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GLOBAL CONTEXT: Scientific and
Technical innovation
Exploration: systems, models, methods; products,
processes and solutions.


Name: Date:

Statement of Inquiry:

Understanding Light with developed technology have sparked transformative change for a new future with

Learning Goal: To investigate into uses of mirrors and lenses.

Inquiry Question: How characteristics of image formed by mirrors and lenses are important for the development
of new light-based technology?

ATL Skill: Critical thinking skills

 Gather and organize relevant information to formulate an argument.

Criterion D: Reflecting on the impacts of science

i. explain the ways in which science is applied and used to address a specific problem or issue
ii. discuss and evaluate the various implications of using science and its application to solve a specific
problem or issue
iii. apply scientific language effectively
iv. document the work of others and sources of information used.

You are an MYP student and excited about Mirrors and lenses (Optical technology) and want to find out
more about uses of mirrors and lenses, so you decided to research. After your research you want to share
your research knowledge by writing an essay for school Newsletter and make people aware of the Optics
technology in different spheres of life.
In your research you may consider given below areas where mirrors and lenses are used however
the list is not exhausted
 Fashion industry
 Scientific research.
 Health and Diagnostics.
 Transportation

 Safety and security (Defense).
 Develop your research question. [This will be your formative assessment]
i. Using a graphic organizer/ mind map/ infographic organize your thoughts what are you looking
for regarding this topic, your arguments. [Di]
ii. Describe how it is applied to address a specific problem. [Di]
iii. Discuss and Evaluate environmental, economic and scientific implications of using optic
technology to resolve the problem/issue identified by you in our daily lives. [Dii]
iv. Discuss advantages and limitations of above implications for using optic technology. [Dii]

What are the impacts of microscopes?

Microscopes are utilized to help people see objects which are not visible to the naked eye. This is done
using convex lenses. Using convex lenses, we’re able to see living cells and bacteria, which could not be
proven without the use of microscopes. They helped revolutionize the medical industry. Convex lenses,
due to being a converging lens, helps focus the light at one point. This is then reflected allowing us to see
more closely than humanly possible.
Environmental Implications
- The Microscope is used to identify micro-organisms in soil, this can help detect foreign materials
such as minerals, micro-plastics and micro-organisms which can be dangerous to health. By
identifying these pollutants or harmful substance, they can isolated, to protect neighbouring
ecosystems, to help save the lives of animal populations and protect soil health which in turn
helps protect the health of plants.
- Microscopes are often made of plastics and toxic materials, which means they are not
environmentally friendly to produce or utilize. Microscopes often pull power from unclean
sources if they use electronic lights to help create a clearer image.
Economic Implications
- The microscope opened multiple new branches of science, all of which focusing on studying
microorganisms, their anatomy, and their behaviour. This allowed many more people to enter the
field of science, and opened new jobs and industries, such as disease detection.
- Through the study of microorganism’s facilitated through microscopes, more can work for longer
periods of time, as they do not have to suffer from sickness for long periods of time.
- Microscopes cost large amounts of money due to the precise craftsmanship required to produce
the lenses present inside them, as inaccuracies can cause serious detriment to the functioning of
the microscopes. Due to this, the cost of professional microscopes can cross $10,000. This price
is almost ridiculously high.
Microscopes are significant, as they allow us to see beyond what is normally possible and gain a whole
new perspective of the universe, on an atomic scale. Microscopes only serve to benefit humanity, as they
have also aided in the production of covid vaccines which were essential over the past 4 years. They
allowed scientists to analyse the virus and its anatomy to design the best counter. Microscopes are a now
essential invention.

Criteria D: Reflecting on the impact of Science (TSC - Formative Assessment)
i. Explain the ways in which science is applied and used to address a specific problem or issue
ii. discuss and evaluate the various implications of using science and its applications to solve a specific
problem or issue.
iii. Consistently apply scientific language to communicate understanding clearly and precisely
iv. Document sources completely.

Achievement Level descriptor Task Specific Clarification


Emerging The student is able to: The student is able to

i. outline the ways in which science is used to i. outline in the the use of optic technology in
address a specific problem or any one of the areas given.

issue ii. atleast any one of the implications of using

optic technology is mentioned to solve a
ii. discuss and evaluate the various implications specific problem or issue.
of using science and its applications to solve a
specific problem or issue. iii. Use of scientific language is very limited.

iii. apply scientific language to communicate iv. In text citation missing and only one source
understanding but does so with limited success is used for research

iv. document sources, with limited success

Developing The student is able to The student is able to

i. summarize the ways in which science is i. Summarize in the use of optic technology in
applied and used to address a specific problem any two areas.
or issue
ii. Any two of the implications of using optic
ii. discuss and evaluate the various implications technology is mentioned with advantage and
of using science and its applications to solve a limitation to solve a specific problem or issue.
specific problem or issue.
iii. Scientific language is used but vocabulary
iii. sometimes apply scientific language to is limited
communicate understanding
iv. Sometimes cited the resource but picture
iv. sometimes document sources correctly. citation is missing.

Demonstrating The student is able to: The student is able to

i. describe the ways in which science is applied i. Describe the use optic technology is used
and used to address a specific in any three areas given.

problem or issue ii. All the implications of using optic

technology is mentioned but advantage and
ii. discuss and evaluate the various implications

of using science and its applications to solve a limitation to solve a specific problem or issue
specific problem or issue. not written.

iii. usually apply scientific language to iii. The language used is usually clear and
communicate understanding clearly and precise.

precisely iv. In text Citation are mostly included and

iv. Usually document sources correctly.

Excelling The student is able to: The student is able to

i. explain the ways in which science is applied and i. Explain the ways in which optics is applied
used to address a specific problem or issue in all technology given and additional
ii. discuss and evaluate the various implications information is also provided beyond the areas
of using science and its applications to solve a given.
specific problem or issue.
ii. All the implications clearly explained with
iii. consistently apply scientific language to advantages and limitations of using optic
communicate understanding technology is mentioned with advantage and
limitation to solve a specific problem or issue.
clearly and precisely
iii. The language used is consistent clear and
iv. Document sources completely.

iv. In text citation are mostly complete and

correct and in proper MLA Format


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