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T.Y.B.SC (Computer Science)







This is to certify that the project entitled,”FITWORLD”, is bonafide work ANIKET VINOD
VISHWAKARMA bearing Seat.No.________________ submitted in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the award of degree BACHELOR OF SCIENCE in COMPUTER SCIENCE
from University of Mumbai.

Project Guide External Examiner Signature of HOD Sign of Principle

Asst. Prof Dr.Sujata Iyer Dr.Ganesh Bhagure


The proposed system ’FITWORLD’ is an application which is used to provide the guidance and

the training session by the UFD Taekwondo Academy. This is the organization which trains the

students of their respective classes with the sports like Taekwondo, Karate, Judo and also

conducts the fitness session having the well-trained coaches and the sports teachers. This

organization is now having the fitness classes with the session having full body training, Weight

loose, Self-defence etc. The main objective to launch the fitworld web application is to provide

the diet plans to the user and to book the session timing with the use of their respective gadget

sitting at their home, workplaces and other. This application can save the timing and the

travelling of the customer as well as user.

The system consists of the four sections: Diet Plan, Session Booking, Personal Training, workout

plan. In Diet plan section we will avail the features of diet planning on according to user BMI

index. This will also contain the sections for the diet plan for the user having veg diet plan and

the user having non-veg diet plan and also provides the right timing to have that respective diet

content. The booking session section will contain the booking of slot in the batches in the

organization. Personal training session section will allow the user to have the personal trainer

which allocate the trainer having the respective sport trainer. This web application will be user-

friendly and simple to use for the user as well as.


The satisfaction that accompanies the successful completion of any task would be incomplete

without mentioning the people whose ceaseless cooperation made it possible, whose constant

guidance and encouragement crown all the efforts with success

I am grateful to my Project Guide Asst. Prof Richa Kulal for the guidance, inspiration and

constructive suggestions that was helpful to us in the preparation of this project.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to our Principal Dr. Ganesh Bhagure Sir and our

Head of Department Dr. Sujatha Iyer for having facilitated us with the essential infrastructure

and resources without which this project would not have seen light of the day.

I would also like to thank all my friends for giving me moral support and encouragement during

the process of making my project. I am also thankful to my entire staff of CS & IT for their

constant encouragement, suggestions and moral support throughout the duration of my project.

I sincerely appreciate the help provided by all those in the preparation of this Project.

With Sincere Regards,

Aniket Vinod Vishwakarma


I hereby declare that the project is entitled.” FITWORLD” done at the place where the
project is done, has not been in any case duplicated to submit to any other university for the award
of any degree. To the best of my knowledge other than me, no one has submitted any other

The project is done in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of degree
for SEM-V during the academic year 2023-24,,is based on actual work carried out by
me under the guidance of supervision of Asst. prof Richa Kulal

Signature of Student

Chapter 1: Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………. 01

Chapter 2: System Analysis …………………………………………………………………………. 06

Chapter 3: System Design .................................................................................................11

Chapter 4: SDLC ..................................................................................................................16

Chapter 4: Process logic ....................................................................................................26

Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing ........................................................................ 27

Chapter 7: Results (Output Screen)................................................................................42

Chapter 8: Limitation Of Project ..................................................................................... 41

Chapter 9: Future Scope & Conclusion...........................................................................40

Chapter 10: References .....................................................................................................42


Certainly! A fitness and diet project typically involves creating a structured plan to help individuals
achieve their health and wellness goals. It focuses on improving physical fitness and overall health
through a combination of exercise routines and dietary changes. The project may include the
following components:
Goal Setting: Start by defining clear and achievable fitness and diet goals. These could be weight
loss, muscle gain, improved cardiovascular health, or any other specific objectives.
Assessment: Conduct assessments of the individual's current fitness level, body composition, and
dietary habits to establish a baseline for progress tracking.
Exercise Plan: Develop a tailored exercise plan that includes a variety of workouts, such as cardio,
strength training, flexibility, and endurance exercises. The plan should be realistic and
progressive, considering the person's fitness level and limitations.
Diet Plan: Create a customized diet plan that aligns with the individual's goals. This plan should
focus on balanced nutrition, portion control, and the consumption of whole foods. It may also
involve calorie tracking and meal prepping.
Monitoring and Tracking: Implement a system to regularly monitor progress. This can include
tracking physical changes, such as weight, body measurements, and fitness improvements, as well
as dietary intake and adherence to the plan.
Education and Support: Provide education on nutrition, exercise techniques, and healthy lifestyle
choices. Offer ongoing support and motivation to help individuals stay on track.
Adjustments: Periodically evaluate the project's effectiveness and make necessary adjustments to
the exercise and diet plans based on the individual's progress and feedback.
Celebration of Milestones: Celebrate achievements and milestones reached along the fitness and
diet journey to maintain motivation.
Sustainability: Encourage the adoption of sustainable habits that can be maintained long-term,
promoting a lifelong commitment to health and fitness.
Evaluation: At the project's conclusion, evaluate the overall results and consider future goals and
maintenance strategies to ensure continued success.
Remember, the success of a fitness and diet project depends on personalization, consistency, and
dedication to making lasting lifestyle changes.
With the advent of new technology, Everyone has the gadget through which we interact on the
daily basis and by using that gadget we can have the features of the application which would ease
the work of an individuals. We will also try to use this and avail the features of the fitworld through
the application.

