...................... nutrients. Rise in the cases of obesity children
( d) ...................... ...................... ...................... is a matter of concern for all.

Rearrange the following jumbled words to make meaningful sentence.

(1) Wild/the/forests/the/animals/lives/support/of/many
( b) Read the dialogues given below and complete the passage.
(2) Mother :Why are you looking so worried? Daughter : My exams are approaching.
Mother asked her daughter (i) ......................... . The daughter replied that
(ii) ......................... .

5. “The amount of homework she did was amazing. She would read, repeat, write, and


(a)Who is ‘she’ in the above lines 7

What ‘homework’ is being talked about here

(b)Why was she so keen on doing the homework ?

”When I came back to my village, I saw my grandmother in tears. I was surprised, for I

Had never seen her cry even in the most difficult situations.” .

(a)Who is T in the above extract ? Where did she/he return from ?

(b)Why was the grandmother in tears ?

(c)What does the last line of the extract tell you about the grandmother’s character ?

”I felt so very dependent and helpless. We are well off, but what use of money when I can not
be independent,”

(a)Who is T in these lines ? ‘

(b)Why did she feel dependent ?

(c)What does the phrase ‘well off’ mean ?

Why did the grandmother think of learning to read and write at the age of sixty two ?3ks

How did the grandmother treat her granddaughter as her worthy teacher? 3ks

“But I know it was not possible. If only I was educated enough….” Describe the
circumstances that made the grandmother realise the importance of education. 5mks

How does Krishtaka justify the touching of her granddaughter’s feet. 3ks

“Even after 40 years, people continue to appreciate Triveni’s novels/’ In the light of this
remark, what makes Triveni a popular writer

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