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Measures of Central Tendency

Name: __________________ ( ) Class: _______ Date: _____________

1. The selling prices of 6 watches in a shop are $280, $50, $800, $1300, $300 and $120
respectively. Find the mean, the median and the mode of the selling prices of the watches.












2. The following table shows the prices (in $) of 20 brands of T-shirts.

Price ($) 28 58 68 78 88
Frequency 6 4 5 3 2
(a) Find the mean price of the 20 brands of T-shirts.
(b) Which measure(s) of central tendency is/are NOT appropriate to represent the prices of the
T-shirts? Explain your answer.








3. The following data show the marked prices (in $) of some vases.
50 50 55 60 85 90 90 90 100 110
(a) Find the mean, the median and the mode of the marked prices of the vases.
(b) Suppose that the costs of the vases are two-third of the marked prices. Find the mean of
the costs of the vases.

























4. The following shows the donations of 15 people.
$10, $100, $10, $10, $50, $20, $20, $10, $20, $20, $100, $50, $10, $10, $10
(a) Find the mean, the median and the mode of the donations.
(b) Jenny claims that the average donation is $30. Which measure of central tendency does
she refer to?
(c) Is Jenny’s claim reasonable? Explain your answer.

























5. The bar chart below shows the numbers of movies watched by a group of university students in
a month, where 4 < h < 11 and k > 12.
Numbers of movies watched by a group of university students

Number of students

2 3 4 5 6
Number of movies

It is known that the median of the numbers of movies watched by the students is 4.5.
(a) Find h and k.
(b) Four more students now join the group. It is found that the numbers of movies watched by
these four students are all different and the maximum and the minimum of the numbers of
movies watched by the students remain unchanged. Find
(i) the least possible median of the numbers of movies watched by the students,
(ii) the greatest possible mean of the numbers of movies watched by the students.















6. The following table shows the job interview results of 2 candidates, Henry and Ivan.
The interview considers 4 components, each of which was assigned a weight (a measure of
importance of the component) of the candidate.

Qualification Experience Personality Written test

Henry 6 3 7 7
Ivan 7 6 5 5
Weight 2 3 4 5

(a) Who gets the job? Explain your answer.

(b) The weight of experience is increased so that Ivan gets the job. It is given that the weight
must be an integer.
(i) Find the least weight increase of experience.
(ii) Hence, find the corresponding weighted mean score of Henry, after the change.
(Give the answer correct to 2 decimal places.)


















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