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IT: The Next Five Years

Albert College

Total Wrods: 5,571

TASK 1...............................................................................................3

TASK 2...............................................................................................8

TASK 3.............................................................................................14

TASK 4.............................................................................................19



For some years, business organisations have embraced and adopted the new
technical developments in the field of information technology to implement the
successful business strategies in meeting the organisational objectives. As businesses
today are heavily dependants on quick and right information to make the correct
decisions in order to manage the business operations effectively and efficiently.
Collection of data to generate and disseminate the information among the different
organisational units of business to make the better decisions is a real spirit of any form of
business. Business firms have formulated various IS strategies to meet the information
need of its different processes attached to provide the improved and quality services in
terms of internal communication, research and development, supplier communications,
logistics performance and customer services (Galliers and Leidner, 2003). Computer
based information systems provide lots of opportunities to any organisation to gain the
competitive advantage, formulate the global marketing plan and satisfying the customer’s
needs by knowing their preferences. In general, the latest developments made in
information technology have opened new horizons for companies to attain the ultimate
success in the business. Information systems might influence the centralization and
decentralization of controlling the system and decision making capabilities.


Graham And Green store is a private limited company founded by Antonia

Graham in year 1974 who opened his first shop in Notting Hill. Today Graham And
Green is manufacturing world class furniture of all ranges in UK and company has 6
beautiful shops and every year four catalogues. The company has developed an immense
reputation among the business of furniture in these years and are producing quality
products keeping in view the choice and taste of their customers closely. The company is
mainly operating its business operations by using plain old techniques and concepts. The
current working environment of the company is not fully integrated through an
information system therefore lots of business activities are performed using the
traditional methods through the assistance of stand alone computers at different
departments and locations.
The management of the company has now realized the need of a full integrated
system that will keep the record of all business transactions in a central database and the
required data and information will be also be available at any time. Administrative staff
at different departments of the company is currently using the computers only for the
purpose of taking orders, recording the transactions of sales and purchases, preparing
financial statements and also preparing the employees salaries sheets using the MS Office
suite. Computers have been deployed as stand alone and there is no sharing of
information among them. The Managing Director of the company is now seriously
interested to improve its business strategy by developing a fully computerized
management system to provide the support to its all major functional areas. The MD has
felt that new business strategy by implementing latest development of IT will really boost
the business by keeping employees and clients’ record and history in information system
that will also enable an organisation to manage its routine tasks and customer care
services in better way.


The scope of the Graham And Green case study discussed above is to address the
all those issues of competitive environment, improved communication internally and
externally, changes in customer preferences, more use of technological developments and
strong competition that may influence on the business performance. The other main
objectives or aims of the case study are as under:
 Full integrated system
The implementation of an integrated system will allow the business to acquire the all
information from all departments through integrated application and thus all data will
be saved on a single site. The application will be installed on all PCs used in different
department of the company at four different locations.
 Fully automations of daily business activities
When the system will be fully computerized and all business information will be
stored on a server system, the business operations will be fully automated. The
computerized system will also enable to make their designing and catalogue stored in
computers. Using computer aided design technology; the furniture quality will be
 Easy sharing and management of information
The sharing and management of information can easily be done with this new system.
The management of information includes collection, retrieval, storage and
 Better Security and controlled access on the information
Only users with valid access will be granted the permission to login into the
application and perform its required task that is how the security on data will
automatically be achieved and access on the information will be restricted and
 More effective communication system
All computers will be connected through a wired network internal to a store and four
stores will be connected through wireless network that will provide an opportunity to
communicate with other employees and department in real time.
 Single storage base to improve the process of decision making
All information will be processed, extracted, stored and disseminated through a single
storage repository. The higher management will be allowed to access any form of
information and making right decisions using the updated information.
 Fast and improved customer services by satisfying their needs
The customer services will be much faster and improved after being implanted the
new computerized system as all processes will use the latest technical developments
and customers will also more satisfied with new system.
 Less usage of stationery resources
The usage of stationery and paper resources will be minimized as all record
management will be computerized where the loss of information is less than the
manual file system.
 Better supply chain management and customer relationship management
The over all performance of business operations including supply chain and customer
relationship management will be much improved.


