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User Profile Management:

Profile Settings: Allows users to update their personal information, such as name,
contact details, and password.
Avatar Upload: Enables users to upload a profile picture or avatar to personalize
their user account.
Notification Preferences:

Email Notifications: Allows users to configure their email notification

preferences, including subscription to system alerts, updates, and newsletters.
SMS Alerts: Provides options for managing SMS alert settings, such as opting in or
out of specific notification categories.
Theme Customization:

Theme Selection: Offers users the ability to choose from a selection of pre-defined
themes or customize the system's appearance according to their preferences.
Color Palette: Allows users to customize the color scheme of the application
interface, providing flexibility in visual design.
Language Settings:

Language Selection: Allows users to choose their preferred language for the
application interface, supporting multilingual capabilities.
Localization: Enables the system to display content in the selected language,
including menu labels, button text, and error messages.
Access Control:

Role Management: Provides administrators with the ability to define and manage user
roles and permissions within the system.
Permission Settings: Allows administrators to configure granular permissions
settings for each user role, controlling access to specific modules, features, and
System Configuration:

General Settings: Enables administrators to configure general system settings, such

as time zone, date format, and default currency.
Email Server Configuration: Allows administrators to specify the SMTP server
settings for outgoing email notifications and alerts.
SMS Gateway Integration: Provides options for integrating with third-party SMS
gateway providers for sending SMS alerts and notifications.
Audit Trail:

Activity Log: Maintains a detailed log of user activities and system events,
including login/logout activities, configuration changes, and user interactions.
Search and Filtering: Offers search and filtering capabilities within the activity
log, allowing administrators to quickly locate and review specific events.
Backup and Recovery:

Backup Settings: Enables administrators to schedule and configure automatic backups

of system data and configurations.
Restore Functionality: Provides options for restoring system data from backup files
in the event of data loss or system failure.

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