Fitness training is full of opportunities catering to various segments—at home, boutique studios,
large gyms, private trainers, professional athletes, etc. Moreover, it is divided into many
disciplines, such as Pilates, yoga, high intensity, strength, cycling, weights, and so forth.
Many consumers searching for value-added services have shifted from large gyms to boutique
fitness studios looking for personalized services and a better user experience.
Other user groups training at home are a significant and untapped market to be explored—a group
living busy lives and lacking time but also needing personalized services.
Successful brands can create workout experiences and connections with users to provide results
and build lasting relationships. Combining fitness with technology to tailor fitness
programs and measure results is the best way to enhance fitness services.
The main objective of the Fitworld are listed below:
• Determine the demand and interest for a diet and fitness.
• To have the professional guide for the users who can avail the facilities anytime anywhere
through the application.
• Provide recommendations on the feasibility and viability of the program.
• Safety should be a top priority. Determine whether the diet and workout plan can be
sustained in the long term or if it is too restrictive or demanding to follow consistently
• FITWORLD is a professional application that individuals reach their fitness andhealth
• This application helps to empower people to create healthy training habits
• To make best use of our equipment and resources through well-attended sessions
• Lose weight with a personal diet plan for your fitness goals.
• As Web application creates your health data and BMI so you know exactly where to start.
• Get personalized health and weight loss suggestion 24*7 from this application.
• Find health advice, recipes and your daily dose of motivation for your fitness
goalsmotivation for your fitness goals through fresh content on your app’s feed each
day, every day.
• Get personalized health and weight loss suggestion 24*7 from this application.

The primary purpose is to help individuals improve their overall health and well-being. This
includes managing weight, reducing the risk of chronic diseases, increasing energy levels, and
enhancing physical and mental health.
The application assists users in setting and achieving specific fitness goals, such as losing weight,
gaining muscle, improving endurance, or enhancing athletic performance.
From the view of an organization, To have a technical data of the batches and the number of
candidates in the class. To maintain the record of the batches.
Offers a convenient platform for users to access their diet and workout plans, track their progress,
and receive recommendations from anywhere with internet access.
On a larger scale, diet and workout plan web applications can contribute to public health by
helping people lead healthier lives, reducing the burden of obesity and related health issues.
It may help collect absolute executives in details. In a very small time, the collection will beclear-
cut, straightforward and accurate. It will help a person to know the management of passedyear
effortlessly and vividly. It also helps in current all works relative to Gym Website. It will be
also make smaller the cost of collecting the management & collection process will go onwell.Our
project focus at business process automation, i.e. we have tried to computerize diverseroutes of
Gym Website In computer system the person has to fill the various forms & number forms
&number of copies of the forms can be easily generated at a time

• In computer system, it is not necessary to create the manifest but we can directly printit,
which saves our time.

• To help the staff in capturing the endeavour spent on their respective working areas.

• To utilize resources in an efficient manner by increased their productivity


• The system produces types of information that can be used for various resolutions

• It satisfy the user requirement

• Be easy to understand by the user and Operator

• Be easy to Operate

• Have a good user interface

• Be expandable

• Delivered on schedule within the budget


A system analysis for FITWORLD involves a holistic examination of its key

components to ensure optimal functionality and user engagement. The user
interface (UI) is paramount, demanding a design that is not only visually
appealing but also intuitively navigable across various devices. The proposed
system aims to develop an application for the user with a goal so that it easy for
them to book the appointment from the Web application and have the diet plan
scheduled on the screen

User authentication and authorization mechanisms must be secure, protecting

sensitive data while efficiently managing different user roles within the portal.
The search functionality's effectiveness is pivotal, influencing user satisfaction
and retention. Performance evaluation, including loading speeds and scalability,
is essential for handling fluctuating traffic patterns effectively.

