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Name: Date:


INSTRUCTIONS: Read the short conversation between acquaintances talking about their job.
Answer the questions based on the story.

Person A (Alex): Hey there! How's work treating you lately?

Person B (Sam): Not too shabby, actually. I've been dealing with a lot of numbers and data analysis.
Alex: Ah, the usual grind. I've been working on projects that involve a lot of creativity and design elements.
Sam: That sounds interesting. Do you have to collaborate with many people?
Alex: Yeah, teamwork is crucial. I often find myself in meetings, brainstorming ideas and discussing
Sam: It must be nice to have a balance between creativity and structure. My job is pretty detail-oriented, but
I like it.
Alex: Well, I enjoy the challenge of finding innovative solutions. Keeps things exciting.
Sam: Absolutely. It's fascinating how different our jobs can be, yet there's probably some overlap in

Alex: True. By the way, what do you do exactly?

Sam: I'm a financial analyst.
Alex: No way! I'm a graphic designer. Funny how our worlds can collide in unexpected ways.

I. Answer the question in a complete sentence.

1. What has Sam been dealing with a lot in their job?

II. Match the compound words.
Computer problems

bus instructor
web agent
bank designer
travel worker
factory guard
security driver
computer clerk
ski programmer

III. Complete the table by providing a job then write its work description and your own
desirable trait that would best fit the job. Be specific with the job (e.g. mechanical engineer,
software engineer…)

Jobs work description desirable traits

does medical operations on the human disciplined, hard-working and steady

Heart Surgeon heart hands

Mayor manage a municipality or a city charismatic, popular and empathetic

My personality type: My job choice/s:

IV. With your personality type, do you think it will be compatible with your job choice?
If not, then write the things that you need to improve.

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