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The Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education

Reharl Colony Jammu (Nov. April) / New Campus, B mina. 5rinagar (May-Oct)
0191-2581176 (J.D) 194·2494522 (K.D) emall: di(


Subject:- Revised fee structure for different serviced offered by Board to be effective from

As approved by the Finance Committee of Board in its meeting held on 04·

07.2016. it is hereby notified for the information of all the concerned thilt the re
charged for various services offered by the J K Board has been revised as shown

S.No Examination fee for class 10th SSE

i) For Regular Students Rs 800/ J

ii.) For Private students / Reappear/ English only / Completion cases Rs 800/
ii) Regular/ Private with Additional subject 5+ Rs 960/
lJ=!!gher Secondary Part I (l1 Class), who have to re-appear under old scheme CCE
I i) I Private candidates with 5 subjects Rs 770/
Rs 325 to School Rs 445 to Board
, ii) Private Candidates with Additional Subject(s) 5+ [ Rs 880
Rs 325 to School Rs 555 to Board
Higher Secondary Part I (ll" Class), conducted by JK BOSE 2018 and onwards
i} Regular candidates with 5 subjects ~ Rs 945/-
ii) Regular candidates with Additional Subject(s) 5+ Rs 1135/-
I iii) , For Private students / Reappear/ English only / Completion cases Rs 945/·
t -
Higher Secondary Part 11 (121h Class)
'i) - -1 Regular candidate with 5 subjects Rs 945/-
ij Regular candidates with Additional Subject(s)~_ -
iii) For Private students / Reappear/ English only / Completion cases
lama In Elementa Education D.E.ED one ear course
J..-f---+,-- Regul r candidates
- _ Rs 1110/.
ii For Private / Reappear candidates Rs 1110/-
Certificate course
in -~jcal Educat ion E)(a-m-=I-na-t-:-io-n---------'-----..:----s
-__- - - ~ ---'- __
j) Regular candidates
- --1-::--=--=-:---:---:-::---------
ii) For Private / Reappear candidates
-.f R~
R 945/·
National Talent Search ExamInation Fee NTSE)
Per candidate R 115/-

L----.-, •
- 1
For I" count 0110 day! from the last dale fixed.
-- -.-
For 2"d count of 10 days from the last date fixed.
i Rs 1550/-

Diploma i~-Elementary Education (two years course, formerly me course Rs 2615/-

- i) Re~u~nr Can_di~ates . Rs 2615/-
ii) Re-appear / Failure candidates /
Late fee )1\ count of 10 d avs from the last date fixe d Rs 840. I-
-- . Rs 1680 -
Late fee 2nd count of 10 days from the last date fixed
--- Late fee 3rd count of 10 days from the last date fixed. Rs 2520/- .
Other types of Fees
i) R gist ration Return fee for Class 91h per candidate. 1 Rs 495/-
late lee for Registration for l~t count of 10 days per candidate Rs SO/-
late fee for Registration for 2nd count of 10 days per candidate Rs 60/-
,,--._- Rs 75/-
Late fee for Registration for 3rd count of 10 days per candidate
.- ii) Re-evaluation fee for class 10th per- script Rs 410/-
I iii)
I Re-evaluation fee for class 11'" per- script
Re-evaluation fee for class 12fh per- script
Rs 410/·
Rs 410/·
v) Re-evaluation fee for D.E.Ed (ETTC) for 111 and 2nd year per Rs 495/·
I scripts
\ vi) Fee for issuance of Photostat copies of Answer Scripts (Xerox Rs 210/-
copies) per script
vii) Communication of Result in Advance under Rules Rs 725/-
viii) Amendment in result (under rules) on account of omission" error Rs 410/-
bv a candidate.
ix) Verification of the result particulars for admission to Higher Rs 180/~
x) Rene val of Registration fee (per candidate) Rs 170/-
I xi) Registration fee per candidate ( for private candidates) Rs 495/-
xii) Eligibility fee per candidate Rs 495/-
xii) Fee for creation of a Special Exam Centre for theory under rules. Rs 810/-
However. no fee shall be realised from the candidates of Leh,
Karzil. Keran, Karnah and Gurez)
Explanation:- Amount to be calculated per candidate for constitution of a Special
Centre that fall short of the actual number of candidates per centre (that is 75). For
example if a special centre Is sanctioned for 40 candidates. The amount to be charged
is 35x81O = 2B.350/- and each candidate shall be required to pay 28350/40 =
708.75 whJch shall be taken to the next multiple of ten that is 710/~
xiii) Fee for conduct of Special practical Exams Rs 880/-
xiv) Fee for changes of dates/ session (Morning! Evening) of Practical Rs 180/-
Examination (e~p'ractical).
xv) Fee for permission for private candidates to appear in practical Rs 315/-
~~al}1s !hrough a rec.ognlsed lnstlrute.
xvi) Fee ~or change of subject(s) under rules (per candidate) Rs 315/-
P l- 4J
I i) Fee for processing a case for correction in Name. Parentage. Rs 1'no/.. I