According to the Oxford English dictionary the word enquiry means as an action
for searching for information, knowledge or truth concerning something investigate,
search, research and examination. Encarta Dictionary simply defines the word enquiry as
investigation of identifying the realities regarding any case or problem. System is
generally considered as a group of interrelated elements so we have to adopt a method of
enquiry when we have to analyze the different elements of information system. Enquiry
methods are generally divided into three different modes.
1) Simple ( inductive-consensual and analytic deductive)
2) Complex ( dialectic and multiple realities)
3) Innovative ( unbounded system thinking) as selected method of enquiry


Inductive-consensual mode of enquire is generally observed limited set of
probable solutions and only one solution is mainly considered for the problem first
formulated by the decision maker. Whereas the method of Analytic deductive is used for
easy and simple problems that requires observation of current system from all aspects.
This mode of enquiry believes that every problem will guide towards only one solution
which is truth.


Dialectic mode of enquiry is to emphasize on the dissimilarities in typical and
traditional assumptions instead of using enquiry method to set issues, observations and
data. The decision making would be more progressive with this enquiry method as it can
provide different aspects of same data. On the other side Multiple Realities is somewhat
similar to analytic deductive and inductive consensual as it suggest more strategic
approach is required on the complex information or data in order to acquire a certain


The approach of system thinking for problem solving is that it looks definite
“problems’ as part of whole system by considering that everything is related to
everything as well. Therefore this method of enquiry system enables the decision making
management to select what they think would be most appropriate and effective system of
enquiry for a certain problem. In this method the decision making team will not be
bounded with limitations for a specific idea; somewhat, team can give unlimited issues
and factors related to the given data. There are lots of options available for challenges and
issues that a system can face so this approach will be more useful in acquiring the helpful
and right information and analyze deeply on all plausible solutions and then select the
best one among them with greater performance and throughput of existing system.


It is important to find the main aspects of the macro-environment of business that

can create influence on the organisational growth by completely analyzing and executing
(Johnson and Scholes, 1993; Kotter and Schlesinger, 1991). The ongoing and essential
changes in the culture have always been happening around the business organisations that
build an uncertain environment and force companies to operate under those changes
Tsiakkiros, 2002). Same is the case with the furniture manufacturing industry that since
few years, there have been so many changes being occurred in almost every aspect of
society that induced the manufactures to take on such changes. There are varieties of
tools available for making analysis what possible issues can have influence on the
working environment of any business.


The external environment of Graham and Green store is much competitive as
there are many popular name of retailer in this line of business e.g. B&Q, Bhs, Marks &
Spencer, Asda Furniture, DFS, Debenhams, Furniture 123 and many more well known
brand name in producing the furniture goods of high quality (Davies, n.d.). Theses
competitors are already producing premier quality furniture products to the customers not
only in UK but also around the globe. Graham and Graham Furniture Company will have
to take all possible technical measure to provide the quality services to satisfy the
customers. Our new IS/IT business strategy will integrate all main stakeholders and with
online services to customers and also with the assistance of internet business executives
will in better position to make the right market and product strategy to compete well in
this industry. According to Kotler (1998) who suggests that PESTEL analysis is one of
helpful strategic tool in understanding the business position, market decline or growth,
direction and potential for operations. With addition of Porter’s Five Forces model and
SWOT analysis, organisations can review their strategic business directions and
marketing position among different competitors. These different tools provide an
advantage of analyzing the marketing plan, strategic plan, research reports and also
business and product development for any business company.


