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Functional anatomy :

The liver weighs about 1.5 kg in the adult .

It consist of lobules , each hepatic
lobules consists of many cellular plates
radiating between a vein central & a portal
triad ( branches of hepatic artery ,
portal vein & bile duct ).
Between the cellular columns in each
plate is the canaliculi , which they secrete
Between the adjacent cellular plates are
hepatic sinusoids ( lined by endothelial
cells & kupffer cells ).
The hepatic sinusoids receive blood
supply from both hepatic artery &
portal vein .then the blood drains to
central veins , which drain to hepatic
veins & then to the inferior vena cava .
The space of Disse is a layer of loose
connective tissue lies between
sinusoidal endothelium & the
basolateral membrane
of hepatocytes. This space connects
directly with a terminal lymphatic . It is
highly permeable to the exchange of
solutes between the sinusoidal blood
flow & hepatocytes.
Type of cells in the liver:
Hepatocytes (metabolic factories of
The main functional cells of the
liver(80%) are epithelial parenchymal
 Their basolateral membrane faces the
blood stream in the hepatic sinusoids.
 Their apical membranes face the
canaliculi into which they secrete bile.
Other non-parenchymal liver cells
1.Endothelial cells:
• lining the hepatic sinusoids
characterized by being perforated by
large pores (fenestrated) & they have
no basement membrane.
2. Kupffer cells
arise from macrophages, they line the
sinusoidal epithelium on the
bloodstream side thus exposed to all of
the portal blood flow.
3. Stellate cells
are star-shaped cells that reside in the
space of Disse. They store lipids &
involved in regulation of sinusoidal
functions of the liver:
 Metabolism: eg. gluconeogenesis,
glycolysis, glycogenesis.
glycogenolysis, Oxidation of fatty acids,
protein ….
 Synthesis of plasma proteins except
gamma globulin ( B lymphocyte ) ,
 Storage of Iron & glucose as glycogen,
fats, copper, vitamin B12 & many other
 Immunity : Removing bacteria &
worn-out red blood cells, by its
macrophages. (kupffer cell ).
 Secretion of hormones
thrombopoietin (stimulates platelet
production, Erythropoietin & insulin-like
growth factor-I.)
 Excretion of end products of
metabolism through bile .
 Detoxification of Ammonia, drugs &
other toxic substances.
-Ammonia is a highly toxic product of
proteins metabolism & also produced
by action of colonic bacteria.
-The liver converts ammonia to urea
which is less toxic & excreted via
 Secretion of bile:

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