Social media integration enhances the portal's reach and user interaction,
while monetization strategies, such as advertising or subscriptions, contribute to
its sustainability

Manual Work,There is no need of coming to meet the organization to book the appointment slot
or there is no need to contact the trainer or the organization to ask about the diet and workout
plan. Simply by clicking some buttons we can avail this facility from the home.
Time consuming, As the user is not visiting the organization branch they will save the time.
Inconsistency of data, As the data is preserved in registers data inconsistency is a measure issue
as multiple records of same data can be found which leads to inaccurate analysis. which can be
seized with the help of proposed system.
User-hostile, If the user (customer) has to Book an appointment he/she needs to first visit the
organization first which is time consuming, tiring and many more but using a proposed system
which is user friendly as you can place order while sitting at home.
A requirement specification is a document that describes what the software will do and how it will
be expected to perform. It also describes the functionality the product needs to fulfil the needs of
the client or user. Depending upon information gathered after interaction, requirement
specification is developed which describes requirements of software that may include changes and
modifications that is needed to be done to increase quality of product and to satisfy customer’s
demand. Requirement specification is divided into several types are as follows:
1. Functional Requirement
2. Non-Functional Requirement

FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT: Functional requirements are product features or

functions that developers must implement to enable users to accomplish their tasks. So, it's
important to make them clear both for the development team and the stakeholders. Proposed
system required following functional requirements:

Administration Functional Requirements:

i. Login: With his special username and password, Admin would be able to log into the device
ii. Manage Users: Admin is in charge of customer info. The database would also keep track of
the customers.
iii. View Appointment: Admin can view the appointment that are requested by the users.
iv. Manage appointment: Admin can mange the appointment according to availability of
batches or the availability of a trainers and teachers.
v. View Feedback: Admin can view the feedback posted by the users.

User Functional Requirements:

i. Register: User needs to register first so that they could create an account on the application.
ii. Login: User has Enter the proper credentials to login the app, this credentials should match
with credentials that are enter while creating the account/register.
iii. Diet: User can view the diet plan according to their BMI index. This will contain the two
section for veg as well as Non-Veg diet.
iv. Workout: User can view the workout according to their choices like body shape or the stages
of an workout.

v. Book Appointment: This feature will be beneficial for the user as they can book the
appointment slot or personal training session.
vi. Feedback: They can send the feedback regarding to their interaction with the web
application and facility provided by the organization while having the session.

Non-Functional Requirement
1. Performance: Performance requirements define how well the software system accomplishes
certain functions under specific conditions. Proposed system required following performance
a. The system shall accommodate high number of books and customers without any fault.
b. Reponses to see any entity shall take no longer than 15 seconds to appear on the screen.
c. The system shall store large number of data without affecting other modules included in
proposed system.

2. Safety: Safety requirements define that system use shall not cause any harm to data as well as
to human users. Proposed system required following safety requirements:
a. If the database is get crashed or damaged due to some viruses, In that case it is mandatory to
have a backup data. 14
b. Proposed system should manage customer or admin data safely in anonymous cases.

3. Security : Security requirements is a statement of needed security functionality that ensures one
of many different security properties of software is being satisfied. Proposed system required
following security requirements:
a. Proposed System must use secure database.
b. Customers just view the product and add product to cart and they should not be able to modify
products or stocks except their personal information.
c. Proper customer as well as admin authentication should be provided by proposed system.

Processor Intel core i3 or equivalent

Ram 4 GB


Operating System Windows 7 / 10



Code Editor Visual Studio Code

A Software Requirements Specification (SRS) for FITWORLD outlines the

functional and non-functional requirements of the system. Here's a basic outline to
get you started:

Product Perspective:
The envisioned FIWORLD is designed as an independent and user-centric
system, offering a seamless experience through a web interface. Users will interact
with a thoughtfully crafted user interface, featuring intuitive menus for easy
navigation and a clean layout to enhance the readability of articles. This system
stands alone, not relying on external entities for its core functionality. It
harmoniously integrates with standard web browsers, such as Chrome or Firefox,
ensuring accessibility to a broad user base.

Product Function:

A requirement specification is a document that describes what the software will do

and how it will be expected to perform. It also describes the functionality the
product needs to fulfil the needs of the client or user. Depending upon information
gathered after interaction, requirement specification is developed which describes
requirements of software that may include changes and modifications that is
needed to be done to increase quality of product and to satisfy customer’s demand.
Navigating the portal is made effortless through intuitive menus, categorization,
and tagging, while the BMI alerts keeps users informed in real-time. Accessibility is
prioritized with cross-browser compatibility and responsive design for seamless use
across diverse devices.
Safety Requirement:
Security requirements is a statement of needed security functionality that ensures one of many
different security properties of software is being satisfied. security requirements Proposed System
must use secure database. Customers just view the Workout & Diet Plans and Save it and they
should not be able to modify Workout & Diet plans except their personal information. customer
as well as admin authentication should be provided by proposed system

Functional Requirement:

User needs to register first so that they could create an account on the application.
Login: User has Enter the proper credentials to login the app, this credentials should match with
credentials that are enter while creating the account/register. User can view the diet plan
according to their BMI index. This will contain the two section for veg as well as Non-Veg diet.
User can view the workout according to their choices like body shape or the stages of an workout.
This feature will be beneficial for the user as they can book the appointment slot or personal
training session, they can send the feedback regarding to their interaction with the web application
and facility provided by the organization while having the session.
Django is a Python-based web application framework that is free and open source. A framework
is simply a collection of modules that facilitate development. They're grouped together and allow
you to build apps or websites from scratch rather than starting from scratch.

