Historyjss 2

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What is decentralization?
(a) Transferring power from central to local governments.
(b) Concentrating power in a central government.
(c) Dividing power between federal and state governments.
(d) Granting self-governance to regions.

What are the main types of decentralization?

(a) Political, administrative, fiscal, market.
(b) Centralized, decentralized, mixed.
(c) Unitary, federal, confederal.
(d) Presidential, parliamentary, monarchy.

What are the main characteristics of decentralized states?

(a) Power and decision-making are shared.
(b) Local governments have more autonomy.
(c) Citizens participate more in decision-making.
(d) Government is more transparent and accountable.

What are the main advantages of decentralization?

(a) Better service delivery and responsiveness to local needs.
(b) Increased accountability and transparency in government.
(c) Enhanced citizen participation and empowerment.
(d) Reduced conflict and promotion of peace and stability.

What are the main challenges of decentralization?

(a) Lack of capacity and resources at the local level.
(b) Coordination and communication challenges.
(c) Corruption and misuse of power at the local level.
(d) Resistance from those who want centralized control.

What are some examples of decentralized states in the world?

(a) Switzerland, Germany, Canada, Spain, India.
(b) France, China, Russia, Japan, United States.
(c) United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Brazil.
(d) Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia.

What are some historical examples of decentralization?

(a) Ancient Greek city-states, Roman Republic, Holy Roman Empire.
(b) Medieval feudal kingdoms, early modern empires, modern nation-states.
(c) American colonies, French Revolution, post-colonial independence movements.
(d) Global governance initiatives, devolution of power in the United Kingdom,
decentralization in Africa.

What are some key debates surrounding decentralization?

(a) The optimal balance between central and local control.
(b) The role of local governments in national development.
(c) The impact of decentralization on social equity and inclusion.
(d) The effectiveness of decentralization in promoting democracy and good governance.

What are some future challenges and opportunities for decentralization?

(a) The role of technology in enabling new forms of decentralization.
(b) The impact of globalization on decentralization trends.
(c) The need for adaptive and context-specific approaches to decentralization.
(d) The potential of decentralization to address global challenges such as climate change
and sustainable development.

Here are the questions from number 10 to number 40, with options a-d focus on
decentralization, decentralized states, types of decentralization, characteristics of
decentralized states, examples of decentralized states in pre colonial Nigeria used Nigeria
history curriculum for jss1:

What are some of the examples of decentralized states in pre-colonial Nigeria?

(a) The Hausa city-states of Kano, Katsina, and Zaria. (b) The Yoruba kingdoms of Oyo, Ife,
and Benin. (c) The Igbo acephalous communities of Arochukwu, Nsukka, and Onitsha. (d)
The Fulani emirates of Sokoto, Gwandu, and Adamawa.
Igbo acephalous communities of Arochukwu, Nsukka, and Onitsha Opens in a new window


Igbo acephalous communities of Arochukwu, Nsukka, and Onitsha
What were some of the factors that contributed to the decentralization of pre-colonial
Nigerian societies?
(a) Geographical diversity and the challenges of centralized control.
(b) Cultural and linguistic diversity among different ethnic groups.
(c) The need for local adaptation and flexibility in governance.
(d) The importance of traditional rulers and institutions in maintaining order and stability.

How did decentralization impact the political, social, and economic life of pre-colonial
Nigerian societies?
(a) It allowed for local autonomy and self-governance.
(b) It fostered cultural diversity and community identity.
(c) It facilitated economic development and resource management.
(d) It contributed to the maintenance of peace and stability.

What are some of the challenges faced by pre-colonial Nigerian societies in maintaining
decentralized governance systems?
(a) Conflicts between different ethnic groups and communities.
(b) The rise of powerful rulers and kingdoms seeking to expand their control.
(c) The impact of external factors such as the slave trade and colonialism.
(d) The challenges of adapting to changing social, economic, and political conditions.

How did colonialism impact the decentralization of pre-colonial Nigerian societies?

(a) Colonial powers imposed centralized governance structures.
(b) Traditional rulers were marginalized and their authority undermined.
(c) Local communities lost autonomy and decision-making power.
(d) Colonial policies led to the erosion of cultural diversity and traditional institutions.

What are some of the lessons that can be learned from the experiences of decentralization
in pre-colonial Nigeria?
(a) The importance of balancing local autonomy with central coordination.
(b) The need for effective communication and collaboration between different levels of
(c) The value of traditional governance structures and institutions.
(d) The challenges of managing diversity and ensuring inclusivity in decentralized systems.

