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Santosh Kumar Kantiay sb :Kinhas

Skin management mcqs .

1.Pressure ulcers are usually located over bony prominences and caused by unrelieved pressure resulting in
damage of underlying tissue.

A) True B) False. C) Statement is inappropriate D) Not relevant Questions

2.A pressure ulcer that is superficial and presents as a blister with partial thickness skin loss involving epidermis
and dermis is graded as a

A) stage I. B) stage II. C) stage III. D) stage IV

3.A stage I pressure ulcer will present with

A) warmth and edema, C)induration or hardness,

B) nonblanchable erythema. D) discoloration of the skin

E) All of above

4.While sitting in a wheelchair, the resident should be encouraged to change position or shift his/her weight at
least every

A) every 30 minutes. B every 1 hour. C) every 45 minutes. D) every 2 hours

5.What is the most severe type of pressure ulcer?

A) stage III B). stage I C stage IV D). stage II

6.A pressure ulcer that presents as a deep crater with or without undermining adjacent tissue is

A) stage I B)stage II C)stage III D) stage IV

7.The wound healing process does not include:

A) inflammatory phase. B) proliferation phase C). infection phase D)maturation phase

8.With aging, the skin (epidermis)

A) does not change. B) becomes thicker and dryer C)becomes thinner and dryer D) None

9.For pressure ulcers, which of these are not risk factors?

A)Decreased mental status. B)Fecal and urinary incontinence. C) Soft bed. D)Excessive body heat. E.Cold body

10.This phase of healing increases from day 3 or 4 until day 21 and then injury. Collagen extends in the
area.Capillaries go across the wound.

A).Inflammatory phase. B)Proliferative phase. C).Maturation phase. D).None of these

11.Full-thickness skin loss involving damage or necrosis of subcutaneous tissue

A) Stage I. B).Stage II. C) Stage III. D).Stage IV

12.How many types of healing

A) five. B) three. C) six. D) four

13.The fallowing are NANDA. (2009) approved nursing diagnosis which these ?

A) impaired skin integrity. C) deficient knowledge

B) risk for infection. D) impaired tissue integrity. E) All of above

14.The term decubitus comes from

A) English. B) Spanish. C) Latin. D) greek

15.Which of the following are risk factors.

A) advanced age. B) immobility. C) diminished sensation. D) all of above

16.It is not a nursing interventions to prevent decubitus ulcer

A) repostion client at least every 2 hour

B) Use Alcohol and H2O2

C) provide device to minimize or float pressure area

D) clean the pressure ulcer every dressing changes Braden scale below 18 score are considered as .

A) Safe. B) May be On risk . C) Moderate risk. D) risk

18.what are causes for pressure ulcer

A) fraction. B) pressure. C) shearing. D) all of above

19.It is not involved in Norton's scale

A) nutrition. B) mobility. C) mental state. D) activity

20.All are the factors affect wound healing except

A) hyperglycemia. B) hypoproteinemia. C) anemia. D) hypovolemia

Thank you Good luck

By :Santosh kumar kantiaya sb

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