"Rapid development and clean, pragmatic design" are key benefits of Django. When installed on
a web server, the Django web framework can assist developers in quickly creating a feature-rich,
secure, and scalable web frontend.

For example, developers should not create their login screens or login processing. There are far
too many possibilities for things to go wrong. Frameworks take care of this for you and handle
all the tricky cases.

MySQL is the most popular open source relational database management system. It

is one of the best RDBMS being used to develop web-based applications. It is easy to

use and fast RDBMS. Following are the top reason to use MySQL:-

High Performance
Robust Transactional Support
Strong Data Protection
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for creating
web pages and web applications. With Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript,
it forms a triad of cornerstone technologies for the World Wide Web. Web browsers
receive HTML documents from a web server or from local storage and render the
documents into multimedia web pages. HTML describes the structure of a web page
semantically and originally included cues for the appearance of the document.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the

presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML. CSS is a

cornerstone technology of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and JavaScript.

CSS is designed to enable the separation of presentation and content, including

layout, colors, and fonts. This separation can improve content accessibility, provide

more flexibility and control in the specification of presentation characteristics,

enable multiple web pages to share formatting by specifying the relevant CSS in a

separate .css file, and reduce complexity and repetition in the structural content.


JavaScript often abbreviated as JS, is a high-level, interpreted programming

language. It is a language which is also characterized as dynamic, weakly typed,
prototype-based and multi-paradigm.
Input Module

Designing the input modules for a web news portal involves creating systems
that facilitate the submission of news articles and the presentation of content to
users. Below is a comprehensive system design outline for both modules:

1) User Interface (HTML Form):

● Develop a user-friendly HTML form for submitting news articles.
● Include fields for title, category, content, admin information, and multimedia
● Implement client-side validation for required fields

2) Frontend (Client-Side Validation):

● Utilize JavaScript for dynamic client-side validation to enhance the user
● Validate input fields for length, format, and any other specific requirements.
● Provide real-time feedback on validation errors

3) Backend (Server-Side Processing):

● Create a server-side script to handle form submissions
● Sanitize and validate data received from the form to prevent security
● Authenticate the user to ensure they have the necessary permissions to submit
● Implement server-side validation for additional security.

4) Database Integration:
● Design a database schema to store user Data.
● Establish a connection between the backend script and the database.
● Use prepared statements or an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) to prevent
SQL injection.
Output Module

Designing the input modules for FITWORLD involves creating systems that
facilitate the submission of news articles and the presentation of content to users.
Below is a comprehensive system design outline for both modules:

1) User Interface (WORKOUT & DIET Plans):

● Develop a responsive and visually appealing user interface for displaying
Workout & Diet Plans.
● Include features like categories, search functionality, and navigation menus
for a seamless user experience.
● Implement a clean and accessible design following best practices

2) Frontend (Client-Side Rendering):

● Use modern frontend technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) to render
Workout Videos and Diet Plans on the client side.
● Implement lazy loading for images to optimize page loading times.
● Ensure mobile responsiveness for a consistent experience across devices.

3) Backend (Server-Side Processing):

● Develop server-side scripts to fetch Workout & Diet Plans from the
database based on user requests.
● Implement caching mechanisms to improve response times and reduce server
4) Database Integration:
● Design a database schema for storing and organizing Workout videos efficiently.
● Optimize database queries for fast and accurate retrieval of workout videos.
● Consider using indexes and database caching to enhance performance.

5) Social Sharing and Engagement:

● Include social sharing buttons to encourage users to share our web
application on social media platforms.
● Implement features like comments and user interactions to enhance
community engagement

6) Search Functionality:
● Integrate a robust search engine for efficient and accurate article search.
● Implement filters, sorting options, and advanced search features for user
Data Dictionary
Database design is the organization of data according to a database model. The designer
determines what data must be stored and how the data elements interrelate. With this
information, they can begin to fit the data to the database model. A database management system
manages the data accordingly.
Database design involves classifying data and identifying interrelationships. This theoretical
representation of the data is called an ontology. The ontology is the theory behind the databases
Proposed system mainly contains 4 table: admin, costumer, appointment booking status and

Admin table:

Field name Data type Key Constraints

Name Varchar - Not Null
Admin_id Varchar Primary key Not Null
Phone_no Bigint - Not Null
Email Varchar - Not Null
Admin_username Varchar - Not Null
Admin_password Varchar - Not Null

Costumer table:

