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Internal Audit Checklist

Clause 4: Context of the Organization

- Have you conducted a comprehensive assessment of both internal and external
factors that can impact your environmental performance and objectives?
- Is there documented evidence of the identification and understanding of your
organization's internal and external issues?
- Have you identified the relevant needs and expectations of interested parties,
and do you maintain records of this information?
- Is the scope of your Environmental Management System (EMS) well-defined and
clearly documented?

Clause 5: Leadership
- Is there clear evidence of top management's commitment to the EMS, including
a documented environmental policy, environmental objectives, and their active
- Is the EMS integrated into the organization's strategic processes and decision-
- Are records available to demonstrate top management's support for the EMS?

Clause 6: Planning
- Have all significant environmental aspects of your organization's activities,
products, or services been identified, documented, and evaluated for their impact on
the environment?
- Have legal and other requirements related to environmental aspects been
identified, documented, and do you maintain a record of these requirements?
- Are there established environmental objectives and targets, and is there
documented evidence of the methods used to set and review these objectives?
- Do you have a documented action plan outlining how these objectives and
targets will be achieved?

Clause 7: Support
- Is there documented evidence that resources, including personnel,
infrastructure, and technology, have been allocated to support the EMS?

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- Can you provide records that demonstrate the competence, awareness, and
training of personnel relevant to their roles within the EMS?
- Are there documented procedures for internal and external communication
regarding environmental aspects, and do records exist to confirm compliance with
these procedures?
- Is there a system in place for creating, controlling, and maintaining documented
information, and are these records readily available for reference?

Clause 8: Operation
- Are there established and documented procedures for identifying and managing
environmental aspects and their associated risks?
- Can you provide records of your emergency preparedness and response
procedures, along with any past incidents and actions taken?
- Are there documented procedures for ensuring compliance with all applicable
legal and other requirements?
- Have you documented changes to your operations, products, or services and
their potential environmental impacts, and are these records updated as changes

Clause 9: Performance Evaluation

- Do you have documented procedures for monitoring and measuring your
organization's environmental performance against its objectives and targets?
- Have you conducted internal audits, and is there documented evidence of these
audits, including findings and corrective actions?
- Can you provide records of management reviews, including discussions about
the suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness of your EMS, along with actions taken
based on these reviews?

Clause 10: Improvement

- Are there documented records of non-conformities, and is there evidence of
corrective actions taken to address them and prevent their recurrence?
- Are preventive actions systematically identified, documented, and implemented
to prevent potential non-conformities?
- Can you provide documented evidence of continual improvement initiatives,
including actions taken to enhance the performance and effectiveness of your EMS?

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This detailed internal audit checklist for ISO 14001:2015 is designed to help
organizations systematically assess their compliance with the standard and identify
areas for improvement within their Environmental Management System. It serves as
a comprehensive tool for auditors and organizations seeking to maintain and
enhance their environmental performance.

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