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Navigation Bar:

Description: The Navigation Bar, often located at the top of each page, serves as a
primary means of navigating through different sections and features of the web
application. It typically includes links or dropdown menus to essential pages and
modules, enabling users to access key functionalities with ease.
Main Menu Links: Links to major sections or modules of the application, such as
Dashboard, Complaint Management, Reports, Settings, and Static Content pages.
Dropdown Menus: Nested menus providing access to sub-pages or related features
within each main section, organized hierarchically for intuitive navigation.
Brand Logo: Logo image or text representing the Prohibition & Excise Department,
often linked to the homepage for easy access.
Search Bar: Optional feature allowing users to search for specific content or
records within the application, with search results displayed in real-time or on a
separate page.
User Profile: Profile icon or dropdown menu displaying user-specific options and
settings, such as account information, preferences, and logout functionality.

Description: Breadcrumbs are navigational aids displayed at the top of a page,

indicating the user's current location within the application's hierarchy of pages
or modules. They help users understand the context of the current page and provide
a trail of links for easy backtracking or navigation to higher-level pages.
Hierarchical Path: Sequential list of links representing the path from the homepage
to the current page, with each link corresponding to a higher-level section or
Clickable Links: Each breadcrumb link is clickable, allowing users to jump directly
to any previous page in the hierarchy without retracing their steps manually.
Dynamic Updating: Breadcrumbs may dynamically update based on user interactions or
navigation paths within the application, reflecting changes in the user's location
or context accurately.
Clear Formatting: Breadcrumbs are typically styled for clarity and readability,
with consistent spacing, font size, and color contrast to enhance usability and

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