Field name Data type Key Constraints

Costumer_id Varchar Primary Not Null
Nane Varchar - Not Null
Phone_no Bigint - Not Null
Email Varchar - Not Null
Costumer_username Varchar - Not Null
Costumer_password Varchar - Not Null
Appointment booking status table:
Field name Data type Key Constraints
User_id Varchar Primary Not Null
User_name Varchar - Not Null
User_email Varchar - Not Null
Phone_no Bigint - Not Null
User_field_address Varchar - Not Null
User_session_timing Varchar - Not Null

Feedback table:
Field name Data type Key Constraints
Feedback_data Varchar Primary Not Null
Feedback_discription Varchar - Not Null

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a well-defined and structured
sequence of stages in software engineering to develop the intended software product.
It provides a series of steps to be followed to design and develop a software product
efficiently. SDLC framework includes the following steps:
Waterfall approach was first SDLC Model to be used widely in Software
Engineering to ensure the success of the project. In "The Waterfall" approach, the
whole process of software development is divided into separate phases. In Waterfall
model, typically, the outcome of one phase acts as the input for the next phase

Following is a diagrammatic representation of different phases of the waterfall


ER diagram is like a picture that shows how things are connected in a database. It uses shapes to
represent things (like people, orders, or products), their details (like names or dates), and how
they are related. This helps people plan and design databases so that information can be stored
and used effectively.
An Entity-Relationship (ER) diagram for a gym management project is a visual representation
that shows how different types of information are related to each other. In simple terms, it's like
a map that displays how members, trainers, equipment, and classes are connected within the gym
system. This helps designers and developers understand how data flows and interacts in the
Strong entity

These shapes are independent from other entities, and are often called parent
entities, since they will often have weak entities that depend on them. They will also
have a primary key, distinguishing each occurrence of the entity.


Relationships are associations between or among entities.

Attributes are characteristics of an entity, a many-

to-m anyrelationship, or a one-to-one relationship

A data flow diagram (DFD) maps out the flow of information for any process or
system. Data flowcharts can range from simple, even hand-drawn process overviews,
to in-depth, multi-level DFDs that dig progressively deeper into how the data is
handled. They can be used to analyse an existing system or model a new one. Like all
the best diagrams and charts, a DFD can often visually “say” things that would be
hard to explain in words, and they work for both technical and nontechnical
audiences, from developer to CEO.

Components of Data Flow Diagram

Components Description

External entity: They are

outside system that sends or
receive data to and from the
diagrammed system. They are
also known as terminators,
sources, sinks.
Process: Process is a procedure
that manipulates the data and
its flow by taking incoming
data, changing it, and
producing an output.
Data Flow: Data flow is the
path the system‟s information
takes from external entities
through processes and data
1.Data Flow Diagram (Admin)


Login Home page


Add trainer


END Loguot


Login Home page

View Diet

View Work



END Logout
In the dynamic flowchart of our FITWORLD, the journey begins with users
deciding whether to log in or register. The decision-making point checks if the user
is a registered member; if not, they are redirected to the registration process.
Upon successful registration or login, users are directed to the home page, where the
latest news articles are displayed. A decision point arises as to whether the user clicks
on a specific Workout plan. If affirmative, they are redirected to the page for detailed
information. Within the page, users can decide whether to engage further by
selecting plan.
Use Case Diagram

A use case diagram is used to represent the dynamic behavior of a system. It encapsulates the
system's functionality by incorporating use cases, actors, and their relationships. It models the
tasks, services, and functions required by a system/subsystem of an application. It depicts the
high-level functionality of a system and also tells how the user handles a system.
The main purpose of a use case diagram is to portray the dynamic aspect of a system. It
accumulates the system's requirement, which includes both internal as well as external influences.
It invokes persons, use cases, and several things that invoke the actors and elements accountable
for the implementation of use case diagrams. It represents how an entity from the external
environment can interact with a part of the system.
In fitworld (Web-Application), we are using this diagram to elobrate our overall project in very
simple and short way. This diagram gives us the overall view of the relationship between Actors
(Users,Admin) and the goals(login.appointment booking status, etc.) which are to controlled or

Actor - Actor is a use case diagram is any entity that performs a role in one
given system. This could be a person, organization or an external system

Use Case - A Use case represents a function or an action

within the system. its drawn as an oval and named with the

System - System is used to define the scope of the use case and drawn as rectangle.
Class Diagram

The class diagram depicts a static view of an application. It represents the types of objects residing
in the system and the relationships between them. A class consists of its objects, and also it may
inherit from other classes. A class diagram is used to visualize, describe, document various
different aspects of the system, and also construct executable software code.
It shows the attributes, classes, functions, and relationships to give an overview of the software
system. It constitutes class names, attributes, and functions in a separate compartment that helps
in software development. Since it is a collection of classes, interfaces, associations, collaborations,
and constraints, it is termed as a structural diagram.
In our project of fitworld we are going to eloberate the static view of an application. It is very useful
to visualize ,describe, document and various aspects of the system, and also construct executable
software code.This diagram shows attributes and operations perform during the particular
Gantt Chart

A Gantt chart is a commonly used graphical depiction of a project schedule. They help you assess
how long a project should take, determine the resources needed, and plan the order in which you'll
complete tasks. They are also helpful for managing the dependencies between tasks. A Gantt chart
is constructed with a horizontal axis representing the total time span of the project, broken down
into increments (for example, days, weeks, or months) and a vertical axis representing the tasks
that make up the project.