, Caste DOS ete

Note: No fee shall be charged tar Issuance a/revised Marla card /Diploma certlRcate
after reall:f8tion of Correction fee of R1 1110/. However, candIdates who 181/ to
Jurrender their ariainel certificates shall be charge fee under the tile Duplicate MaFia ,
. cardl QUilliBcellon Certificate in addition fa correaton fee of R11110/ ~ .-.- I

il) Fee for issuance of d_ Ucate Qualification certificate(s) Rs 8BO/- . -

iii) Fee for provlslonal Certificate Rs 315/-
tv) Fee for Date of mrth Certificate Rs 315/-
v) Fee for certificate indicating particulars Rs 315/-
vi) Fee for Inter ,Board I University 1v1igratiofl Certificate Rs 410/·
. --~~--
Rs 410/·
vii) Fee ror Duplicate Inter Board / University Migr,aUon Certincate ._-
-- -
Fee for Inter School Migration Certificate ~ Rs 315/-
ix} F ..•.o for Duplkate Inter Sch?ol,Migration Cerflficate
11: ••• Rs 315/-
x) Fee- for Dup1ica~eMerit Certl ficate , Rs 315/-
xi) Fee for Duplicate Marks. Registration. Admission C~rd 'Rs 2S0/-
xii) Fee for reservation of ElICamfnation fee , Rs 25'0/- -
xiii) F.::.:::I for Issuance of equivalence cerUfi.c:aitewithin
. country Rs 270/-
Fee for issuance otforeign equivalence certificat'E!. Rs 420/·
- J

xv) Verificatlon of quaUflcation certificate Rs 650/-

xvl] . VerificaUon of quellflcatlon c,erUficale In respect of members of Ps 190/--
Defence SeNke and Paramilitary ,
Affiliation, hupecUon fees I
i) Affiliationl Inspection fee for D.ELEd Institutes (mc/ D.E. EO) Rs 1~700/
fee for inspection for Ree,ognition of Institute I Up-gradation
i) ; Govt Higher Secondary School Its 5020/
ii} t Private Highe~Secondary School Rs 14040/

Hi} Govt. H~gHSc;nbols

Rs 3650/
iv) Private High Schoo.15 Rs 12040/
Fee for recogn ition in new subj,ed (5) I Stream ~ ,
--- ~- ,
i) Govt Higher Secondary School Rs 50201 I
ii) 1 Private Higher Secondarv Scht)ol Rs 100201
I Periodical: Inspectran (Extension,)
i} Govt Higher Secondary School R$ 4410/-
ii) Private Higher Secondary Schoo~ ., RsIOO20/
iii) Govt. High School~ Rs 36501
iv) Private High School15 Rs,8020/

vJ Annual ~n~pectlon fee for determining rnfrastructural and
Academic viabUttv
fib 3675/·
• , -

0\\\ .r po·
V ~
Fee for Ins eetion of Hostels
First Ins ecti on
Rs 4000/-
i) Gov~ Hostels
- Rs 8020/
ii Priv I Hostels
_ Jeriodlcill Inspection
Rs 4000/-
i) Govt. H ostels
Ptiv t Hostels
Rs 8020/

Note: No fee shall be charged for any of the services offered by JK 805£ In favour of
specially- abled students (Destness, Dumbness, BJindnes5, Lower Vision. Leprosy
Cured, Hearing Impairment. Loco-motor disability, Mental retardation and Mental
llness) who are 50% or more physically challenged.

': F( cad-C)Rev-Fee/B/2019 Sd-

Dated: 23-01·2019 SECRETARY

Copy \0:-
1. Director School Education, Kashmir/ Jammu for information.
2. All Joint Secretaries of BoSE for information and necessary action.
3. Chief Accounts Officer BaSE for information
4. All Chief Education Officers of J&K State for in ormation.
5. P.Sto Secretary to Govt. School Education for information of the Secretary.
6. P.S 0 Chairman / Secretary for information of the Chairman / Secretary
7. Deputy/ ssistant Secretary, Admin. Central, General, Registration. Audit. Exams. I.
11. and Ill. Supervisory. Forms. J.D /K.D for information and necessary action
8. All Assistant Directors / Academic Officers of Board for information.
9. Accounts Officer J.D/ K.D for Information and necessary action ..
10.All Section Heads / Sub/ Branch Offices of JK BoSE for information and necessary
11.Manager J&K Bank Bose Campus Bemlna, Srinagar / Rehari Colony Jammu for
information and necessary action.
12. Information officer K.D/ J.D for information.
13.I/C website for information and for uploading the same on official website of JK
14. P.A to Director Academics for information of the Directo . ('\ ,0-....
15. Office file. 't-b /0 r-Y"
~~ •.. -
Deputy Secretary

d ic~n\l

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