New integrated system to be developed for Graham and Green will communicate
the UK government agencies directly and tax deductions will automatically be done and
filing. Other government duties imposed on the business will also be calculated and
submitted automatically. The new IT/IS business strategy will offer the company to take
the competitive advantage by improving internal capabilities and also making right
market plan and product development strategy. In making right business strategies the
new system will always provide updated and consistent information to the top
management. Moreover our new information system will implement all the latest tools
and techniques in designing and crafting the furniture goods and customer needs will be
cared specially. The system will facilitate in knowing the peoples life style, new trends in
furniture manufacturing, customers concerns about environmental effects by the products
they use and more over the customer can get the awareness of our products safety and
usage by accessing the company’s web page from sitting their homes.
After taking on most modern technical developments, the company will in better
position to take competitive advantage by making effective business strategic plan and
marketing plan in order to get more clients. There are already well known brands in
producing the furniture in local and global market so the company has to formulize such
marketing strategy that will attract the customers’ intentions and new information system
will greatly help in achieving competitive rivalry.


In designing and building the craftspeople, the new information system will help a
lot in future. Today people like to first catalogue of furniture goods from the internet so
company’s web site will offer them this facility to view their products details. Online
booking and orders for furniture will also be implemented in the new bespoke integrated
information system (Windischhofer, 2003). As people are more innovative today and
they may demand customization in our already build furniture products so our new
system will offer the facility of customization to its customers through online system and
also by visiting to the show room. The new system will be more effective and efficient in
servicing the customers by adopting the latest technological improvements in the
business and that’s how the customers will be more satisfied.
After implementing the new integrated information system by employing the
latest technical instruments, the gas emission will be reduced up to zero level during the
process of manufacturing and finishing furniture products. That’s how the customers
concerns related to using environmental friendly products will be managed and more
customers will demand our products and business will get the competitive advantage. The
new information system will fulfill the requirement of technological usage imposed by
the government in order to gain the approval from some law enforcement agencies to
operate the business. The certification of the products from ISO will also be made
through the assistance of new information system.


PESTEL analysis ensures that the performance of business is aligned in right
direction with influential forces of change on the business environment (Porter, 1985). In
PESTEL analysis, two more factors of environmental and legal, are focused on the
business environment that help business organisations to take benefits from the
opportunities identified and build contingency business plans in eradicating the threats
when making strategic plans (Byars, 1991; Cooper, 2000). The brief look on different
external factors that may have impact on the business of Graham and Green is as follow:

UK is politically a strong democratic country that provides many opportunities to
its business organisations but they all have to follow the Government rules and
regulations in the context of manufacturing business. Graham and Green store is directly
comes under the furniture manufacturing industries and there are two strong furniture
associations who have the furniture manufactures from all around UK as voice of
industry to Government BFC (British Furniture Confederation) and BFM (British
Furniture Manufacturers). Under current circumstances, the company is performing well
by following the national employment law, environmental regulations, political changes,
government taxes, customer protection and industry-specific rules and regulations. The
taxes are collected from both central and local governments to provide the best business

The whole world is under great economic recession since 2007, the UK economy
includes the economies of Wales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The economic
conditions are still favorable from the consumer perspective in buying the furniture
goods. The UK economy is one of most globalized in the whole world where the city of
London is regarded as busiest and largest financial city in world. According to Economy
Watch, the GDP of UK’s industrial sector in 2008 was as under:
 Industry and Manufacturing (22.8% of GDP)
 Services Sector (76.2% of GDP)
 Agriculture (0.9% of GDP)
These indicators clearly show that manufacturing and industry sector is second major in
contributing the UK economy. The British economy declined with a greater pace than
expected in year 2009 that impact on the housing market, consumer confidence,
employment and manufacturing relatively slower rates. But declining rate was much
faster than the previous years noted (Economy Watch). Besides all these factors the UK
economy from manufacturing point of view is strengthen.

The UK furniture manufacturing industry is normally recognized as traditional
bespoke products by the skilled craftspeople. The population of UK is more aged and
they like every sort of furniture more crafted and designed by producers. The industry at
present employs about 124,000 people in different furniture manufactures that produce
the quality furniture products to the population of United Kingdom. Like other businesses
this industry is also much affected by the social environmental changes and a sustainable
furniture manufacturer will have to focus on all such social factors that will effect on its
business performance (Pandey, 2009).

