4 Lannon - and - Klepp - Proposals

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Proposals LEARNING OBJECTIVES ‘Afr reading tis chapter, you shouldbe abet * istingsh rong sles propsas,resaueh propel, ond improvement propceals “+ undestnd the proces of generating sled propesals | * folom guidelines in parsing, pasng, and designing informal an ama propras * capt the structure fr a standard propos to parila statin ‘A proposl offers to do something or recommends that something be done, A pro posal general purpoe iso improve conditions, authorize work on a project, pres ent a product or service (for payment), or otherwise support a plan for solving problem or doing ajo. ‘Your proposal may bea leterto your university's dean of engineering to suggest an inerdsciplinary program of studies linked with the computer science and arts. programs; itmay bea memo to your firm's general manager to request funding for ‘computer training or it may bea 100-page document to the provincial highways ministry to bid for a contract to design a eres of highway overpses. You may write the proposal alone or as pat ofa team. It may take hours or months. Proposals areas varied asthe situations that generate thems, but we can identify three main types 3, Sales proposals which promote business 2. Research proposals which are sed in academic institutions an in business 4. Improvement proposals (or planning proposals), which suggest how to improve situations or ways of doing things oF which present solutions to problems Proposals may be internal (writen for members ofan organization) or extemal (crite for others outside the organization) n either case, the proposal write has reasons for writing the proposal. But, internal or external, the successor failure of the proposal depends almost entirely onthe writer’ ability to lok at the situation from the ender’ point of view. Table 18.1 on page 340 shows a variety of propos ‘whose writers have tried tous supporting arguments that sppeal other readers. ‘Some of the proposals in Table 181 have been solicited by their readers. These proposals may have to be presented different from unsolicited proposals that have likely not been anticipated by their receivers, at Pant Applications Wie 121 pot Popes merel ‘The design unit a company that manufrs ut partly ‘propo for terting new i ‘magaesium-alloy brake parts In Ieping with he sompany dgeary plies the companys the net ve rs fr the next projec, and soon, Or an agency might reauie ems to resent thet qualifications for a certain kind of project before actualy song ‘ropasal for Only those fms that clear the quaifeatons hurdle wil be alowed fosibmita popes In the Beachland ease Try Muts knows that the mers of his fem's proposed fon wil be evaluate slay onthe bess sf whet he pats an pepe Sh el to know who wil make the fal decison about the compaing propels, John Waren _2 nornonsense person who dishes high-ressure sales tctes. i that in mind, Ty ‘tes 2 formal propos that looks very professionel andthat ys out EnvoMay’s tl ‘case, but tat 35 brie as possible. Tony uses busines prose that & tee tom tecessary jargon, His proposal appears in hs cht, sang on page 260. 36 aaa Part Applications [rte ‘Weighting | ” Sa ao : pees ; Seen, : = : mae zs | sgn on pala cima fa et sa Sb Sep = Sew tonto ny es Pes a PROPOSAL GUIDELINES Reciea a eat aae oe eee es reread Nepromapeautyatanagit | Senoee — tues to each section of ‘What are you proposing? ee eee Wot werouncpane eer et paints ena each spe of i propre ape ‘hat une sbeu your pian? ‘dresed. Several commnites wil rad and score “What are your (or your firm's) credentials? fas ceminies DP Ah Coe ea ‘How will the plan be implemented? te pertinent technical and wriven information — ‘How long will the project take to complete? rae ete ea How mh ca Sencar tm ose eae, ra eta eh arcamae aera ieee aoe ed Sn ey | topenlacs cher se log gins Tat ‘Chapter’ three sample proposals iusrate the guidlines, GUIDELINES FOR WRITING PERSUASIVE PROPOSALS 1 Tapa an cea ocean ee vas time for guessing gaoe. The te should cery signal the proposal’ furpose snd content. Dont write "Recommended Improvements when you meta "Re ‘ommended Wastevater Treatment” A specie comprehensive te ial the proposal intent. 