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ote 1 Itwill beseen that the Possessive Cases of most of the Personal Pronouns have two forms

Ot these the forms my our, vor, her. their are called Possessive Adjeciives because
they are used with nouns and do the work of Adjectives; as,
This is my book
Those are your books.
That is her book
rOssess1ve Adjectives are sometumes called PronominalAdiectives. as they are formed from TOnouns
Note 2: The word his is used both as an Adjective and as a
This is kis book
Pronoun; as,
This book is his.
(Possessive Adjective)
(Possessive Pronoun)
In the following sentences the words in italics are
Possessive Pronouns:
This book is mine
Those books are yours
That book is hers.
That idea of yours is excellent.
120. The Pronoun of the ThirdPerson has three Genders
Feninine she
121. It -The Pronoun it is used:
(1) For things without life: as.
Here is your book: take it away.
(2) For animals, unless we clearly wish to speak of them as male and female: as,
He loves his dog and cannot do without at
The horse fel and broke its leg.
(3) For a young child, unless we clearly wish to refer to the sex: as.
When Isaw the child it was crying.
That baby has torn its clothes.
(4) To refer to some statement going before; as,
He is telling what is not true: and he knows it.
He deserved hs punishment and he knew it.
(5) As a provisional and temporary subject before the verb to be when the real subject follows; as,
ft is easy to find fault. [(To find fault is easy.]
itis doubtfal whether he villcome.
Itis certain that you are wrong.
(6) To give emphasis to the noun or pronoin iollowing :as.
I! was vou who begnthe quarrel
It wasI who first protesterd.
l was at Versailles that the ireaty was made.
it is asilly fish that is caucht iwice uit: the same hait.
it is an il! wind that bluws nobedy gond.
(2) As an indefinite ominative of an inpersoral veib; as.
t snows. i: thanders.
The Pronoun t hereseems to sta:ad ior no noun whatever. thong' thiscan be readily supplied from
the verh. Thus. it rains mcans he rasn rains
ltso used is caled an !mpersona! Teongnn. So aiso lhe rero rens is here called an Impersonal Verb.
{8) Iri speaking of the weather or the time: as,
Itis fne
I! is winter.
Itis ten 'clock.

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