The new technical developments have rapidly changed the internal and external
working environment of all sizes of business. The furniture industry in UK as is
perceived a skilled craftspeople and design work whether in offices, homes and public
places. The idea of good life style and better living condition is to be flourished at
quicker rate even in the middle class families. For making the life style better, people are
now decorating not only their homes, work places and offices but also in other segments
of places as well e.g. kitchen, dinning, bedrooms and even in bathrooms with modern

All business organisations are today under great stress from the perspective of
environmental factors as they are also directly affected the performance of a company.
The UK government has plan to make government estate as carbon neutral and leading
sustainable procurement by year 2012. The furniture manufactures are bounded to take
timber or timber products from a licensed Forest Law Enforcement, Government and
Trade (FLEGT) or from any other verified legal authority. Today the issue of
environmental safety and earth is more important. The issue of Global warming is mainly
faced by furniture manufacturer because forests and plants are necessary to reduce global
warming (Wisno, 2009). But wood is used as primary raw material in making furniture
products. Another important issue of air cleanliness has caught the whole world attention.

Business firms have to follow the all those rules and policies made by the central
government of that country where company operates its business but in UK the local
government also enforce its legal implications on the furniture industry. Our all six show
rooms are in London that is very congested city and government will have to take some
extra measures on organisations.

The management of any organisation conducts consequence analysis in
determining the outcomes of wanted and unwanted actions to judge the performance of
business after implementing the new bespoke integrated information system as part of
business IS / IT strategy. Consequence analysis is also considered as an important
constituent of procedure of risk management analysis whereas the risk is describes as the
possible result of something that probably be occurred with an action and also its effects.
The process of risk management is related to find out the best requirements that should be
understood from the context of expected consequences and the probability of occurrence.
Consequence analysis engages in obtaining the events of system components failure and
trying to find the plausible outcomes with the occurrence of such events.


The current IT/IS business strategy is just only used the computers for keeping
information record in simple plain old system on all individual PCs. Computers are
connected to gain the internet connectivity and there is no policy defined on the
information sharing process. All staff members at six different locations are using their
own practicing methods to collect the orders for furniture products. The sales
representatives are quoting different selling prices to their customers at different locations
for gaining their individual position at better level. On the other side this also creates a
negative impact on the difference of pricing strategy for the same furniture product which
is a real embarrassing situation for the management of the company. To address the
issues which are being occurred due to the less or no use of IS/IT business strategy, the
company has decided to develop a new integrated system and it’s most likely impact on
the organisation development will be as under:
 The new information system will allow the management to maintain and control the
uniformity in the business operations being performed at different locations.
 The business processes will be performed more smoothly and effectively by the
implementation of new bespoke information system.
 The communication with different stakeholder will be much improved and faster
than the previous system. More refined group level and user level policy will make
the communication plan more effective and efficient. Users will be allowed to
access the information and communicate inside and with external factors according
to the limitations made by the management.
 The record management compared to the manual file system or separate file for the
every user creates lots of data duplication and redundancy which is an overhead so
with the implementation of new system, the information management would be
much easier with database approach.
 The searching of already stored information with the new integrated information
system would be performed quickly and with in no time result will be acquired.
 The information access across the different departments in different location will be
made via each individual access right. Every staff member will login into the
business application be submitting its valid user information. That’s how the system
will achieve the secure and valid access on the information that will minimize the
chances of information loss.
 The top management of the company will be in position to access the correct in all
respect and updated information at any time in making the right business strategies
to gain the advantage of competency.
 The operational cost of overall business will be reduced as less stationery resourced
will be required for office management because all information will be kept on
server PC.
 The management process regarding accounting, financial and human resources can
be operated and managed well with new integrated system.
 The process of supply chain and procurement will also be much improved with new
system allowing communicating the external bodies in real time approach.
 The sharing of information and ideas of experienced and skilled persons can be
done easily with new system.
Consequence analysis provides an organisation to identify the multiple realities by
focusing the expected outcomes from the internal resources, capabilities and
competencies after placing the new IT/IS business strategy. The new developments in
information systems have greatly affected on day to day operations performed by the
staff members by utilizing the resources and capabilities that each individual posses. The
new full integrated system will offer greater performance with lesser resource utilization
by employing the new IS/IT business strategy. There are different types of internal
resources, capabilities and competencies in form of organisational people, management
styles, inside culture, staff members experience and skills, physical instruments, financial
resources and knowledge all are regarded as important factors. With these resources,
capabilities and competencies the possible outcomes by implementing new system can be
seen and finds that the results are in favor of new system or not. The effects or
possibilities on taking an action can be understood and analyzed well by conducting
consequences analysis and following are some effects on the organisation internal
resources, capabilities and competencies:
 The scalability of current business will be much enhanced in terms of business
 The operational cost of performing daily routine tasks by office management will be
reduced and usage of office stationery and goods will also be minimized.
 The throughput of individuals employed in organisation by adopting the new system.
 By integrating the information from all locations into a single server will enable the
management to make better decisions regarding the future development and building
marketing strategy.
 The people will be free to exchange their knowledge, expertise and skills with other
and also they can contact to other persons.
 The system will offer its customer an online web service where their suggestions and
feedback will be obtained and thus system will know about the changes in customer
preferences and new fashion trends in the furniture industry. Such information will
provide help in formulating the business strategy to gain the competitive advantage.
 Enhanced and improved payroll, accountancy and financial system.
 The website of the company will initially just provide the services of business and
products information and customers’ online request for furniture customization can be
 Faster and improved communication system.


