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Many gifted youths show an extraordinary ability to read.

They learn to read at an early

1. age with better of difficult texts..
2. They are also able to understand concepts likes freedom and love.
Moreover, gifted youths commonly learn basic quickly, and with
3. little practice.
They are often able to interpret messages quickly and draw that other
4. youths need longer time to be able to do.
They take nothing for granted. They tend everything and ask a lot of
5. how and why questions.
They can work independently at an earlier age and can for longer
6. periods.
They are in their way of thinking. They select the things that are
7. suitable and appropriate to them.
They have unlimited energy, which makes them their capacities and
8. test their abilities.
They are highly as they show great willingness to learn new things
9. and examine unusual ideas.
10. They tackle tasks and problems in a and efficient manner.

I. Put the verbs between brackets in the correct form.

a) Albert Einstein was a very (create) person.

b) He travels everywhere alone, he is really an (adventure) person.
c) Cristiano Ronaldo is a very (vigor) football player.
d) My friend is so (ambition) , he wants to be a pilot in the future.
e) Leonel Messi is a very (skill) football player.
f) You should never be (pessimism) in your life. Always smile.
g) This film is not based on a ture story. It is (imagination) .
h) Mr.Kim is never bored working because he is so (passion) about his job.

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