Internship Undertaking

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Internship Co-ordinator

S. Majumdar & Co,

5 Harish Mukherjee Road,
Kolkata – 700025

Re : S. Majumdar & Co., Internship acceptance, Representations and Undertaking

I, ………ARYAN PRIYADARSHI……., son/daughter of …AJAY KUMAR

SINGH……………….. accept the offer to Intern with S. Majumdar & Co. (hereinafter SMCO)
and understand the following:

1) The internship is for the period of …………04/03/2024………. to ………


2) SMCO will not provide me with remuneration, nor will SMCO provide any
reimbursement for any expenses incurred by me during the internship unless such
expenses are in connection with performing any activity in the course of the internship
and such activity is at the instance of the supervisor(s)/ internship co-ordinator for which
the supervisor(s)/ internship co-ordinator will give me written instructions.

3) I will not be considered in any respect as a staff member of SMCO. SMCO accepts no
responsibility for costs arising from accidents and/or illness incurred during my

Meanwhile, I undertake the following obligations in connection with the internship programme:-

4) I will treat all unpublished information to which I will be given access in the course of
the internship as confidential information and I will not divulge the same to anyone. I will
not publish any written work, both during and after the completion of my Internship
which contains confidential information obtained during the internship, without prior
explicit authorisation from the Internship Co-ordinator.

5) I will not carry with me details of any Intellectual Property I may have had access to and
the details of the clients of SMCO whose matters are given to me during my internship
outside the office premises.

6) In the event any such information including but not limited to confidential information
remains in my possession I will voluntarily destroy such information by deletion (if in
soft copy) /return the same to the internship co-ordinator (if in hard copy).

7) I will provide written notice to my supervisor(s) and the Internship Co-ordinator should
illness or other unforeseen circumstances prevent me from completing the internship.

8) I will observe all rules, regulations, instructions, procedures and directives of SMCO
which may be brought to my notice from time to time.
9) I will strictly adhere to office timings of 10 a.m to 7 p.m (Monday to Friday) and 10 a.m
to 3 p.m. (Saturday). In the event I am unable to report for personal reasons on any given
working day, I shall personally inform the supervisor(s)/Internship Co-ordinator of such

10) I will use office stationery including but not limited to computers only in relation to the
work assigned to me by my supervisor(s) and the Internship Co-ordinator.

11) I will complete an Internship Report on the last day of my internship and submit it to the
Co-ordinator of the Internship Programme;

12) SMCO will not be obliged to provide me with any internship completion should I fail to
a) be regular during the internship, and b) submit the Internship Report.

I, …ARYAN PRIYADARSHI………. have read the terms of reference of my Internship listed

hereinabove and I agree that I will abide by them.

_________________________ _____08/03/2024____________


_____________________________________ _____________________
S. Majumdar & Co., Internship Co-ordinator DATE:

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