6/15/2023 6/25/2023 7/5/2023 7/15/2023 7/25/2023 8/4/2023 8/14/2023 8/24/2023 9/3/2023

Synopsis Of project

Feasibility Study

Detailed LifeCycle

Data Base Design

User Process Logic:

1) Registration:
● Users initiate the registration process by providing a unique username,
email, and a secure password.
● The system validates the information for uniqueness and adherence to
security standards.
● Upon successful registration, users receive a confirmation message.

2) Authentication:
● Users log in using their registered credentials.
● The system verifies the username and password against stored data in the
User Data Store.
● Authenticated users gain access to personalized features and content.

3) Browsing and Reading:

● Authenticated users can browse through the portal, accessing a variety of
plans .
● Clicking on plan title redirects users to the full content.

4) Social Media Interaction:

● Users have the option to share interesting plans on social media
● The system interacts with external social media APIs to enable seamless

5) Search Functionality:
● Users can utilize the search functionality to find plans based on
keywords or BMI.
● The system retrieves relevant plan from the Data Stored.

1) Authentication:
● Administrators log in using their authorized credentials.
● Authentication involves verifying admin username and password against
stored data.

2) Workout & Diet Plan Management:

● Administrators can create, edit, or delete Plans for publication.
● Plans details, including title, content, category are stored in the plan Data

3) Analytics Management:
● Administrators can access and analyze analytics data, including page views
and user engagement metrics.
● Analytical insights are derived from the Analytics Data Store.

4) User Management:
● Admins can manage user accounts, review registration details, and handle
account-related issues.
● User data modifications are updated in the User Data Store.

5) User Management:
● Admins can manage user accounts, review registration details, and handle
account-related issues.
● User data modifications are updated in the User Data Store.


<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<!-- <title>Fitworld</title> -->
<link rel="icon" href="Photos/icons8-exercise-50.png" type="image/x-icon">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="Home.css">
<link rel="stylesheet"

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<!-- <nav class="navbar">

<div class="logo">
<li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="#">About</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Services</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Contact us</a></li>
<div class="search">
<button class="log">logout</button>
</nav> -->

<!-- <div class="calc"> -->

<div class="Background">
<div class="bmitext1">
<p class="bmitext">Let's Check Your BMI Score</p>
<!-- <p class="smal">
To calculate Your BMI
<a href="BMI.html" onclick="">click</a> -->

<div class="container">
<h1>BMI Calculator</h1>

<p class="bmip">Height (cm)</p>

<input type="number" id="height">

<p class="bmip">Weight (kg)</p>

<input type="number" id="weight">

<button id="btn">Calculate</button>

<div id="result"></div>

<!-- </div> -->
<div class="line"></div>

<section class="first">
<div class="text">
<p class="b">
<p class="s">
When I feel tired, I just think about how great I will feel once I finally reach my goal.
<button class="wo"><a id="log1" href="/workout">View Workout</a></button>


<div class="imag">
<img src="static/img/Button_Workout.jpg" alt="" srcset="">

<div class="line">


<section class="second">
<div class="imj">
<img src="static/img/Button_Diet.jpg" alt="" srcset="">

<div class="txt">
<p class="b2">
<p class="s2">
The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like,
and do what youh'd rather or not.....
<button class="wo"><a id="log1" href="/diet">View Diet</a></button>

<div class="line">

<section class="Third">
<div class="text1">
<p class="b3">
Book Personal Training Appointment
<p class="s3">
We don't need to be perfect... we just need to get started.
<button class="wo">Book</button>

<div class="imageee">
<img src="static/img/Button_Personal_Training.webp"
alt="static/img/Button_personal.png" srcset="">


<div class="line">


<section class="second">
<div class="imj">
<img src="static/img/Batch.jpg" alt="" srcset="">

<div class="txt2">
<p class="b2">
Apply for Training Session in Regular Batches
<p class="s2">
Training sessions are vital to the learning process, but they are only one step in the
learning process and this should never be forgotten
<button class="wo">Apply</button>