How can the experiences of decentralization in pre-colonial Nigeria be applied to

contemporary Nigeria?
(a) By promoting local governance and community participation in decision-making.
(b) By respecting cultural diversity and traditional institutions.
(c) By ensuring transparency, accountability, and good governance at all levels.
(d) By using technology to enhance citizen engagement and service delivery.

What are some of the challenges faced by contemporary Nigeria in achieving effective
(a) The legacy of centralized governance structures inherited from colonialism.
(b) Weak capacity and resources at the local level.
(c) Corruption and mismanagement of funds at all levels of government.
(d) Political instability and conflict.

What are some of the potential benefits of achieving effective decentralization in

contemporary Nigeria?
(a) Improved service delivery and responsiveness to local needs.
(b) Increased accountability and transparency in government.
(c) Enhanced citizen participation and empowerment.
(d) Reduced conflict and promotion of peace and stability.

What role can civil society organizations play in promoting decentralization in contemporary
(a) Advocating for transparency, accountability, and good governance at all levels.
(b) Providing capacity building and training for local government officials.
(c) Mobilizing citizens to participate in decision-making processes.
(d) Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of decentralization initiatives.

What role can technology play in enabling effective decentralization in contemporary

(a) Enhancing communication and collaboration between different levels of government.
(b) Increasing access to information and services for citizens.
(c) Promoting transparency and accountability in government.
(d) Enabling new forms of citizen engagement and participation.

What are some of the key considerations for designing effective decentralization policies in
contemporary Nigeria?
(a) Clearly defined roles and responsibilities for different levels of government.

(b) Adequate financial resources and capacity at the local level.

(c) Transparent and accountable mechanisms for allocating and managing resources.

(d) Effective communication and coordination between different levels of government.

(e) Mechanisms for citizen participation and feedback.

(f) Strategies for addressing corruption and mismanagement of funds.

1. What are some of the potential challenges to implementing effective decentralization

policies in contemporary Nigeria?

(a) Resistance from vested interests who benefit from the status quo.

(b) Lack of political will and commitment to decentralization.

(c) Weak capacity and resources at the local level.

(d) Cultural and historical barriers to decentralization.

(e) Challenges in coordinating and managing multiple levels of government.

1. What role can the federal government play in supporting effective decentralization in
contemporary Nigeria?

(a) Providing financial and technical assistance to local governments.

(b) Enacting legislation to support decentralization.

(c) Promoting transparency and accountability at all levels of government.

(d) Building capacity and training for local government officials.

(e) Facilitating communication and collaboration between different levels of government.

1. What role can state governments play in supporting effective decentralization in

contemporary Nigeria?

(a) Providing guidance and oversight to local governments.

(b) Facilitating coordination and collaboration between local governments.

(c) Promoting innovation and best practices in local governance.

(d) Advocating for decentralization at the federal level.

(e) Empowering local communities to participate in decision-making.

1. What role can local governments play in ensuring effective decentralization in

contemporary Nigeria?

(a) Developing and implementing clear and effective policies.

(b) Building capacity and training for local government staff.

(c) Engaging with citizens and communities in decision-making.

(d) Ensuring transparency and accountability in managing resources.

(e) Collaborating with other levels of government to address shared challenges.

1. What role can traditional rulers play in ensuring effective decentralization in

contemporary Nigeria?

(a) Providing guidance and advice to local governments.

(b) Mobilizing and representing the interests of their communities.

(c) Promoting peace and conflict resolution at the local level.

(d) Preserving and promoting cultural heritage.

(e) Adapting traditional governance structures to modern contexts.

1. What role can citizens play in ensuring effective decentralization in contemporary


(a) Actively participating in decision-making processes.

(b) Holding local governments accountable for their actions.

(c) Monitoring and reporting on corruption and mismanagement of funds.

(d) Collaborating with local governments to address community needs.

(e) Promoting civic education and awareness of decentralization issues.

1. What role can the media play in ensuring effective decentralization in contemporary

(a) Investigating and reporting on corruption and mismanagement of funds.

(b) Promoting transparency and accountability at all levels of government.

(c) Providing a platform for citizens to voice their concerns and opinions.

(d) Educating the public about decentralization issues.

(e) Encouraging dialogue and debate on decentralization reforms.

1. What role can international organizations play in supporting effective decentralization in

contemporary Nigeria?

(a) Providing technical assistance and expertise.

(b) Sharing best practices from other countries.

(c) Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of decentralization efforts.

(d) Advocating for good governance and transparency.

(e) Supporting conflict resolution and peacebuilding efforts.

1. What role can technology play in promoting effective decentralization in contemporary


(a) Enhancing communication and collaboration between different levels of government.

(b) Increasing access to information and services for citizens.

(c) Promoting transparency and accountability in government.

(d) Enabling new forms of citizen engagement and participation.