The effect / probability and action grid helps an organization to make real
assessment in knowing what actions and their possible likely effects by
implementing new system. This action grid using the techniques of consequence
analysis suggest management what actions have possible impact in favor of
system to be implanted and what actions should not to be taken. Most likely
effects of new integrated information system for Graham and Green furniture
business are categorized as severe, fatal, against, favorable and highly beneficial
for the business growth of the company. Whereas actions are classified as
promotion, highly promotion, prevention and highly prevention while the
possibilities are divided as likely, unlikely, possible and ignorable. The following
effect/probability and action grid will tell the right consequence analysis for our
Effect Probability
Implementation of Will effect on the overall may require lots of skilled
new information business performance. So it is resource and financial
system in favor of highly promotion resource that can create a
and beneficial. problem but ignorable.
Communication Definitely create effect on the the security can be a
system improved communication serious issue if not
internally and externally with properly implemented so
reliable and efficient delivery. as invalid access on the
Integration of different information likely lead
departments of different towards loss of
locations is highly beneficial. information.
Management system The management of all level not an easy issue to
will be in better position to define the hierarchy of
control, monitor and maintain management and then
the internal resources and build the information
capabilities to provide the access plan according to
quality products and crucial their roles and duties.
information can be accessed Issue of managing the
instantly at any time. So it is in human resources is still a
favorable condition. possibility.
Marketing plan and Effective marketing and Difficult but not impossible
product development product development to make a marketing plan
strategies will be possible that would get the ultimate
through an integrated system success. In future the
connected to the internet company can enhance its
world. marketing strategy to
target more customers.
Servicing the Customers can access the System can likely impact
customers needs. website for products details on providing the services
and also request for of online business in
customized furniture goods. satisfying the customers
needs in future.
Competitive system Business can have benefit of There are strong
getting information of firm’s competitors in the field of
rivals and then make its furniture manufacturing so
business strategies unlikely company can not
compete well in export.