<div class="line"></div>

window.onload = () => {
const button = document.querySelector('#btn');
button.addEventListener('click', calculateBmi)

function calculateBmi() {
const height = document.querySelector('#height').value;
const weight = document.querySelector('#weight').value;
const result = document.querySelector('#result');

if (!height || isNaN(height) || height < 0) {

result.innerText = "Please provide a valid height";
} else if (!weight || isNaN(weight) || weight < 0) {
result.innerText = "Please provide a valid weight";

const bmi = (weight / ((height * height) / 10000)).toFixed(2);

if (bmi < 18.5) {
result.innerText = `Under Weight: ${bmi}`;
} else if (bmi >= 18.5 && bmi < 24.9) {
result.innerText = `Normal: ${bmi}`;
} else if (bmi >= 25 && bmi < 29.9) {
result.innerText = `Over Weight: ${bmi}`;
} else if (bmi >= 30 && bmi < 34.9) {
result.innerText = `Obesity (Class I): ${bmi}`;
} else if (bmi >= 35.5 && bmi < 39.9) {
result.innerText = `Obesity (Class II) : ${bmi}`;
} else {
result.innerText = `Extreme Obesity: ${bmi}`;

{% endblock body %}

Level Of Testing
I. Unit testing
II. Integration testing
III. System testing
IV. Acceptance testing

Unit Testing

In unit testing different modules are tested against the specifications

produced during design phase for the modules in the project and the goal is to test
the internal logic of the modules. To perform the unit testing, the best approach we
adopted in this project is functional testing in which inputs are given to the system
for which the expected results are known, boundary values and special values. For
this the module selected was advance details where the balance amount falls to
negative indicating there is no more payment required. Secondly performance testing
was done to determine the amount of execution time spent in various aspects like the
module, program throughput, response time, and the device utilization by the
program unit.

Integration Testing

The primary goal of the integration testing is to see if the modules can be
integrated properly. The integration testing is therefore considered as testing the
design. Thus, in the integration testing step, all the errors uncovered are corrected
for the next testing steps. System testing. System testing is like integration testing,
but instead of integrating modules into programs for testing, programs are
integrated into systems for testing the interfaces between programs in a system.
System testing can be defined in many ways, but a simple definition is that validation
succeeds when the software functions in a manner that can be reasonably expected
by the customer
Acceptance testing

Once the system tests have been satisfactory completed, the system is ready for
acceptance testing. Acceptance testing is the process whereby actual users test a
completed information system in the environment where it will eventually be used,
the result of which is the user’s acceptance or rejection. The admin and staff at
Company accepted proposed system after testing.

Incremental Integration Testing

Bottom-up approach for testing i.e., continuous testing of an application as

new functionality is added. This Application functionality and modules are
independent enough to test separately. The functionality like view/create group,
view/edit profile, view/post notification, view/post news and add/show event are
independent to each other. These functionalities are added separately and tested
after the implementation of each.

The distributed nature of client/server systems pose a set of unique problems

while conduct tests we noted following areas while testing: -

● Client –GUI considerations –

● Target environment and platform diversity considerations –
● Distributed processing considerations –
● No robust target environment –
● Nonlinear performance relationships

Many different types of tests are conducted at each of this level of detail the following
tests are conducted
Test Cases

Login signup:


Designing a fitness web application comes with various challenges and limitations. Here are some
common limitations you may encounter:

Device Compatibility:

Different devices and browsers may interpret web applications differently. Ensuring compatibility
across various platforms can be challenging.

Internet Dependency:

Users need a stable internet connection to access the application. Offline functionality may be
limited, affecting usability in areas with poor connectivity.

Security Concerns:

Handling sensitive user data, such as health and fitness information, requires robust security
measures to prevent unauthorized access and data breaches.

User Privacy:

Compliance with data protection laws (e.g., GDPR) and ensuring user privacy can be challenging,
especially when dealing with health-related data.

Content Accuracy:

Providing accurate and up-to-date fitness information, exercises, and nutritional advice is crucial.
Regular updates and collaboration with fitness professionals may be necessary.

User Engagement:

Maintaining user engagement over the long term can be difficult. Gamification, social features,
and other strategies may be needed to keep users motivated.

Creating a truly personalized experience requires understanding individual preferences and goals.
Striking the right balance between customization and user-friendliness can be challenging.

Integration with Wearables and Devices:

Integrating with various fitness trackers, smartwatches, and other wearable devices can be
complex due to differences in APIs and data formats.

Technical Limitations:

The technology stack chosen for development may have limitations in terms of scalability,
performance, and flexibility. Regular updates and maintenance are required to address these

Legal and Regulatory Compliance:

Adhering to laws and regulations related to health and fitness applications is crucial. This includes
compliance with medical device regulations, if applicable, and ensuring that the app doesn't
provide medical advice without proper authorization.

Monetization Challenges:

Determining a sustainable business model for the application, whether through subscription fees,
advertisements, or other means, can be challenging.

Feedback and Accountability:

Providing constructive feedback to users and holding them accountable for their fitness goals can
be tricky. Balancing encouragement and constructive criticism is important.

User Education:
Users may not fully understand how to use certain features or may misinterpret fitness-related
information. Providing clear instructions and educational resources is essential.
Continuous Updates:

The fitness industry evolves rapidly, with new exercises, techniques, and trends emerging
regularly. Keeping the application content up-to-date requires continuous effort.

