G7 English L1 The Three Questions Notes

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Lesson no - 1


Word meanings
1. seeking - attempt to find
2. wise man - a person who is having experience, knowledge and good judgement
3. pleasures- enjoyments/ entertainments
4. council- group of people chosen to give advice or to make rules
5. councillors- members of the council
6. worship- show great honour and reverence for a deity
7. hermit- a person who lives alone and leads a simple life
8. wisdom- knowledge
9. wood - a small forest
10. spade- tool used to dig the earth
11. beds- small patches of ground for plants
12. stuck- push a sharp object into something
13. fainted- lost consciousness
14. re- dressed - dressed again
15. seized - took by force
16. faithful- loyal and true
17. business- ( here) important matters

1. strict x lenient
2. peace x conflict
3. enemy x friend
4. hermit x king
5. trivial x important
6. taken x given.
7. notice x ignore
8. always x seldom/ rarely / never
9. ordinary x unusual/ abnormal
10. alone x accompanied
11. tired x energetic

Answer the following questions

1. Why was the king advised to go to magicians?
Ans: The king was advised to go to the magicians so that they could look into the future and
tell the upcoming events to the king and then he could decide the course of his action.

2. In answer to the second question, whose advice did the people say would be
important to the king?

Ans: In answer to the second question, some people said that the advice of councillors was
important, some said the advice of the priest was important, some others said doctors and
soldiers are important to the king.

3. What suggestions were made in answer to the third question?

Ans: In answer to the third question some said science, some said fighting while others said
religious worship.

4. Did the wise men win the reward? If not, why not?

Ans: No, the wise men did not win the reward as the king was not satisfied with anybody's

5. How did the king and the hermit help the wounded man?

Ans: The king and the hermit removed the wounded man's cloth and found a large wound on
his stomach. The king used his handkerchief to clean and dress the wound till it stopped
bleeding. The king gave the man some water to drink. Then they both carried the man in the
hut and laid him on the bed.

6. (i) Who was the bearded man?

Ans: The bearded man was the King's enemy who swore revenge on him.

(ii) Why did he ask for the king’s forgiveness?

Ans: He asked for the king's forgiveness because he came there to take revenge while the
king helped him and saved his life.

7. The king forgave the bearded man. What did he do to show his forgiveness?

Ans: Yes, the king forgave the bearded man and would also send his servants and doctor to
look after him. Also, he promised to give back his property.

8. What were the hermit’s answers to the three questions? Write each answer
separately. Which answer do you like most, and why?

Ans: In answer to the king's first question, the hermit said that there is only one important
time ‘Now’. It is the only time when you have the power to act. In answer to the king's
second question, the hermit said that the most important person is the one with whom we
are at the present. In response to the king's second question, the hermit answered that the
most important thing to do is to do that person well.
I liked the first answer as time is supreme. One should live in the present and act


1. Imagine you are the king. Narrate the incident of your meeting the hermit. Begin like
The wise men answered my questions, but I was not satisfied with their answers. One
day I decided to go and meet the hermit...

Ans: The wise men answered my questions, but I was not satisfied with their answers. One
day I decided to go and meet the hermit myself in the woods. So, I quietly set out for the
journey as a disguised person. Upon reaching the woods I found out that the hermit was
busy with his chores. I greeted him to which he greeted me back. I asked him my questions
to which he did not answer. I was worried but that time an incident took place. A wounded
man came running towards us. His hands were pressed against his stomach, from which
blood was flowing. When he reached us he fainted and fell to the ground. We both removed
the man's clothing and washed and covered his wound with a handkerchief. Next day the
stranger asked for my forgiveness. He said he was my enemy and he came to kill me. But
now he understood his mistake and was ready to serve me as a loyal servant. I approached
the hermit one more time to request answers to my three questions. This time the hermit
explained it to me, connecting it with my real life experiences. I felt satisfied with his answers
and then I returned back.

2. Imagine you are the hermit. Write briefly the incident of your meeting the king.
Begin like this:

One day I was digging in my garden. A man in ordinary clothes came to see me. I
knew it was the king...

Ans: One day I was digging in my garden. A man in ordinary clothes came to see me. I knew
it was the king, he asked me a few questions to which I didn't answer. I waited for the correct
moment to answer the questions with an explanation. The moment occurred the very day
when a wounded man came running towards my hut. After dressing the wounded man he
was allowed to rest. Next day the man confessed his guilt to the king . He said he was his
enemy and he came to kill him. But now the man understood his mistake and was ready to
serve me as a loyal servant. The king got to understand the incident. Connecting it with that
day's experience I explained and answered all his questions. The king returned to his Palace
with complete satisfaction.

What were the replies the king received for his first question?

Answer: In reply to his first question, the king was advised to follow a timetable by some
men. There were some people who were of the opinion that it was impossible to decide the
right time in advance. The king was suggested to keep a note of all happenings around him,
avoid indulging in excessive pleasure and do everything that seemed important at any
particular time. Along with this he should have a team of intelligent people to guide to him to
the right thing at the right time.

King has right sense of judgement. Do you agree or not? Give examples in support of
your answer.

Answer: The king wanted to be a good ruler and has a fair sense of judgement. He was
seeking answers for the three questions which he thought would help him in his mission. He
wanted to improve himself so he decided to find answers to the three questions. The king
was kind hearted. When he found the old man tired of digging the ground, he offered him his
help. Like that he showed kindness towards the bearded man also. He kept on bandaging
the bearded man’s wound until blood stopped coming out from it. He was down to earth, he
dressed up like a common man and spent the night sleeping on the floor at the hermit hut.
He forgave the wrong and promised to help him in every possible way. He decided to return
the bearded man's property that he seized in a war. He made peace with the man even after
the man tried to kill him.

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