The implementation of an integrated information system is not as easy as it looks
from the discussion because there are lots of issues externally and internally involved that
could be a real challenge for its development. The actual development process needs
many resources in terms of human capital, financial requirements, technological and
political factors are also consider in achieving successful information system for a
furniture industry. Some of important and key issues that must be resolved through
constructive and appropriate leadership qualities. The identified key issues in developing
new information for Graham and Green store are as follow:
 Gathering right and useful information
The right and true information gathering can be a major key issue for developing
this new integrated system. In previous system most staff members are using their
own methods of dealing the customers and taking orders so they though
themselves as superior. They are not willing to share their methods with others
especially to the juniors so development team can face issue of gathering true
information. Non-technical persons may feel threat from new system so they can
also feel hesitation in telling the exact information.
 Required Skills, experience and knowledge
During the development process among other problems the system may face the
issue of required skills, experience and knowledge about implementing the
business strategies related to the furniture industry. The process of producing the
customized furniture goods may require highest level of technical skills.
 Need of financial and time resources
Time is always a major resource and its proper allocation and scheduling can be a
challenge for system development so time require for each phase is difficult to
judge and besides this one of the main key issues that may impact on the
development of new system is finance. Until and unless there are enough financial
resources the new system may suffer actual development.
 Secured access on valid data
There are total six different showrooms and locations in London where different
people from different department are performing their jobs. The new integrated
system will provide each official a valid login to access the business information
as per access rules but implementing and restricting the access right is not an easy
task. It involves greater programming skills.
 Need of more technical tools and techniques
The development process of new system may also face problem in fulfilling the
full need of tools and techniques both in terms of software and hardware. Their
availability and deployment can be a key issue and moreover their security from
being damaged by natural disasters.
 Political and social factors
All business organisations operate under some political or social factors from
where they belong. These political factors may include the collection of taxes by
the UK’s central and local government and customers changing preferences due
to demographic and technological factors. They all create serious issues for the
development of new system.
 After sale customer support services
The development team may also face the issue of providing the customer support
services after sale. The furniture goods once sold to the customers can be repaired
and altered but for these services some craftspeople will have to operate the task
but new system through customers’ online interaction.


Building a SSM (soft system methodology) will assist an organisation to stick into
the problems identification and also perform detail overview of existing system (Bell,
1996). Soft System Methodology is considered a holistic approach that proposes in
incorporating the human components of new system with system design work. In short
this methodology will use an approach to build different models of new system
information system for a real world problem (Jacko and Sears, 2003). Modeling of
business processes in terms of management issues and general issues in deployment and
implementing new information system. This methodology involves seven different stages
where the initial stage is about full investigation of system then understanding the
problem. Finally the new requirements for system will be analyzed in detail and
feasibility of purposed system will also be prepared here.


During this phase, SSM will perform the full analysis of purposed new system
after understanding the problems identified and both functional and non functional
requirements for implementing the best solution among different solutions available. The
requirements from different technical developments point of view will be analyzed
carefully in implementing an information system for Graham and Green furniture
manufacturer. This analysis during SSM will provide us the complete assessment of
internal resources, capabilities and competencies requirements in meeting the successful
implementation of proposed solution for our business. The new IT/IS business strategy
will focus on user-centric and business centric key factors that must be fulfilled with new
system development. The analysis will also include the other key factors that may impact
on the development of new IS/IT business strategy from performance issue such as
economic, political, organizational, social and environmental factors would be focused
(Bell, 1996).


Feasibility phase plays a decisive role in the actual development of new system as
it completely makes an analysis of what key resources and capabilities will be required
and how these requirements would be fulfilled. The expected time schedule, financial,
human and technological resources will be studies and the team during this phase will try
to analyze whether the suggested solution is possible with available resources. Moreover
the concept that we want to implement for our business organisation is possible or not
because to some extent we can implement through computerized information system but
not completely. Feasibility report covers from different aspects i.e. economically,
technically and operationally, the proposed system is feasible or not and expected
outcomes can be achieved. Once the feasibility report gets the acceptance from the
management, then team would move towards the rest of development phases of system.
The design phase of SSM enables us to draw the logical concept of
relationship and flow of data among the different entities and through which
processes. The modeling of business processes by making the DFD and ERD of
the current information system is performed in design phase that will show the
relationship among the different entities defined. By looking at these models, the
management will be in position to see the interaction between the actors and
understanding about the new system can be understood. The success of this
phase leads towards the actual implementation of purposed system.

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