2 Design an ccensibe and apeaing format Format inches sch features os © thelayout of word and graphic, including whitespace © fontandfontsiae (continued) © margins, spacings headers, and footers © headings and ilstrtion abel © ighlghs an its ‘A pootly designed proposal muggers a careless tine toward the project £2 welledesigned proposals ep readers gully find wht they need. 2 Focus on ain neds Readers want specif sogestons frig speci neds ‘Thr bigest question i," What's this for me” Show them tht you understand thee problem and offers plan er improvng thei products also services 4. Explain the beefs of implemenig your plan A persuasive propos shows rexd- ers hov they (or theic organization) wil benefit by adopting your pan. Relate ‘hose benefisto the factors that we cial tthe busines sca. Als, ane ‘your audience's major cancers snd anticipate likely questions and objections Such concerns might ince penonal concern ("This propos means alot of extra work or me!) aswell as ole concerns ("kets propor, bat cant see how we can tt into this ea bg), 5. Provide concrete, spec infratin, Vaguenes in apropos i tal aw Be sre to spell things oat. Show welll Instead of writing, "We wil inal ate ofthe-art equipment” wt “To meet your automation requiement we will install 12 Dell PC computers with 200-GB ard drives. The sytem wl be t= worked for api fle transfer between fics We wl nterconnet fur HP eer Printers and one HP Desklet color printer” Tb avoid any misunderstanding and to ef your ethic commitment proposal mst ect on interpetation oly. 6 Tet contingencies and limitations relic. Do not underestimate he projets ‘complet. Kent contingencies occurrenees objet to chance) tha readers right not anticipate, and propos realise methods for desing with the unex: ec Ifthe best avable solutions have ination eders now Other, you and your firm coal be Habe inthe ete of poet flare, Avoid overstate | ment fyou cant guarantee elimint then weenie "help sold” 7. Propose realistic timetable and budgets. Complex projects need to be carefully planed and accrately repressed, pechaps in a Gantt char. Also, provide @ realistic accurate budge, with cet cost breakdown of al costs that can be siipsted, indicat aribls th wil afc final costs, andthe preiced range affected by those variables {8 White rendcbe pros Avoid languge that is eerlown orto technical for your udience Keep paragraph shor, oF ite 9. Use convincing langue You proposal should move people tation. Keep your tone confident and encouraging ot bos and criti, 10. Emphasiae ay points with fective vale Tables, Sow cars, photograph dow ings and other visas are sometimes essential convince ear. Table 184,00, age 371, provides uel advice 11, Tailor supplement fora diverse audience. single propos often addres iver andiene:exeeatves, managers technical experts wets, policlans, sed Soon. Vacious reviewers re intersted in various pats of Your propos. Experts look fo the techni deals. Othes might be interested inthe ecommendstions, (comtinued) a7 Past v Applications cots timetabl and expected ress, but wil need some explanation of echnical ‘pect Both shor and lng proposls may lndud supporting materials maps ‘blseprints specications calulstions ands forth). lace supporting materi in an appends o avoid interrapting the dxcasion. i I he primary audience sexpert or informed, hep the proposal text tech nical and provide a summary, losary, and specialized information in appen> ices for uninformed secondary audiences. If youre unsure as to which | ‘supplements to inchude in an internal proposal, ak the intended audience or Sady other propouils. For a slcted propo (one written for an outside | ageny follow the agene’nstructons suc. (Gite sures and contribs To give your proposal authority and ceili, pro- vide source and contributor cations. Of couse, you have an etic obligation Toacknowledge sources of nformaton and eas Proposal experts redland and Fol offe these sugetions on choosing and citing references: ‘Review the iterate onthe subj. Limit your focus “the few most impor 4” tantorinfiueta?” background studies (135) Fon cite sources of “common knowldg” abou his topic (136. Information svalable in mpe sources usually qualifies s common knowlege. |¢ Provide adequate support."In genera ital papers that are seni to estab 1h creiby (135) “¢ Provide up-to-date principal references | Give credit wo all contributors Recognie everyone wh has worked on or co: trite tothe proposal (22). This requirement is more important for aca demic propos thn for busines proposal. A GENERAL STRUCTURE FOR PROPOSALS ‘To be successful, proposal must clearly explain the proposed actions and it must present supporting arguments tht recognize the reader's needs and priorities. In practic, proposal alo needs o open with an overview ofits purpose, method, and Eenefite, Finally it needs to dove with a requet for action—either the reader’ authorization or a meeting to discuss the proposal in more detail Typical Sections of Proposals Although @ proposal’ compleity determines exactly which sections will be inched, the sections sted in Tale 18.2 are usually present. Table 18.2 Typical Sections of Popsas Secon ws Introduction Connect with our ade by referting tthe readers request ‘cto probe tat aed this propos {+ Bey summrie he proposed pln, servi, o product ‘Perhaps hl yur (or your ams) qualifstions (comme) 38 ‘chapar 18 Proposals 307 Tobe 12 kal Sectons of Propsas (continued) eton ‘Discs the problem orneed tht har edo he propor | Thisdscusdon wil eave exensveinan unslcted Proposal In solic propo show tha you understand the problem complete | Discs the genet hat has edo the current problem (when appropriate) and dus the sigificance of {olvng ht problem. Tk about he regiremens fra ation Projet Description» Desc your sltion to the problem | what wl be dane iehen and where | “pic metnods * Tclde headings such asthe owing: Projet este * Incorporate the poet component speci inthe cents | eed idles when exponding tan RP Supporting Matera Provide evidence of the sity to complet al apes of Faclide/Bauipment the project Show that you have acest th eure in, equipment and ote resources, Show thatthe project edes have the equ quali ont and experienc to complete the projet. ‘+ Provide example of sir work performed by our eam, > lle sues (where appropri). | Supporting Arguments + Show thatthe proposed plan i feasible (eg tht can indeed becompkted ln th projected ine feo hat sind a on ha ee secs implemented in asia sinaton). | ‘© Discus the benefits ofthe proposed action ad, ery, zs potential reader concer | Dodger © Complee this ction are. oo problems due to ott inceses in our est joue legal boand ding thetime period you specify Some proposals ned detaled |___eocbreidowas othe ted only betoneline igare (continued? 38 Pant Apoications ‘ble 182 Nica Sects of Proposals (continued) a ‘What ncode Auhorization {Lee this cong ction statement request Your reader to ‘horas your proposed ln or eqs a medingt | preset your prepost | | nde the athorition equ inthe dosing paragraph of informal propo alongwith ender ofthe ropes ft benef), Fr formal propos, lice the authorzation ‘eset nthe rape ete Additional Sections in Formal Proposals 1m addition to the standard seven sections found in more informal proposls, include the sections presented in Table 18.3 in longer, formal proposal. ‘obi 82 tial etn informa Pssals het Include ] ‘Uae thie peru eter to aes the person who ‘eee te roost or resonable fr the fil decison, “This your only chance to decades the gatekeeper tr cecion maker who wil decide the te of te propos, word hier ver cael. ‘ Referto the REP Dessert main pois nd boas othe propos nde the ime int of your bid ‘Ak forthe aon you dese Tncinde copy ofthe BFP whe you know or suspect that the receing organization har een sed more han | onene | Snmuree rope ighlghin one pap orion | iheitehealng "Smee rac rea rote ‘eth heating "xc Saay rea inmar dees marge oor Tndute oh pect emma moe tin ne eof | | HExplore i i i ‘Te Page © Feud in odes, he tle of he propo te me of the cet ogeition he REP amber robe eaifer | Tine athers name f appropri) and hat ofthe ‘rgaation =the dit af sebision (cominued) 40 Chapter 18 Proposals 349, Tale 183 fae Seton Forma Pope (continued) ‘Tbleof Caments | Include ll action heading andthe paps where hey ‘Do not at the RE, anata ter, nd ile pe. Lin the names of appends, ‘Supporting Documents | * Inia appendices sche ellowing | | testes om sid dente techn evidence selerant news or mapiine ace, brodhures, or phate of previous projects 4

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