Community Management:

If the application includes a social or community aspect, managing user interactions and ensuring
a positive and supportive environment can be challenging.

Considering these limitations and addressing them during the development and maintenance
phases can contribute to the success of a fitness web application. Regular user feedback and
updates can help improve the user experience and overcome some of these challenges.

The future scope of fitness web applications is broad, with ongoing advancements in technology
and a growing emphasis on health and well-being. Here are several potential areas of development
and expansion:

Integration with Emerging Technologies:

Incorporation of emerging technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)
for immersive fitness experiences. This could include virtual workouts, interactive coaching, and
gamified fitness routines.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning:

Enhanced personalization through AI and machine learning algorithms. These technologies can
analyze user behavior, preferences, and progress to provide tailored workout routines, nutritional
recommendations, and adaptive coaching.

Wearable Device Integration:

Deeper integration with wearable devices and health trackers. Fitness applications could leverage
real-time data from wearables to offer more accurate assessments, monitor performance, and
adjust recommendations based on the user's health metrics.

Social and Community Features:

Strengthening social and community aspects within fitness applications. This could involve live
group workouts, social challenges, and features that foster a sense of community and support
among users.

Telehealth and Remote Fitness:

Expansion into telehealth services, allowing users to connect with fitness professionals remotely
for personalized coaching, consultations, and virtual training sessions.
Nutritional Guidance and Meal Planning:
Enhanced features for nutritional guidance and meal planning. Integrating artificial intelligence
to analyze dietary habits, allergies, and preferences to generate personalized meal plans.

Mind-Body Wellness:

Inclusion of features that focus on mental health and holistic well-being, such as meditation
exercises, stress management, and sleep tracking. The integration of mindfulness practices into
fitness routines could become more prevalent.

Blockchain for Data Security:

Implementation of blockchain technology for secure storage and sharing of sensitive health and
fitness data. This could enhance privacy and provide users with greater control over their personal

Accessibility and Inclusivity:

Striving for greater accessibility and inclusivity, ensuring that fitness applications are designed to
accommodate users with diverse needs, abilities, and fitness goals.

Continuous Learning and Adaptive Workouts:

Incorporating continuous learning algorithms that adapt workout routines based on user
progress, feedback, and changing fitness goals. This could involve dynamic adjustments to
workout intensity, duration, and exercise selection.

Corporate Wellness Programs:

Expansion into corporate wellness programs, offering tailored fitness solutions for organizations
to promote employee health and well-being.

Data Analytics for Performance Insights:

Utilization of advanced data analytics to provide users with detailed insights into their
performance, progress, and areas for improvement. This could include analytics dashboards,
trend analysis, and goal tracking.
Globalization and Multilingual Support:

Broadening the reach of fitness applications by offering multilingual support and tailoring content
to diverse cultural preferences and fitness practices.

Subscription Models and Premium Content:

Further development of subscription models with premium content, exclusive features, and
partnerships with fitness professionals or celebrities to attract and retain users.

As technology continues to evolve and user expectations change, the future of fitness web
applications will likely involve a combination of these trends, with a strong focus on user
engagement, personalization, and overall well-being.
In conclusion, the future of fitness web applications holds exciting possibilities as technology
continues to advance and our understanding of health and well-being evolves. The trajectory
points toward a more personalized, immersive, and holistic approach to fitness, with a focus on
leveraging cutting-edge technologies. The key trends shaping the future include the integration
of emerging technologies like AR and VR, the pervasive use of artificial intelligence and machine
learning for personalized experiences, and deeper integration with wearable devices.

Social and community features are expected to play a more prominent role, fostering a sense of
belonging and support among users. Telehealth services and remote fitness options are likely to
expand, providing users with greater flexibility in accessing professional guidance and training.

Furthermore, the emphasis on mental health and mindfulness within fitness applications is
likely to grow, recognizing the interconnectedness of physical and mental well-being. Blockchain
technology may be adopted to enhance data security and privacy, addressing concerns related to
sensitive health information.

Accessibility and inclusivity will become central considerations, ensuring that fitness
applications cater to a diverse range of users with varying needs and abilities. Corporate wellness
programs may gain traction, extending the reach of these applications into workplace

Continuous learning algorithms and adaptive workouts will further refine the user experience,
allowing for dynamic adjustments based on individual progress and feedback. The globalization
of fitness applications with multilingual support will make these platforms more accessible to a
global audience.

In the business aspect, subscription models with premium content and exclusive features are
expected to continue, providing sustainable revenue streams for developers and content

As the fitness industry embraces these trends, users can anticipate more engaging, tailored, and
comprehensive experiences that go beyond traditional workout routines. The future of fitness
web applications holds immense potential to positively impact individuals' health and well-being
on a global scale.

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