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Run powershell in Admin mode

Pressing TAB will help to complete the command

1) Star- transcript (Everything we do will so in transcript file)

2) Get- Command ( This shows every commands and function in this powershell)
3) Get- Command –noun s* (Displays all the command which starts from letter s)
4) Get-command –noun service ( Displays all the command of service)
5) Get-service
6) Get-help get-service –examples
7) Get-help get-service –online
8) Get- alias cls (Provides the fullform of it)
9) Get- alias (Provides all the short forms of words)
10) Get- process
11) Get –process –name microsoftedge
12) Get –process –name microsoftedge | get-member
13) Get –process –name microsoftedge | select-object * ( display all in details about
14) Get-history ( Displays all the commands we used recently)

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