(e) Providing tools for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of decentralization

What are some of the key considerations for ensuring the sustainability of decentralization
in contemporary Nigeria?

(a) Engendering political will and commitment to decentralization at all levels of government.

(b) Building capacity and resources at the local level to effectively manage decentralized

(c) Fostering a culture of transparency, accountability, and good governance at all levels.

(d) Promoting citizen participation and engagement in decision-making processes.

(e) Regularly reviewing and evaluating decentralization policies and practices to ensure
their effectiveness.

1. What are some of the potential challenges to ensuring the sustainability of

decentralization in contemporary Nigeria?

(a) Reversion to centralized control due to political instability or economic crises.

(b) Weak and ineffective local governments that fail to deliver on their responsibilities.

(c) Corruption and mismanagement of funds at the local level.

(d) Lack of coordination and collaboration between different levels of government.

(e) Insufficient or unpredictable funding for local governments.

1. What role can civil society organizations play in ensuring the sustainability of
decentralization in contemporary Nigeria?

(a) Advocating for continued commitment to decentralization from government and


(b) Monitoring and evaluating the performance of local governments.

(c) Educating and empowering citizens to participate effectively in decentralized


(d) Promoting transparency and accountability in the use of public resources.

(e) Providing a platform for dialogue and collaboration between different stakeholders in the
decentralization process.

1. What role can the media play in ensuring the sustainability of decentralization in
contemporary Nigeria?

(a) Investigating and reporting on corruption and mismanagement of funds at the local level.

(b) Providing a platform for citizens to voice their concerns and opinions about the
performance of local governments.

(c) Educating the public about decentralization processes and their implications.

(d) Monitoring and reporting on progress towards achieving the goals of decentralization.

(e) Encouraging dialogue and debate on decentralization reforms and challenges.

1. What role can traditional rulers play in ensuring the sustainability of decentralization in
contemporary Nigeria?

(a) Serving as advisors and mentors to local government officials.

(b) Mobilizing their communities to participate in decentralized governance.

(c) Promoting traditional conflict resolution mechanisms at the local level.

(d) Protecting cultural heritage and promoting local customs and traditions.

(e) Adapting traditional governance structures to support effective decentralization.

1. What role can citizens play in ensuring the sustainability of decentralization in

contemporary Nigeria?

(a) Actively participating in local government decision-making processes.

(b) Holding local governments accountable for their actions and performance.

(c) Collaborating with local governments and civil society organizations to address
community needs.
(d) Promoting civic education and awareness of decentralization issues.

(e) Demanding transparency and accountability from local government officials.

1. What role can international organizations play in ensuring the sustainability of

decentralization in contemporary Nigeria?

(a) Providing ongoing technical assistance and expertise to support decentralization efforts.

(b) Sharing best practices from other countries that have successfully implemented
decentralization reforms.

(c) Conducting research and evaluation on the effectiveness of decentralization in Nigeria.

(d) Advocating for good governance and transparency at all levels of government.

(e) Supporting conflict resolution and peacebuilding efforts in communities affected by

decentralization processes.

1. What role can technology play in promoting the sustainability of decentralization in

contemporary Nigeria?

(a) Enhancing communication and collaboration between different levels of government and

(b) Increasing access to information and services for citizens through e-governance

(c) Promoting transparency and accountability in government through data visualization and
open data initiatives.

(d) Enabling new forms of citizen engagement and participation through online platforms
and social media.

(e) Providing tools for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of decentralization

1. What are some of the key indicators of successful decentralization in contemporary


(a) Increased responsiveness of local governments to the needs of their communities.

(b) Improved service delivery and citizen satisfaction with local government performance.

(c) Enhanced citizen participation in decision-making processes at the local level.

(d) Greater transparency and accountability in the use of public resources at the local level.

(e) Reduced conflict and increased stability in communities as a result of effective


Explain the concept of decentralization and its key characteristics.

Decentralization refers to the transfer of power and decision-making authority from a central
government to regional or local governments. It is characterized by the sharing of power,
increased autonomy for local governments, greater citizen participation, and enhanced
transparency and accountability.

1. Discuss the different types of decentralization and their implications.

Decentralization can be categorized into various types, including political, administrative,

fiscal, and market decentralization. Political decentralization involves transferring political
power to local governments, while administrative decentralization focuses on devolving
administrative functions. Fiscal decentralization deals with the distribution of financial
resources between central and local governments, and market decentralization promotes
competition and market-based mechanisms in local governance.

1. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of decentralization.

Decentralization offers several advantages, such as improved service delivery, increased

citizen participation, reduced conflict, and enhanced accountability. However, it also poses
challenges, including weak capacity at the local level, coordination issues between different
levels of government, and potential for corruption and mismanagement of funds.


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